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CDM-ASEAN Result Breakout Session 3: Lessons learned from CDM institutional capacity building in ASEAN countries; exchanging experiences in ASEAN Moderator:

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Presentation on theme: "CDM-ASEAN Result Breakout Session 3: Lessons learned from CDM institutional capacity building in ASEAN countries; exchanging experiences in ASEAN Moderator:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CDM-ASEAN Result Breakout Session 3: Lessons learned from CDM institutional capacity building in ASEAN countries; exchanging experiences in ASEAN Moderator: Mark van Wees, CAP SD

2 CDM-ASEAN Capacity building needs ASEAN  Operational skills DNA  Technical CDM project assessment  Establishment local Operating Entities  Project development –CDM life cycle/ preparing proposals –Financing/transactions  Awareness raising (longer term)

3 CDM-ASEAN On-going capacity building projects  CDM-ASEAN – Energy sector, institutional  Japan IGES-MOE (Indonesia, Cambodia,Thailand, Vietnam) – all levels of capacity building 3. WB/ESCAP (Northeast, Southeast and South Asia) – all levels of capacity building 4. CD4CDM/UNEP (Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines) – Awareness building, project development, institutional 5. GTZ project on CDM institution building (Indonesia) –Procedures, DNA, project clearing house  Danish CDM capacity building (Thailand) –DNA, procedures, project development, awareness  UNDP (Philippines) –Institutional, project development, awareness  SouthSouthNorth (Indonesia) – Project development, sustainability criteria  Asia Pro-Eco (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)

4 CDM-ASEAN Improving CB project effectiveness Problems  Overlap projects in scope and content  Projects do not sufficiently build on results  Target group is not specific enough  Project often are limited to workshops, do not involve (on-the-job) training  Role of local government in CDM not clear. Level of awareness low -> CDM in CC framework

5 CDM-ASEAN Improving CB project effectiveness Solutions:  Evaluation of past projects  Assessment of proposals beforehand  Improved coordination of activities –Host countries main responsibility  Better exchange of information/results

6 CDM-ASEAN ASEAN Climate Change Initiative  Transfer of best practice / exchange experiences within ASEAN very usefull  Different approaches:  Bilateral/direct contact  Forum  Institutional  CDM-ASEAN project first step towards establishing a regional framework for exchange of experience  Project website -> CDM Clearing House  CDM Information Desk identifies demand

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