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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnets

2 A push button in the open position.
Series Circuit A push button in the open position. NO volt meter + Two light bulbs in series with an push button and a current meter. current meter

3 A push button in the closed position.
Series Circuit A push button in the closed position. NO volt meter + current meter

4 A push button in the open position.
Series Circuit A push button in the open position. NO volt meter + current meter

5 A push button in the open position.
Series Circuit A push button in the open position. light bulb with an incandescent filament NO volt meter + current meter Inductor with a ferromagnetic core

6 A push button in the closed position.
Series Circuit A push button in the closed position. NO volt meter + Magnetic field lines indicate presence of a magnetic field current meter When current flows a magnetic field is generated around the flowing electrons. Note: (a) This magnetic field is also called an electromagnetic field. (b) This magnetic field is the same magnetic field as the field made by a horse shoe magnet

7 Flexible thin metal (magnetic) sheet.
Normally Open Relay Circuit Flexible thin metal (magnetic) sheet. NO volt meter Wooden Sounding box + current meter Wooden block (noise will be made when block hits sounding board)

8 A push button in the closed position.
Series Circuit A push button in the closed position. NO volt meter + current meter When current flows a magnetic field is generated around the flowing electrons.

9 Normally Open Relay Circuit
volt meter + current meter

10 Normally Open Relay Circuit
volt meter + + current meter

11 A push button in the closed position.
Series Circuit A push button in the closed position. NO volt meter + + current meter When more current flows a stronger magnetic field is generated around the flowing electrons.

12 Normally Open Relay Circuit
volt meter + + current meter

13 Vocabulary Math Inductor Voltage - measured in volts
Current- measured in Amperes Power- measured in volt-Amperes Note 1 Watt equals 1 volt-Ampere Math The voltage value times the current value equal the power Power of electric current is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength. B is the symbol for field strength B can have units of Newton per cm

14 End of Presentation

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