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Muscular system.

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1 Muscular system

2 Purpose of muscles Stabilize joints Posture Movement Heat production
Work with tendons to reinforce and stabilize joints that have poorly fitting articulating surfaces Posture Skeletal muscles Fibers shorten at different times Movement Moves bones by pulling on them Primary –muscle that provides the most movement Synergist- muscles that contract and assist the prime mover Antagonist-resist a prime mover’s action and cause movement in the opposite direction Heat production Maintain homeostasis By product of muscle activity

3 Muscle introduction Three types of muscles
skeletal Smooth cardiac A skeletal muscle is an organ of the muscular system Composed of skeletal muscle tissue, nervous tissue, blood, and connective tissue

4 Smooth muscle Elongated with tapering ends Lack striations
Sarcoplasmic reticulum in not well developed Two major types of smooth muscle Multiunit smooth muscle Visceral smooth muscle Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Specialized smooth ER Surrounds each and every myofibril Store calcium and release it on demand when muscle fiber is stimulated

5 Multiunit smooth muscle
Muscle fibers are separate rather than organized into sheets Found in the irises of the eyes and the walls of the blood vessels Contracts only in response to stimulation by motor nerve impulses and certain hormones

6 Visceral smooth muscle
Composed of sheets of spindle shaped cells in close contact with one another More common type of smooth muscle Found in walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, and uterus Fibers can stimulate each other When one fiber is stimulated, the impulse moving over its surface may excite adjacent fibers, which in turn stimulate others Display rhythmicity- a pattern of repeated contractions This is due to self-exciting fibers that deliver spontaneous impulses periodically into surrounding muscle tissue These two features are largely responsible for peristalsis- the wave like motion that occurs in certain tubular organs such as the intestines

7 Smooth muscle contractions
Two neurotransmitters affect smooth muscle Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Can also be affected by hormones Slower to contract and relax than skeletal muscle Can maintain forceful contraction longer

8 Cardiac muscle Found only in the heart
Opposing ends are connected by intercalated disks Elaborate junctions between cell membranes Help to join cells and to transmit the force of contraction from cell to cell Allow muscle impulses to pass freely so that they travel rapidly from cell to cell Responds in an all or none manner Self-exciting and rhythmic

9 Skeletal muscle Voluntary Structure: Contract rapidly but tire easily
Long and cylindrical Multinucleated Striations Contract rapidly but tire easily

10 Structure of skeletal muscle
Endomysium- connective tissue sheath that encloses each muscle fiber Fascicle- bundle of fibers Perimysium- connective tissue that wraps a fascicle Epimysium- connective tissue that covers the entire muscle Tendon- strong cordlike structure formed from epimysia that attaches muscles to bones Aponeuroses- sheet-like structure that connects muscles indirectly to bones, cartilage, or connective coverings


12 Microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle
Alternating light (I) bands and dark (A) bands The light I band has a midline interruption which is a darker area called the z disc The dark band A has a lighter central area called the H zone The M line is the center of the H zone Contains tiny protein rods that hold thick filaments together


14 Microscopic anatomy cont.
Two types of myofilaments Thick filaments (myosin filaments) Made mostly of myosin Extend the entire length of the A band Cross bridges- projections off the ends of the myofilaments that link the thick and thin filaments during contractions Thin filaments (actin filaments) Composed of actin Anchored to the Z disc Makes up the I band

15 Microscopic anatomy cont.
When a contraction occurs actin containing filaments slide toward each other into the center of the sarcomere the H zones disappear because myosin and actin filaments are completely overlapped

16 Sliding filament theory
that the head of a myosin cross bridge can attach to an actin binding site and bend slightly Myosin molecule is composed of two twisted protein strands with globular parts called cross-bridges projecting outward along their lengths This pulls the actin filament with it Then the head can release, straighten, and combine with another binding site farther down the actin filament and pull again

17 Skeletal muscle activity
Irritability- the ability to receive and respond to stimulus Contractibility- the ability to shorten when adequate stimulus is received Must be stimulated by nerve impulses to contract One motor neuron may stimulate a few muscle cells to hundreds One neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells it stimulates are a motor unit

18 Nerve stimulus and action potential
The extension of the neuron (axon) reaches the muscle it branches into a number of axon terminals Each forms junctions with the sarcolemma of a different muscle cell Junctions are neuromuscular junctions The gap between nerve endings and muscle cell membrane is the synaptic cleft


20 Nerve stimulus and action potential
Nerve impulse reaches axon terminals neurotransmitter is released Acetylcholine (Ach) stimulates skeletal muscles Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft and attaches to receptors that are part of the sarcolemma Sarcolemma becomes temporarily more permeable to Na+ and they rush into the cell while K diffuse out of the cell The electrical conditions of the membrane are reversed and opens more channels to allow Na+ entry only This “upset” generates an electrical current called an action potential Leads to contraction of the muscle cell

21 Oxygen debt Oxygen is used to synthesize ATP
When oxygen is low muscles produce lactic acid anaerobic respiration As lactic acid accumulates, an oxygen debt is produced Oxygen debt equals the amount of oxygen required to convert lactic acid into glucose, plus the amount muscle cells require to restore ATP and creatine phosphate to their original concentrations The conversion is slow and may take several hours to pay back

22 Muscle fatigue Fatigue- the ability to contract after strenuous exercise Interruption in the muscle’s blood supply or lack of acetylcholine in motor nerve fibers Usually from accumulation of lactic acid Lowers pH causing muscles not to respond to stimulation

23 Muscle cramp Painful condition in which a muscle undergoes a sustained involuntary contraction Thought to occur when changes in extracellular fluid surrounding the muscle fibers and their motor neurons somehow trigger uncontrolled stimulation of the muscle

24 Muscle responses Threshold stimulus- the minimal strength of stimulation to cause a contraction All-or-none response- a skeletal muscle exposed to stimulus of threshold strength or above responds to its fullest extent Does not contract partially Increasing the strength of the stimulus does not affect the fiber’s degree of contraction

25 Recording muscle contractions
Myogram- recording of muscle that is stimulated electrically Twitch- a single contraction that only last a fraction of a second Muscle is exposed to a single stimulus of sufficient strength to activate motor units Latent period- the delay between the time the stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds Followed by period of contraction- when the muscle pulls at its attachments Period of relaxation- when it returns to former length

26 Summation A muscle fiber exposed to a series of stimuli of increasing frequency reaches a point when it is unable to completely relax before the next stimulus in the series arrives Tetanic contraction- When the resulting forceful sustained contraction lacks even partial relaxation

27 Muscle tone Certain amounts of sustained contraction occur in the fibers Is a response to nerve impulses that originate repeatedly from the spinal cord and stimulate a few muscle fibers Important in maintaining posture If suddenly lost the body collapses

28 Skeletal muscle actions
Origin- the immovable end of the muscle Insertion- the movable end of the muscle When a muscle contracts the insertion is pulled towards the origin Some muscles have more than one origin or insertion

29 Naming skeletal muscles
Direction of the muscle Named for reference to some imaginary line usually the midline Rectus- fibers run straight Oblique- at an slant Relative size of the muscle Ex. Maximus- largest Minimus- smallest Longus- liong Location of the muscles Named with bone associated with Temporalis and frontalis overlie the frontal and temporal bones Number of origins Location of muscle’s origin and insertion Shape of the muscle Action of the muscle

30 Naming skeletal muscles
Number of origins Biceps- two origins, triceps-three etc. Location of muscle’s origin and insertion Named for attachment sights Ex. Sternocleidomastoid- origins at sternum and clavicle and inserts on mastoid process Shape of the muscle Have distinctive shape Deltoid is roughly triangular Action of the muscle Named for their actions Flexor, extensor, and adductor

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