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Wednesday, 5 th November, 2014 UREGNI Offices Belfast Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 5 th November, 2014 UREGNI Offices Belfast Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 5 th November, 2014 UREGNI Offices Belfast Retail Markets Co-Ordination Working Group

2 ReMCoWG Agenda Agenda ItemPresenterTime IntroductionJ Gregory ReMCoDS12:30 – 12:35 ReMCoSG Meeting FeedbackJ Gregory ReMCoDS12:35 – 12:45 Tibco Hub/EMMA UpdateCarmel O’Connor, S Dines12:45 – 13.00 Smart Metering UpdateCarmel O’Connor13:00 – 13:15 Market Design UpdateJ Gregory ReMCoDS13:15 – 13:35 ReMCoWG To-Do List ReviewJ Gregory ReMCoDS13:35 – 13:45 AOB & ClosingJ Gregory ReMCoDS13:45 – 14:00

3 Approval of Minutes Minutes from ReMCoWG meeting 10 th September 2014

4 Update from ReMCoSG Meeting 5 th November 2014 There has been no ReMCoSG meeting since the last ReMCoWG on the 10 September 2014. The next ReMCoSG is on the 19 th November 2014 SG Action Item 123 - ReMCoDS to update the Co-ordinated Change Control Strategy document to include the CoBLCR and Co-MMR. Co-ordinated Change Control Strategy Document (v4.0) has been updated and sent for review to the RAs. It is hoped to get sign off at or before the SG on the 19.11.14. Once sign off has been granted, the new document will be posted to the RMDS website.

5 ReMCoSG Supplier Rep Request 5 th November 2014 The two Supplier Representatives at the SG have requested All Market Participants (ROI and NI) to provide a contact name and email to facilitate communication between the Reps and the MPs in relation to SG matters, agenda items or action items. Please provide the name, email and phone number of your designated SG contact to ReMCoWG by 14.11.2014 ReMCoWG will pass the details on to the two Steering Group Supplier Reps. Your organisations designated SG contact should have a good knowledge of market issues and be well placed in the organisation to communicate to relevant internal operations. Your SG contact will be included on any emails sent by the SG Rep and it’ll be up to them as to whether they want to respond. The SG reps will not be chasing for responses.

6 ReMCoWG Action Items 5 th November 2014 Updated ReMCoWG Action List issued in advance of meeting 9 Actions closed since last ReMCoWG meeting:

7 ReMCoWG 5 November 2014

8 8 AGENDA Recent Events Future Plans

9 9 Recent Events Maintain operational stability –No major events since the last meeting –Overall the number of contingency events is decreasing Supplier EMMA housekeeping -Suppliers are reminded to continue their EMMA housekeeping and to keep ESB/NIE updated with any possible IT impacts in advance -Capita have prepared an application monitoring guide for Suppliers which will be issued shortly

10 10 Recent Events Start DateEnd DatePlannedContingency InvokedComments Supplier 115/09/2014 YYSupplier Security Patching Supplier 215/09/201416/09/2014NYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 316/09/2014 NYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 418/09/201425/09/2014NYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 129/09/2014 YYAntivirus update Supplier 506/10/2014 YYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 606/10/201410/10/2014NYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 710/10/2014 YYEmma Relocation 19/10/2014 YYServer patching Supplier 420/10/201421/10/2014NYSupplier connectivity issue Supplier 321/10/201423/10/2014NYSupplier Security Patching Supplier 123/10/2014 YYSupplier Security Patching Supplier 830/10/2014 YYSupplier Security Patching Supplier 930/10/2014 YYEmma Rebuild

11 11 Recent work TIBCO Application Monitoring Alerts Successfully implemented on the TIBCO Hub on 19 th October. Capita are currently in the process of contacting Suppliers to confirm the SMPT address and email addresses for alerts. Capita will arrange a suitable date with Suppliers to implement this change. Capita will require a 3 hour configuration window on the Supplier EMMA with an outage of an hour to implement. Hope to complete roll out before Christmas Additional and early TIBCO alerts will benefit the Market and reduce Supplier Outages. Hub SFA Patches Implemented successfully on 19 th October TIBCO Application and Fileshare servers were successfully patched. Additional memory and cache updates complete.

12 12 Future Plans Outage Dates: 9 th Nov – RoI site switch for DR (extranet impacted in RoI) – no outage to the Hub 15&16 th Nov – NI Disaster Recovery, impacts NI and RoI (times tbc) No outages currently planned for December Full details of the individual outages, indicative times and who they effect will be given in advance and are available on the RMDS website The NIE Christmas code freeze will begin on Friday 19th December to Monday 5th January - this includes the TIBCO application The ITS Change Freeze will come into effect from 18:00 on Thursday 11 December 2014 and will run until 08:00 on Monday 5 January 2015.

13 13 TIBCO Upgrade – Project Objectives To deliver a single, stable market messaging solution for both RoI & NI markets to address the ongoing operational issues and independent audit recommendations To ensure a fully supported solution aligned with vendor best practice recommendations and technology roadmaps To deliver a solution to cater for any Smart Metering generated message volumes and sizes (RoI and NI) To deliver a dual-site HA & DR solution capable of running on a 24*365 basis To improve efficiency and reduce risk of implementing Market Change Requests To deliver the solution in a way that minimises impact on Market Participants

14 14 TIBCO Upgrade – Approach to date 3 options identified Project approached in two stages: Stage 1: Scope & Design (8 weeks) Following competitive tender, IBM engaged to analyse and propose a solution for each option ESB Group objectively evaluate each proposal and put forward a recommendation for approval Stage 2: Build Implementation of recommended solution subject to regulatory acceptance and approval to proceed Progress to date: TaskStatusNotes Competitive tendering process for SI partner Stage 1: Scope & Design Commercial Negotiations Regulatory/Market Engagement (Approval to proceed) Project Mobilisation Stage 2: BuildProject Delivery

15 15 TIBCO Upgrade - Options Re-cap 1.Baseline (as-is) - required to address : ●TIBCO Audit Recommendations ●Required product upgrades (BC, BW, GI components and Oracle DB) 2.Address baseline requirements and cater for expected RoI Smart Metering volumes and any additional growth as a result of an NI Smart Metering programme 3.Address baseline requirements, Smart Metering volumes and consider an alternative EMMA design Notes: Scope & Design confirmed that a redesign and rebuild of the existing solution is required to properly address audit findings, perform the necessary upgrades and ensure project objectives can be met This implies a new Hub and new EMMAs for all 3 options

16 16 TIBCO Upgrade - Items of Note Technical workshop was held on 1 October 2014 Suppliers not in attendance were contacted separately Suppliers had until Oct 17 th to express their option preference The vast majority of Suppliers who responded chose option 2 or a combination of options 1 and 2 i.e. Build the Hub to cater for Smart Metering and ensure EMMAs can scale as required Option 3 was not preferred by any Suppliers ESBN/NIE will take account of Suppliers preference to only scale their EMMAs to Smart Metering volumes as required

17 17 TIBCO Upgrade - Current Status Recommendation is to proceed with Option 2 while also taking account of Suppliers’ preference to scale EMMAs for Smart Metering as required: It meets all project objectives To deliver a single, stable market messaging solution for both RoI & NI markets to address the ongoing operational issues and independent audit recommendations To ensure a fully supported solution aligned with vendor best practice recommendations and technology roadmaps To deliver a solution to cater for any Smart Metering generated message volumes and sizes (RoI and NI) To deliver a dual-site HA & DR solution capable of running on a 24*365 basis To improve the efficiency and reduce the risk of implementing MCRs To deliver the solution in a way that minimises impact on Market Participants It is the preferred option of Suppliers and Network Operators It is a less complex solution to deliver than Option 3 It is a cheaper to deliver than Option 3 Approval to proceed based on recommendation is required - start date TBC Expected duration is 43 – 45 weeks incorporating MCR 1111: Debt Flagging and MCR 1122: Essential Plant

18 Questions? Footer

19 5 th November, 2014 Update on Approach to delivery of SMART Retail Market Changes – ReMCoWG Smart Metering Programme

20 20 NSMP Status  Decision on High Level Design published on 14 th October, 2014  Design to take account of the Treatment of ‘Non Participation’ Customers (September 2014) E.g. Privacy Concerns, Technically Unfeasible, Meter Objections Footer

21 21 High Level Overview of Suggested Approach  Under Smart Metering Programme, CER has asked ESB Networks to lead industry workshops in 2014/15 to progress this deliverable  ‘Business as usual’ approach is not valid  First Major project where changes are required to the Coordinated Baseline  Approach reviewed with RMDS  Industry workshops estimated to take 6 months  High Level Design (November’14 – January’15)  MPD/Schema Level (February-April)  Discussion Request(s)/ Market Change Request(s) submitted to industry change control and governance mechanism in Q2 2015  Exceptional Working Group Meeting to approve Smart Discussion Request(s)  ‘Status Updates’ for Industry Change Control & Governance Groups  Updates at ReMCoWG Dublin Meetings  Output: Market Change Request(s) containing approved schema and retail market changes to the Co-ordinated Baseline supporting SMART Metering Footer

22 Market Design Update ReMCoDS 05 November 2014 Jessica Gregory

23 5 th November 2014 MCR / DR / CoBLCR  CoBLCR 009 is being proposed by ESBN.  The Unmetered Type Code appears on the 700 and 701 Market Messages. These are non-transactional codes. The current version of the XML schema does not list the permissible values of the code i.e. schema validation requires only that the value is of maximum length 8 and of type string  Certain Lamp Types are being submitted by Councils on application forms and UMR cannot process these as the Lamps are not included in the retail market’s Central Market System  ESB Networks now wishes to add these new lamp types to the retail market’s Central Market System using existing Unmetered Type Code LED, CFL, CCTV into which new wattages have been introduced. At Today’s Meeting:  Recommendation for Approval by WG

24 5 th November 2014 Outage Process ReMCoDs are notified of a planned or unplanned outage. Template is completed by Outage Originator to ensure that all technical detail is captured accurately. ReMCoDS issue Outage Communications to the market in the following 3 formats. 1. An email capturing all details of the outage 2. The outage is posted onto the new Outage page on the RMDS website *New* 3. The outage is posted to the calendar on the RMDS website. When the outage is completed a designated technical/business Representative will inform ReMCoDS. ReMCoDS will notify the market via email of service resumption.

25 Outage Page on RMDS Website 10 th September 2014 Pink text – Outage complete Black text – Upcoming Outage Access to Outage Page

26 Upcoming Outages 10 th September 2014

27 The 2015 dates are held on the RMDS website at the following link: 0-doc.pdf 0-doc.pdf From 2015 the timings for forums will be as follows Forum Dates and Times 2015 10 th September 2014 IGG/WG/CDA In DublinIGG/WG/CDA In Belfast CDA10:30 – 12:00IGG10:30 – 12:00 WG12:30 – 14:00WG12:30 – 14:00 IGG14:00 – 16:00CDA14:00 – 16:00

28 The following shows full TIBCO availability over the Christmas/New Year period. End of Year Arrangements 10 th September 2014

29 TIBCO Support  On Working days, MPs to continue logging support calls via the Capita helpdesk at  On Non Working days, MP to log issue via helpdesk at, however they will not receive a response until the next working day.  In the event of an EMMA going offline on a non Working day, Contingency will be invoked for the duration of the Supplier outage.  Suppliers will be contacted by Capita regarding the outage on the next working day. ReMCoDS Support  The ReMCoDS phone lines and email inbox will not be manned for the period 24th December 2014 to 2 nd January 2015  For emergencies during this period please contact Jessica Gregory on +353 879548871 On Working days, MPs to continue logging support calls via the Capita helpdesk at More detailed support arrangements will be sent out closer to the end of year. End of Year Arrangements 10 th September 2014

30 Next Steps  Diary dates for next ReMCoWG meeting:  Wednesday 14 th January 2014 - Dublin Dates included on Calendar of Events on RMDS website 5 th November 2014Page 30

31 ReMCoWG Meeting Thank You 5 th November 2014

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