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CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 3 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin.

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Presentation on theme: "CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 3 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CivicsCivics Daily Lessons

2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Oct. 3 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent- Oct. 3 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Ch. 5.3 Notes due Oct. 4 –Chapter 5 Section 1 Assessment on Page 146. Answer 1 - 3. Vocabulary- put in FlashboardVocabulary- put in Flashboard Reviewing Ideas and Terms-Reviewing Ideas and Terms- You may type your answers for questions 1+2 in the textbook and show the teacher on day it is due. Critical Thinking-Critical Thinking- Copy the chart into your notebook and complete it by hand. Ch. 5.4 Notes due Oct. 5 –Chapter 5 Section 1 Assessment on Page 152. Answer 1 - 4 Vocabulary- put in FlashboardVocabulary- put in Flashboard Reviewing Ideas and Terms-Reviewing Ideas and Terms- You may type your answers for questions 1-3 in the textbook and show the teacher on day it is due. Critical Thinking-Critical Thinking- Copy the chart into your notebook and complete it by hand. Ch. 5 Test- Oct. 9 In Class Work: Ch. 5.2 –Stimulating Activity –Reading Quiz –Go over 5.2 homework –Coop- back of homework –In Class Reading- Chapter 5.3 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink. –Powers of Congress –Presidential Impeachment Trials –Section 3 Questions. –Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements. –On Line Quiz- section 3 on the overhead if time. Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam -______ Signature:____________

3 Day #31 Homework due today-Homework due today- –Ch. 5.2 Notes due Activities-Activities- –Stimulating Activity –Reading Quiz –Go over 5.2 homework –Coop- back of homework –In Class Reading- Chapter 5.3 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink. –Powers of Congress –Presidential Impeachment Trials –Section 3 Questions. –Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements. –On Line Quiz- section 3 on the overhead if time. Ch. 5

4 Reading Quiz Sect. 2

5 Reading Quiz Sect. 2

6 Homework5.2

7 Homework5.2

8 coop5.2

9 Coop5.2

10 Coop5.2

11 Ch. 5.3- Pages 143-146 In Class Reading- Chapter 5.3 We will use the audio from the book and Live Ink.



14 Congressional Powers 1.Identify 1.Identify: In what five areas does the Constitution delegate to Congress the power to make laws. 2.Make Inferences: 2.Make Inferences: Why is impeachment so rare? 3.Elaborate: 3.Elaborate: Why do you think the framers of the constitution decided to include the elastic clause? What types of powers are granted to Congress?

15 Limits on Powers 1.Identify 1.Identify: What amendment to the constitution reserves some powers for the state governments. 2.Elaborate: 2.Elaborate: What might be an example of a law Congress could not pass? What are some of the limits on the powers of Congress?

16 Ch. 5.3- Pages 143-146 Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements.Homework will be given out when the audio is finished or at the end of the period- Go over the requirements.

17 On Line Quiz- Ch. 5.3 Ch. 5.3 On line Quiz

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