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Lightning location and Application Laboratory. Accessing lightning data LIS and STARNET.

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Presentation on theme: "Lightning location and Application Laboratory. Accessing lightning data LIS and STARNET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lightning location and Application Laboratory

2 Accessing lightning data LIS and STARNET

3 LIS Access

4 Select the Position

5 Select the area and period – Maximum 12 months


7 Click to download the data


9 STARNET htpp:// Register to get password

10 Data link





15 Use of Field Mill Understanding the Thunderstorm structure Thunderstorm approximation and Lightning activity

16 Santa Maria - Campaign

17 Lets simulate the Ez cd Desktop/TNOTE-Rayos cd E-Field./profiler_lin64 You can edit the file parametros.dat to modify the position of the charge centers and check how Ez changes with distance Try to see if you can find a configuration that resembles the previous image. This exercise will provide a hint to interpret electrical field measurements, because it will be possible to know if a thunderstorm is approaching and if it is severe or not.

18 Lightning signatures in Radars Cross-Sections Examples: Argentina – 18 November of 2009 São Paulo – 12 March of 2012

19 Play with the cross sections Mainly try to find differences in the radar reflectivity profiles with and without lightning. Run./profiler_lin64 Argentina cd Desktop/TNOTE-Rayos/Radar_STARNET São Paulo cd Desktop/TNOTE-Rayos/ CTH_LMA



22 Try to go to the storms and make cross sections where you have lightning and not. Compare the cross section to find signatures on Z (value and height) that is associated with Lightning activity. This will help you to forecast if a lightning is possible and depending on the signature you might even have hail.

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