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Poorest of Poor Strategy (PoP) (MKSP, Assam) 1 Northeast Development Consortium (NDC) O/O the CML, Beltola, Guwahati, Assam Phone: 94350-14290, Mail:

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Presentation on theme: "Poorest of Poor Strategy (PoP) (MKSP, Assam) 1 Northeast Development Consortium (NDC) O/O the CML, Beltola, Guwahati, Assam Phone: 94350-14290, Mail:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poorest of Poor Strategy (PoP) (MKSP, Assam) 1 Northeast Development Consortium (NDC) O/O the CML, Beltola, Guwahati, Assam Phone: 94350-14290, Mail: --Dr Anil Kr Pegu, Project Coordinator, CML_MKSP

2 Definition & Selection of POP 2  How do you define POP? Members of extreme poor households being less capable to cope with uncertainties caused due to different reasons.  What are the criterion to qualify as POP? Landless, SCs, STs,Minorities, widowed, single women, homeless, deserted, no access to rights & entitlements (Kisan families)

3 PoP Criteria 3 Sl. No. Filter for IdentificationDescription 1Investment/Cost per member Should be minimum 2Technology/ ActivitiesShould be Simple 3Required Linkages/ Resource requirements External resource requirement should be min. 4Level of handholding required Min. external handholding required 5Dependence on un- controllable external factors Min. external handholding required

4 PoP Criteria ….. cont 4 Sl. No. Filter for IdentificationDescription 6ScalabilityWhat is the model? (Y/N) 7ReplicabilityWhat is the model? (Y/N) 8RisksMention the risks 9Expected OutputsIncremental household income/others 10Expected OutputsIncremental household income/others (Rs 30,000/yr) 11Outcomes at the end of project Improved food security

5 What is the strategy? (Mention the strategy-specific to POP) 5  Identification and selection of the PoPs from ULTRA poor families (Landless, SC/ST, Minority etc.) by the community at the village level  Mobilize the PoPs into MKSHGs and involving them into group activities including bank linkages  Get MKs engaged into a set of Key-livelihood activities-in agriculture & Livestock based interventions  Adoption of SA practices both at home and community level to augment healthy foods (Home & Community nutrition garden, Grain & Seed bank)

6 What is the strategy? …. cont 6  System approach for crop intensification (SRI, SWI, SMI,TPS etc)  Introduction of crops (Broccoli, Red cabbage, Carrot, King chilly, Brinjal etc.) in both home & community garden,  Instead of use of chemical, making of Vermi compost, Bio compost & Liquid manure compulsory.. recycling of farm,domestic wastes & domestic water in Pitcher irrigation  Income generation through small animal based livelihood activities through backyard farming system (pig, goat & poultry)

7 What is the strategy? …. cont 7  Introduction of drudgery reducing women friendly technologies & equipment  Specific to landless MKs, adoption of lease-based partnership of land (Pub-Pvt, Pvt-Pvt) on sharing basis on seasonal fallows, field dikes,CPR & pvt lands  Capacity building through staggered training, all season intensive handholding, exposures

8 HOME GARDEN CONTAINS— 8 A number of PERMANENT TREES- Drumstick (Sajina), Papaya, Plantain, Banana, Guava, Ber, Turmeric, etc. SEASONAL VEGETABLES- Pumpkin, Brinjal, Veindi, Bitter & bottle gourd, Indian spinach, Green chilly, Kundri, Pigeon pea, Elephant foot yam, Ginger,Tomato, Cauli flower, Cabbage, Radish etc. * Home scale vermi compost pit * Bio compost * Liquid manure * Pitcher irrigation. (In dry land areas) Annual production—360 to 400 kg

9 COMMUNITY GARDEN PRODUCES 9  Partnership mode (Pub-Pvt, Pvt-Pvt) on sharing basis for the Landless.  Summer & rainy season (Multiple tier cropping pattern) — Brinjal, Veindi, Bitter & bottle gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Pumpkin, Leafy vegetables, Soya bin, Elephant foot yam etc.  Winter season— French bin, Tomato, Ginger, Carrot, Beet, turmeric, Onion, Broccoli, Radish, Coriander, Mustard, Green methi, Leafy Vegetable, Cauli flower, Cabbage, Red cabbage, Chilly etc.

10 INTERVENTION (Model- 1)  HH: SINGLE MAHILA KISAN  STATUS: POP, Land less  Intervention land (lease) : 1 Bigha (.3 ACRE)  STRATEGY: SRI in 1/2 bigha, Vegetable Garden (mix crop) in ½ bigha + homestead garden and small livestock

11 Cost Benefit Analysis ItemProductionRate (Rs)Income (Rs) Vegetable Garden360 kg per year207200 Community garden120 kg202400 Backyard poultry10 X 1.5kg X 6 = 90 Kg meat 12010800 Backyard poultry eggs Av 8 eggs/ per day X 30 days X 6 months = 1440 2.53600 Small Livestock (Pig/ goat) 2 goats per year to be sold 40008000 Paddy (SRI) in ½ bigha 500 kg136500 Total38500 Profit38500-7700Av. Expenses= 20% of total income 30,800

12 Assam Model- 2 Area : 1 bigha (14,400 sq. ft) Land topography : Low land  Strategy: Introduction of multi cropping in agriculture + Backyard small livestock rearing  Intervention: (i) Agriculture: SAP to reduce the cost input (ii) Livestock: Ensure vaccination, regular health check. (iii) Kitchen Garden (Homestead): Application of SAP in existing kitchen garden practice

13 Cost-Benefit Analysis SlCropTimeCostIncome 1PaddyJune/ July to Oct/ Nov 25007000 2Pea/ Khechari Oct/Nov - Jan/Feb5004000 3Maize/ Early Ahu/ Gram Feb-May30008000 4Livestock/ poultry As per the model -1448022400 Total1048041400 Profit41400-1048030,920

14 Assam Model- 3 Area : 1 Bigha (14,400 sq. ft) Land topography : Up land Strategy: Introduction of multi cropping in agriculture + Backyard small livestock rearing  Intervention: (i) Agri: SAP to reduce the cost input (ii) Livestock: Ensure vacc, regular health check.

15 Cost-Benefit Analysis SlCropTimeCostIncome 1Black gram/ Green gram Feb/ Mar to Apr/May 23006000 2Paddy seed bedMay/Jun - Jun/Jul5003000 3Black gram/ Sesame July/Aug- Oct/Nov18006000 4Mustard/ PotatoNov-Jan/Feb30008000 5Livestock/poultry448022400 Total1208045400 Profit45400-1208033,320


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