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FCAT WRITING TRAINING 20 10 SPRING. Day 1 – Tuesday, February 9 Grades 4, 8, 10Writing Test45 minutes Day 2 – Wednesday, February 10 Grades 4, 8, 10Writing.

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2 Day 1 – Tuesday, February 9 Grades 4, 8, 10Writing Test45 minutes Day 2 – Wednesday, February 10 Grades 4, 8, 10Writing Make-Up Test45 minutes Day 3 – Thursday, February 11 Grades 4, 8, 10Writing Make-Up Test45 minutes Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the FDOE prior to implementation. 2 TAM Back of Cover Page; 2

3  The Florida Department of Education has approved an expanded testing window as noted below:  Spring 2010 FCAT Writing extended testing window only for visually impaired and Hospital/Homebound Program students is February 9-17, 2010. 3

4  In general, all students enrolled in grade levels 4, 8, and 10 should participate in FCAT Writing.  Note: Retained students in the tested grade levels are expected to participate in FCAT Writing.  All Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students in grade levels 4, 8, and 10 should participate in FCAT Writing unless their IEP indicates an alternate assessment.  All English Language Learners (ELLs) students in grade levels 4, 8, and 10 should participate in FCAT Writing. 4 TAM 2-3

5 Program District Code School Code Participation StatusRegistration/Reports Florida K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program Florida Virtual Academy 507079MUSTFlorida Virtual Academy Connections Academy 717078MUSTConnections Academy Miami-Dade Online Academy137001MUSTMiami-Dade Online Academy Home Education (FHEP)139998MAYHome Education Office McKay Scholarship133518Private-MAY Public-MUST ESE Office Corporate Tax Scholarship (CTC)979999MAYRegistration- Region Center Report- FLDOE Merrick Hospital/Homebound*139732MUSTMerrick HHIP *District program not in the Test Administration Manual. 5 TAM 2-3; 5-6 Training Packet 11-17

6  Students with Disabilities  Accommodations stated in the student’s current IEP or 504 plan  Presentation  Responding  Scheduling  Setting  Assistive Devices  Emergency 504 Plan  Contact Mary Paz, ESE at 305-995-2799 6 TAM 3-4; 7; 63-69

7  Verify that all students requiring Braille or Large Print test materials have the proper test accommodation documented in District’s Integrated Student Information System (ISIS).  Test Accommodations field on the Additional ESE Information screen in ISIS.  Please refer to Weekly Briefing #6318. 7 Weekly Briefing #6318

8  Students using large print materials will record their responses directly in the large print Writing folders.  If a student provides verbal or signed responses, the test administrator MUST record the student’s responses directly in the large print Writing folder.  Do not use a regular print folder.  Students who use Braille materials will record their responses on Braille paper.  Contractor will transcribe the student’s response from the Braille paper into the regular print Writing folder.  If a student provides a verbal or signed response, the test administrator MUST record the student’s response in the regular Writing folder. If a student is using multiple learning media (e.g., a student uses Braille materials and records his or her response in a large print Writing folder), make sure that the student’s complete response is in ONE answer document type. 8 TAM 9-10; 57; 59

9  English Language Learners (ELLs)  Students who are currently receiving services in a program operated in accordance with an approved district LEP plan:  Flexible Setting  Flexible Scheduling  Additional Time  Assistance in Heritage Language  Approved Dictionary  ELL students in levels 1-4 only. 9 TAM 3-4; 7; 64; 70

10  Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security available at /InfoForTestChair.asp /InfoForTestChair.asp  Adopted by School Board  General Guidelines  Florida Test Security Statute and Rule  School Procedural Checklist 10 TAM 71-74

11  Reading the passages, test items, or performance tasks.  Revealing the passages, test items, or performance tasks.  Copying the passages, test items, or performance tasks.  Explaining or reading test items or passages for students.  Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items.  Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported.  Copying or reading student responses. 11 TAM 11; 71-74

12  Allowing students to handle secure materials before or after test administration.  Leaving secure materials unattended.  Leaving secure materials in classrooms or taking them out of the building overnight.  Administering the FCAT to family members. 12 TAM 11; 71-74

13  Possession of any electronic device that reproduces, transmits, calculates, or records IS cause for invalidation.  “Possession” is defined as “within arm’s reach,” even if the electronic device is not visible.  Students should not have cell phones in their pockets, clipped to their belts, at their desks, or anywhere they can be easily accessed during testing.  Test administrators and proctors should also turn-off their electronic devices during testing. 13 TAM v; 18; 22; 24; 83

14 Do  Provide secure storage  Restrict access  (3 or fewer keys)  Handle secure materials, including affixing of labels in a limited-access area  Maintain documentation  Chain of custody  Book assignment to students  Train test administrators and proctors  Monitor students during lunch break or extended breaks Do Not  Allow unauthorized access to materials or content  Open secure materials prior to date allowed  Allow untrained or uncertified staff to test students  Coach or provide assistance during test administration  View, review, copy, or debrief test content 14 Training Packet 27-31

15  All school staff are professionally responsible for ensuring appropriate administration procedures and reporting any irregularities.  Reporting procedures  Specified in Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security  Test Chairperson /Principal  Student Assessment and Educational Testing  Region Center and/or appropriate District administrative office  Appropriate investigative unit, if applicable 15 TAM 12-13

16  School personnel must be prepared to provide documentation and information in support of subsequent investigations of an incident.  Testing conditions and test security protocol  Testing location of students, including a list of students who tested at the same location and seating assignment  Academic history of students  Resolution of the incident  Steps implemented to avoid future losses or breaches 16 TAM 12-13

17  Missing materials from shipment  Inform SAET immediately  Scoring irregularities identified during state or vendor scanning, scoring, and auditing procedures  PIM reporting on notification  Materials listed in state/vendor “Missing Materials Report”  Conduct thorough search  Return materials and/or provide documentation, as directed  Provide detailed report 17 TAM 12-13

18  Identify a secure locked room to store test materials.  Verify counts of shrink-wrap packets against packing slip and report missing materials immediately. (You may open secure test materials 3 days before the first day of testing.)  Request additional test materials, if necessary.  Maintain a record of security numbers of secure test materials.  Administration Record/Security Checklist  Verify student information on the PreID Roster.  Create student lists  Check attendance daily (new entries and withdrawals)  Provisions for the following should be considered:  Test accommodations for ESE and ELL students  Prepare classrooms and materials for testing  Electronic devices  Lunch schedules and late arrivals  Parent notifications  Train test administrators and proctors.  Assign a four-digit “Group Identifier” to each testing room.  Review Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures. 18 TAM 32-35

19 The Security Number will appear in these spaces. 19 TAM 10

20 Pre-populated version of the form that can be downloaded from PearsonAccess into Excel. Blank version of the form (located in Appendix C of the manual). 20 TAM 14; 81

21  Security numbers are nine-digit numbers followed by a check digit.  Written documentation of the number ranges must be maintained at all times during distribution and return of materials.  Test administrator may use the pre-populated administration record/security checklist, a blank copy of the checklist, or make his/her own comprehensive record of security numbers.  Security number(s) of the document(s) assigned to and returned by each student should be recorded and verified at the completion of each day of testing.  Security numbers of secure materials not already listed MUST be added to the record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are assigned. 21 TAM 13

22  The student information generated by the vendor is based on students enrolled at your school as of October 16, 2009.  Verify the information on the PreID Roster against the school’s student information database.  Verify that the student is still enrolled and will be tested.  Five critical elements MUST be correct on a student PreID label  Student name  Student ID number  District number  School number  Grade level  The PreID Roster includes the complete Social Security Number (SSN) or Florida Student Number for each preidentified student.  Always use the FL ID number, not the District’s student ID number when verifying student’s information.  If any of the five critical elements are INCORRECT, do NOT use the student label. 22 TAM 5; 8-9 Training Packet 21-22

23  Affix the label in the box in the lower left corner of the student grid sheet.  Do not remove labels once they have been affixed.  Do not place a label over another label. 23 TAM 8-9

24 IMPORTANT DISTINCTION:  For LP users, the student grid sheet on the front cover of the large print answer document must be completed.  For BR users, the student grid sheet of the regular print answer document must be completed and included in each student's return envelope. Complete each student’s grid sheet in one of the following ways:  Affix the student’s verified PreID label in the lower left corner of the grid sheet in the box that reads Place STUDENT LABEL here.  If the student does not have a label, grid the student information with a No. 2 pencil. 24 TAM 8-9; 56

25 Student Information (must be completed by the student) Grade Level/ Content Assessed Student Label Area Student Demographic Information School Use Only DNS and UNDO bubbles 25 TAM 10

26  Use classrooms whenever possible.  Make sure that each room is free of distractions and has  Comfortable seating  Good lighting  Sufficient workspace  Adequate ventilation and free of distractions  Avoid testing in a cafeteria, gymnasium, auditorium, or library whenever possible.  Make sure that:  students are not facing each other when seated at tables.  students are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily view other students’ answers.  there is at least three feet between students.  Remove or cover all visual aids on student desks or displayed in the room, such as posters showing grammatical concepts. 26 TAM 34

27  Speak with school administrators to formulate a plan to address the following issues:  Electronic devices  Lunch schedules  Late arrivals  Make-up testing  Parent notifications 27

28  ALL personnel involved in the FCAT administration must receive training prior to the FCAT administration and sign a FCAT Administration and Security Agreement Form.  All signed forms must be retained at the school site for 1 year following the release of results.  Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification.  Please carefully read the Test Security Policies and Procedures to ensure that you are following the correct procedures.  Only instructional certified personnel may serve as test administrators.  Instructional certified personnel AND support staff may serve as proctors. 28 TAM 11; 33; 77 Training Packet 19-21

29 StudentsProctors 1-30 studentsTest Administrator* 31-60 studentsTest Administrator and 1 Proctor 61-90Test Administrator and 2 Proctors *It is recommended that a proctor be assigned to rooms with 30 or fewer students whenever possible.  School Personnel may  Prepare, distribute, and collect materials under direct supervision of the test administrator  Complete student grid sheets  Non-school Personnel may  Assist in monitoring test administration only  Only be used as an “extra” pair of eyes  MDCPS students may NOT serve as proctors. 29 TAM 12 Training Packet 19-21; 26

30 30 TAM 77 Training Packet 26

31  A group identifier identifies groups of students tested together.  It is similar to a Test Group Code, but it is NOT entered on the test document or recorded on an electronic file.  Generate a four-digit numeric code to assign to each testing room.  Record the group identifier number in the Administration Record/Security Checklist. 31 TAM 33; 81

32  FCAT Writing Test Administration Manual  No. 2 Pencils  Watch or Clock  Signs and Cover Sheets from Appendix C in test administration manual  Administration Record or equivalent form  Required Administration Information  Seating Chart  Security Log  Test Materials  Writing SSS Folders  Planning Sheets 32 TAM 17-18

33  Schools must maintain the following information for each testing room:  Students assigned to the room – Student Name and Florida ID Number  Attendance Information – Present, Present but Invalidated, Absent, Withdrawn  Unique Security Number of the Writing Folder Assigned to Each Student  Group Identifier Number 33 TAM 17

34 34 TAM 18; 79

35 35 TAM 19; 23; 85

36 Test administrators and proctors are required to actively monitor students during testing.  During testing, ensure that students:  clear their desks of all materials except the appropriate test materials.  do not have books, notes, scratch paper, or electronic devices of any kind even if they do not use them.  do not talk or make any disturbance.  work independently.  write a complete response on their Writing folders.  Do NOT:  use cell or classroom phones (except emergencies), check email, grade papers, etc.  talk with students about test items.  help students with their answers.  read the contents of Writing folders and planning sheets.  return Writing folders to students after they have been collected.  discuss writing response with students even after all test materials have been returned and testing has been completed. 36 TAM 21; 24

37 37 TAM 15-16

38  Purpose of test invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Schools may either:  invalidate at the school level only after discussion between the school assessment coordinator and the school administrator.  you may contact district coordinator for guidance.  A test MUST be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur:  A student has an electronic device during testing.  A student is cheating during testing.  A student is disruptive during testing. Note: Situations involving possession of electronic devices, possible cheating, or disruptive behavior should be investigated and discussed with the school assessment coordinator and school administrator before a final invalidation decision is made. 38 TAM 15

39 A test MAY be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur: 1. A student becomes ill and is unable to finish, OR a student is not allowed the correct amount of time. 2. A student was given an accommodation not allowed on the FCAT. 3. A student was given an accommodation not on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or LEP plan. 4. A student was not given an allowable accommodation listed on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or LEP plan. 5. An error occurs in test administration or procedures that could compromise the validity of the test results (e.g., students had access to an unauthorized visual aid that gave an unfair advantage). 39 TAM 16

40  If a defective Writing folder is identified before testing, give the student a replacement Writing folder.  Grid all information on the student grid sheet of the replacement folder.  If a student discovers he/she has a defective Writing folder during testing, give the student a replacement Writing folder.  Grid all information on the student grid sheet of the replacement folder.  When the student completes the test, he/she must, under the supervision of the test administrator, transfer the exact responses from the defective document to the replacement.  Return defective Writing folders with the NOT TO BE SCORED materials. 40 TAM 16

41 The DNS bubble MUST be gridded if any of the following circumstances occur: 1. The writing folder is defective and USED. 2. A student name, student ID number, district number, school number, OR grade level is INCORRECT on a label affixed to a USED Writing folder. 3. A student label has been placed over another student label on a USED Writing folder. Note: If a Writing folder is soiled (e.g., vomit or blood), it may be transcribed to a replacement folder and then destroyed in a secure manner. The school name, school number, security number, and grade level must be provided in writing to the Assessment Office within 24 hours. 41 TAM 16

42  Under the following circumstances, it is NOT necessary to grid the DNS bubble if the document has been packaged properly for return with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials. 1. Preidentified document belongs to a student who has withdrawn before testing begins. 2. Preidentified document belongs to a student who has been absent during the entire testing window. 3. Document is defective and UNUSED. 4. Preidentified information is incorrect and the document is UNUSED. 42 TAM 16

43  Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned.  Check for and remove all planning sheets from writing folders.  Make copies of and file the following:  records of required administration information collected by test administrators  all Security Logs  Verify DNS and UNDO bubbles.  Set aside in a secure location All NOT TO BE SCORED materials. 43 TAM 36

44  Prepare “TO BE SCORED” materials into the following stacks by grade level, if applicable  Florida K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  Florida Virtual Academy (50/7079)  Connections Academy (71/7078)  Miami-Dade Online Academy (13/7001) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  Home Education Program (13/9998) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  McKay Scholarship Program (13/3518) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship Program (97/9999) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  Merrick Hospital/Homebound Program (13/9732) TO BE SCORED Writing Folders  Your School’s TO BE SCORED Writing Folders 44 TAM 36-43 Training Packet 34

45  Florida K-8 Virtual School Continuity Program (formerly Connections Academy and Florida Virtual Academy)  Materials for these students should be packaged as in previous years, depending on their school of enrollment.  Place all TO BE SCORED Writing folders for Connections Academy in the envelope marked Florida Virtual School Continuity Program (Formerly Connections Academy) and seal it.  Place all TO BE SCORED Writing folders for Florida Virtual Academy in the envelope marked Florida Virtual School Continuity Program (Formerly Florida Virtual Academy) and seal it. 45 TAM 42-43 Training Packet 34

46  Complete a separate Document Count Form for each Program and/or grade level, if applicable.  Verify that you have included all Writing folders from make-up sessions before you complete each form.  Do not copy blank document count forms. If you need additional forms, contact the Test Distribution Center.  Place each completed Document Count Form on top of the first stack of corresponding TO BE SCORED Writing folders.  Remember to include invalidated Writing folders, if applicable.  Complete and secure Paper Bands.  Do not use staples, paper clips, or tape to seal the bands. 46 TAM 15; 37; 43

47 47 TAM 37

48 48 TAM 38

49  Place all NOT TO BE SCORED Writing folders in boxes.  Unused non-preidentified and preidentified Writing folders  Defective Writing folders  No special order is required. 49 TAM 44 Training Packet 34

50  For each student, complete a Document Count Form  Prepare one envelope for each student, to contain:  Verify the completed information on the outside of each student envelope and seal the envelope.  Place all TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED materials into the boxes in which they arrived.  Refer to page 61 in the test administration manual for the Large Print and Braille packaging diagram. Large PrintBraille  Completed Document Count Form  Large Print Writing Folder  Completed Document Count Form  Braille Final Writing Sheets containing student responses  Braille Writing Folder  Regular Print Writing Folder 50 TAM 58; 61

51 Materials IncludedLabel Color TO BE SCORED Writing FoldersRED NOT TO BE SCORED Writing FoldersYELLOW Large Print and Braille Materials (TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED Writing folders and Braille notes) WHITE 51 TAM 42; 44; 62

52 52 TAM 43 Miami Dade Online Academy (13 /7001) Hospital/ Homebound Program (13/9732) Note: Place invalidated Writing folders with the DNS bubble gridded below the Document Count Form. (71/7078) (50/7079)

53  All planning sheets (used and unused).  The original Administration Record / Security Checklist, or school’s developed form with all the required information  The original Security Logs  The original Accounting for All Secure Documents  The original School Procedural Checklist (FM-6927) 53 TAM 44 Training Packet 34

54  All “To Be Scored” and “Not To Be Scored” materials, and the “District Assessment Coordinator Only” box are to be hand- delivered to TDC as follows:  February 16, 2010: Return date for all Middle and Senior High Schools.  February 17-18, 2010: Return date for all Elementary Schools, K-8 Centers, and Alternative Education Centers. 54 Training Packet 4; 34

55  Forms located at under the Support  Test Administrator  School Coordinator  Encourage test administrators to complete the comment form online. 55 TAM 31; 44

56  Arrangements for accommodations for ESE, 504, and ELL students must be made in advance.  Only trained, certified teachers may serve as test administrators.  Test administrators and proctors must not be placed in rooms with family members.  School-wide plan to appropriately handle:  Electronic devices  Extended break/lunch schedules 56

57  Students may not have any electronic or recording devices at their desks, clipped to their belts, in their pockets, or anywhere they can reach them during testing, even if the devices are turned off or the students do not use them.  If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s) during testing, his or her test must be invalidated in order to successfully enforce this policy.  Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification.  Please carefully read the Test Security Policies and Procedures to ensure that you are following the correct procedures. 57

58 Student Assessment and Educational Testing Maria C. Bruguera, Director Email: Mara Ugando, Staff Specialist Email: Phone: 305-995-7520 Fax: 305-995-7522 58

59  The vendor’s training materials are available online at:  Click on the Support Tab  Training materials from today’s training are available online at: 59

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