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The Career-learning NETWORK to help you to … review changing attitudes to learning probe new ideas for action examine their implications.

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Presentation on theme: "The Career-learning NETWORK to help you to … review changing attitudes to learning probe new ideas for action examine their implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Career-learning NETWORK to help you to … review changing attitudes to learning probe new ideas for action examine their implications for careers work programme needed expertise & experience map your resources locate your key contacts DVT 3 Forward updated 26/11/05 which way is forward? LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE these ideas in ‘which way is forward? learning from experience’ free at - in ‘the underpinning’ this PowerPoint at the same url - in ‘the magazine’ (in touch) _________ handouts: print in fine colour/ copy in grey-scale

2 changing attitudes to learning more ways of getting hold of material greater reliance on experience-based influences own & other people’s EXPERIENCE growing independence of traditional authorities professional & specialist EXPERTISE accessibility + credibility + usefulness = trust

3 careers-work - ideas for action 1. career-development what is going on in working life? facts, factors and trends for career - both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the person 2. career-management what is people’s experience of that? resolving dilemmas, solving problems and facing conflicts in learning and working 3. careers-work how can anybody help? IAG, careers education experience of work, mainstream curriculum and more

4 learning from LMI 1. information 2. experience 3. learning demands & incentives structures & outsourcing new technologies & global off-shoring sectors & organisations competitiveness change & trends selection criteria & skill-sets race-, gender- & class-distributions being flexible making choices being enterprising achieving employability fulfilling functions being self-reliant being accepted & rejected fulfilment & quality-of-life over- & under-employment employment & other work roles using skills & dealing with conflicts earning & owing promotion & casualisation consequences for self, others & communities and LME being flexible & coping with stress making choices & finding meaning holding on & moving on being enterprising & realising values achieving employability & work-life balance fulfilling functions & realising identity’ being self-reliant & examining alternatives

5 where experience takes learning feelings attachments culture purpose information life-role experience inner life & other people learning step-by-step progress CPI-1 ‘coverage’ CPI-2 ‘processes’ CPI-3 ‘influences’ more on CPI at

6 mapping your resources visits-in / off-site / experience-based one-off / programmed / long-slot modular / continuous / life-wide tests & lists / profiles & plans / diaries & biography short-slot / active learning / experiential IAG / continuing / mentoring display & loan / multi-media / local & life-wide community-linked engaging direct-and- personal contact with people, places & tasks integrated applying selected mainstream learning to life- role experience personal & social development linking own life roles to each other & to other people’s recording setting down learning, experience & intentions specialist classroom developing, reviewing & adapting life- management plans face-to-face engaging individual, personal & specific help information centre gathering information & impressions on opportunity, role and self more locations + more engagement = greater effectiveness

7 locating key contacts how important to be aware of… boundaries around - & within central organisations - & peripheral? professional helpers - & voluntary? present learners - & former? people in organisations - & not? radial links - - & orbital? up-close contacts - - & distant two-way communication - & one …locations for finding expertise and experience

8 any hope here? reviewing changing attitudes to learning? probing new ideas for action? examining their implications for careers work? programming needed expertise & experience? mapping your resources? locating your key contacts? for… if ‘yes’ - glad it’s been useful if ‘no’ - you could tell Bill - at yes/no yes/no yes/no

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