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CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Project Management Dogan Seber (GEON PI and Project Manager) San Diego Supercomputer Center.

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Presentation on theme: "CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Project Management Dogan Seber (GEON PI and Project Manager) San Diego Supercomputer Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Project Management Dogan Seber (GEON PI and Project Manager) San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego

2 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Current GEON member institutions Current GEON member institutions Members Arizona State University Bryn Mawr College Penn State University Rice University San Diego State University San Diego Supercomputer Center / University of California, San Diego University of Arizona University of Idaho University of Missouri, Columbia University of Texas at El Paso University of Utah Virginia Tech UNAVCO, Inc. Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Partners California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal-(IT) 2 ) Chronos CUAHSI ESRI Geological Survey of Canada Georeference Online IBM Kansas Geological Survey Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Other Affiliates Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), EarthScope, IRIS, NASA NSF SupportedPartners

3 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Personnel GEON Personnel 11 PIs 6 Co-PIs 5 sub-contractors A total of ~60 people including students and staff

4 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES Project Timeline Project Timeline 10/ 200610/200510/200410/200310/2002 GEON Kick-Off meeting 10/2007 Ramp-up phase begin internal organization, Hires GEON AHM’04

5 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Organizational Structure GEON Organizational Structure GEON PIs GEON ICC (Internal Coordinating Committee) GEON Advisory Board Science and IT Work Groups Project Coordinator Project Manager ScienceAdmin Chief Software Architect

6 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Workgroups GEON Workgroups Science Group I Mid Atlantic Science Group II Rockies IT Group PortalMappingWorkflowGrid Systems Knowledge Integration Ad-hoc Work Groups (Computation, Visualization, etc)

7 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Communication GEON Communication Face-to-face correspondence –AHM (1/year); PI meetings (2/year) ICC meetings (video conferencing 1/month) Workgroups (weekly meetings) Regular Meetings On-demand Correspondence E-mail lists and bulletin board Individual video conferencing, workshops, national scientific meetings

8 CYBERINFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE GEOSCIENCES GEON Project Milestones GEON Project Milestones Based on scientific needs Flexible to accommodate fast changing technology 2 nd year goals were accomplished: (functioning grid, data registration systems, prototype computational grid applications, mapping, and data analysis, educational initiatives) 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th years will leverage the existing infrastructure and populate the grid with rich data sets and develop integration tools to enable new scientific discoveries

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