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Dossier 2 – French Regime

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1 Dossier 2 – French Regime
Review Questions Dossier 2 – French Regime

2 Question 1 Explain the behaviour of the French colonists towards the Native people. Behaviour Explanation They settled in Canada without asking for permission from the Natives. They established alliances with some Natives. They participated in battles against some of the Amerindians. They believed the Natives did not own property within the territory because they had no public institutions and they were not Christians They needed the Native people’s help in order to settle the land and they traded fur with them. They fought in order to preserve alliances.

3 Question 2 Give three negative consequences on the Native population following European Contact. New wars because of trade relations More violent battles because of firearms New diseases European assimilation

4 Question 3 In what ways did the Native population help Europeans settle the land? They served as guides. They taught the settlers about such tools as the canoe and snowshoes which they would need to travel throughout the territory.

5 Question 4 How did they French try to assimilate the Natives?
They tried to convert them to Christianity. They aimed to change their lifestyles from nomadic to sedentary. They attempted to make them live under French laws and values.

6 Question 5 Why did Champlain set up the first permanent colonies?
Quebec was founded in order to facilitate the fur trade with the Amerindians. Trois-Riviere allowed for better communication with their Native allies and better protection from Iroquois raids on the fur trade.

7 Question 6 What were the consequences of Samuel de Champlain’s victory at Lake Champlain? This strengthened ties between the French and their Native allies. This caused a 100 year war between the Iroquois and the French, only ending with the signing of the Great Peace of Montreal.

8 Questions 7 & 8 Why did the King of France take full control over the colony of New France? The Company of One Hundred Associates had failed to populate the colony so the King decided he would take charge of New France’s development. Who was the first Intendant of New France and what was he responsible for? Jean Talon was the first Intendant of New France. He was responsible for the settlement and planning of the territory.

9 Question 9 List some of the advantages and disadvantages of immigrating to New France. Advantages Disadvantages Crossing the Atlantic could be rather difficult The winters were much more harsh There was a constant threat from the Iroquois Land was more affordable than in France Women could easily find husband The fur trade offered many settlers economic stability

10 Questions 10 & 11 Who did Jean Talon target with his immigration policies? He wanted to attract more women, craftsmen, merchants and farmers in order to diversify the population. Who were the Engagés? What was used to encourage their immigration? Skilled workers hired for 36 month contracts to pay for their travel expenses. It was much easier for them to obtain the title of master craftsman.

11 Question 12 Briefly describe les Filles du Roy and what was expected of them upon their arrival. They were orphans old enough to get married. They were granted dowries, by the King of France, to find husbands in New France.

12 Question 13 How did Jean Talon encourage population growth in place of his immigration policies? Provide examples. He adopted a policy to support a rising birthrate Some examples of this are: He gave money to men and women who were married by a certain age. He gave money to families that had many children. He also punished those who did not get married through taxation or fur trade bans.

13 Question 14 What did Jean Talon do in 1666? What information was he provided with as a result? In 1666, Talon took the first Census of New France. He found out that: There was 3173 people in the colony, although it seems that those responsible had missed hundreds of people. The population was divided into three main groups: inhabitants, engagés and volunteers. Names were linked to matrimonial status and profession.

14 Question 15 Give examples for each of the social groups present by the end of the French Regime. Social Groups Examples The Secular Elite Administrators, Aristocrats, Bourgeois The Church Bishop, Secular Clergy, Regular Clergy The People Farmers, Craftsmen, Labourers, Small Merchants, Servants, Slaves

15 Question 16 Briefly describe the makeup of New France’s slave population. There were approximately 4000 slaves throughout the French Regime. Most slaves were from the Panis nation, other acquired through other tribes that had captured them. About 1/3 were Africans acquired from the Caribbean or from the British colonies.

16 Question 17 Who owned most of the slave population? And where were they put to work? Slaves were mostly owned by the seuclar elite and the church. Most worked as servants in the cities.

17 Question 18 Describe the seigneurial system.
Large estates granted to seigneurs (either an individual or a group of people) The land was then split up among the censitaires (peasants) The censitaires had to pay dues to the seigneurs, through taxes and work, because they did not own the land.

18 Question 19 How did the seigneurial system encourage population development in New France? This was because of the mutual obligations from both the seigneurs and the censitaires. The seigneurs had to build a mill and maintain their land. This would result in more peasants moving onto the seigneuries and more money for the seigneurs.

19 Question 20 What were some of the disadvantages for the censitaires if their seigneury was given a parish name? They often had to build the church at their own expense. They had to pay the tithe to the parish.

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