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Wayne RESA Instructional Technology Leaders (ITL) Meeting Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 Members: Carole Vettrus (Riverview), Joe Hilliard (Huron), Jeff Trudell.

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Presentation on theme: "Wayne RESA Instructional Technology Leaders (ITL) Meeting Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 Members: Carole Vettrus (Riverview), Joe Hilliard (Huron), Jeff Trudell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wayne RESA Instructional Technology Leaders (ITL) Meeting Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 Members: Carole Vettrus (Riverview), Joe Hilliard (Huron), Jeff Trudell (Wyandotte), Valerie DePaoli, Mary Jane Milke (Wayne Westland), Anupam Chugh (Wayne RESA), Deb Clancy (Wayne RESA)

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions Backchannel - Today’s meet (keep the conversations going) Info Sharing from RESA -State and local updates -Upcoming events -Tech plan update -REMC updates (blended learning, connected educator series, new 21 Things for students site) -Moodle Info Sharing from Participants - new projects, initiatives, etc. How are Districts Addressing the new Bullying Law- -Review of the bullying law - Kathy Gibson -Group Discussion: How are you addressing this at your district? Internet Safety lessons, AUP changes, etc. Discussion/Back Channel: What do you need for this school year? Topics for upcoming sessions? Learnport Update Show and Tell: Hot topics, apps, edmodo, liver binder, pintrest Prioritize Activity & Conclusion

3 Welcome & Introductions ITL planning team: o Carole Vettrus (Riverview) o Joe Hilliard (Huron) o Jeff Trudell (Wyandotte) o Valerie DePaoli o Mary Jane Milke (Wayne Westland) o Anupam Chugh (Wayne RESA) o Deb Clancy (Wayne RESA) Goals: ▫Support Wayne County districts in efforts to use technology to improve student achievement - more specifically:  support use of technology to support the teaching and learning process (21st century teaching and learning)  create professional learning community  share resources  create relevancy  connect the dots within districts

4 2012-13 Meeting Dates Friday, Sept 14, 2012 Friday, Nov 9, 2012 Friday, Jan 25, 2013 Monday, Mar 4, 2013 (Joint sessions with LML) Friday, May 10, 2013

5 ITL websites ITL Wiki Website - http://itl- ITL Back Channel -

6 State and Local Updates Technology planning & Technology Readiness CIPA Guidelines PSTA – survey is open REMC updates:  Blended learning project/course – registration open; starts Sept. 26, 2012; limited to 10 participantsregistration  Connected educator series Connected educator series  New 21 Things for students sitesite Moodle

7 Technology Planning & Technology Readiness District level plans (building level for PSAs and non- publics) Expire June 30, 2013 Written for 3 years Needed for E-Rate reimbursement MDE suggesting everyone have an approve tech plan with a budget Grant/funding in “flux”-stay the course with tech planning

8 Technology Planning & Technology Readiness District Tech Plans due by June 30, 2013 ▫Northville Public Schools ▫Riverview Community School District ▫School District of the City of Inkster ▫Van Buren Public Schools 19 PSA and non-publics Deb Clancy Ron Faulds

9 Upcoming Statewide Events September 25 - Personalized Learning Conference. MACUL’s first after school conference, held at Holland Christian High School. Only $39, including dinner. Personalized Learning Conference October 19 - miGoogle Educators Conference. Southfield Christian Schools. Featured Speakers Ronald Ho (Google +), Scot Graden, Nick Provenzano.miGoogle Educators Conference Oct. 27, 2012 - MSU College of Education Technology Conference (FREE & on a Saturday) Erickson Hall, MSU, East Lansing, MI November 15-16 - Michigan Digital Learning Conference, Macomb ISD. Featured speakers Steve Dembo and Leslie Fisher. Michigan Digital Learning Conference November 28 - Michigan Student Technology Showcase, Michigan Capitol, Lansing.Michigan Student Technology Showcase December 13 - Michigan Virtual University Online Symposium, Kellogg Center, E. Lansing.Michigan Virtual University Online Symposium January 10, 2013 – Michigan Moodle Moot, CCRESA, St. Johns, MI. March 20-22, 2013 - 2013 MACUL Conference, Cobo Center, Detroit. 2013 MACUL Conference April 26, 2013 - Upper Peninsula MACUL Conference, Houghton. Co-hosted by REMC 1.

10 Info Sharing from Participants Please share new projects, initiatives, needs, etc.

11 MI Bullying Law Kathy Gibson – review the law and provide general guidance Discussion – How are local districts addressing this mandate?

12 Future Sessions Activity

13 Learnport update - NetTrekker MOPLS (Michigan Online Professional Learning System) – Transitioning to the Common Core: ELA and Mathematics Simple K-12 webinars MVU job openings (Mentors and online instructors)MVU job openings

14 Lunch (11:30-12:30)

15 Instructional Technology Showdown! Jeff Trudell

16 Prioritize Future Sessions

17 Conclusion Next meeting: Friday, Nov 9, 2012

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