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Strategies for Questions Click for Teacher Pages.

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2 Strategies for Questions Click for Teacher Pages

3 Learning Objective continue The students will identify different types of questions and apply these strategies to reading comprehension.

4 Teacher Page There are essentially 4 types of questions used to analyse texts. They are… 1. Right there questions/literal 2. Think and search questions/re-organisation/inferential 3. Author and me questions/inferential/responsive 4. On my own questions/responsive continue The students will view a series of slides and practice identifying, answering, and writing questions.

5 Procedure 1. The teacher will click through each of the slides. 2. Discuss the different types of questions. Related Activity: Distribute a test that the students have taken. Identify the question types used on the test.

6 There are many kinds of questions. What is your name? How many days until your birthday? Which character was the friendliest? What is your favorite color?

7 “ Right There” Hand/Literal You can point to the answer “right there” in the text.

8 “Right There” Hand/Literal Mary had a little lamb. It’s fleece was white as snow. What kind of animal did Mary have?

9 “ Think and Search” Hand & Head Literal re-organisation/Inferential You need to Search the text for information and Think about what you know.

10 “Think and Search” Hand & Head Literal/Inferential Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick. How are the two Jack’s similar? How are they different?

11 “ Author and Me” Head & Heart Inferential/Responsive To answer these questions you combine what you know or have experienced with what is in the text.

12 “Author and Me” Head & Heart Inferential/Responsive Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? What could they want to do with the wool?

13 “On My Own” Head & Heart Responsive To answer On My Own questions you use your own experiences and opinions.

14 “On My Own” Head & Heart Responsive Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow? What would you plant in your garden?

15 When answering questions… Ask yourself, what type of a question is it? Do I need to scan the text to locate the information? Do I need to gather information from more than one place in the text and think about what I know? Do I need to think about what the text says and apply what I know? Do I need to connect to my own personal experiences and think about my opinions?

16 Practice writing questions for something you are reading. Question types are: 1. Right there. 2. Think and search. 3. Author and me. 4. On my own. The end

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