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Amplitude modulation with a complex exponential carrier

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Presentation on theme: "Amplitude modulation with a complex exponential carrier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Amplitude modulation with a complex exponential carrier

2 Implementation x x

3 Amplitude modulation with a Sinusoidal carrier

4 Synchronous demodulation

5 Implementation 2 x x Low pass filter

6 Asynchronous demodulation

7 Synchronous Asynchronous

8 Synchronous Asynchronous

9 Asynchronous demodulation

10 Frequency-division multiplexing
+ x

11 Frequency-division multiplexing -- demodulation
1 1 1 x Bandpass filter Low pass filter

12 Single-sideband sinusoidal amplitude modulation
x + x

13 Single-sideband sinusoidal amplitude modulation
x + x

14 Single-sideband sinusoidal amplitude modulation

15 clear all; clf; deltat = 0.001; T = 1; t = 0:deltat:20-deltat; alpha1 = -10; x1 = exp(alpha1.*t); wc = 2*pi*10; y1 = x1.*cos(wc.*t); dm = 0.01; om = -16*2*pi:dm:2*16*pi; for m=1:length(om) % Fourier transmform Ym = x1.*exp(-j*om(m).*t); X1m(m) = trapz(t,Ym); if om(m)>=0 X1pm(m) = j*X1m(m); else X1pm(m) = -j*X1m(m); end Ym = y1.*exp(-j*om(m).*t); Y1m(m) = trapz(t,Ym); for k=1:length(t) %inverse fourier transfrom Y1k = X1pm.*exp(j*om*t(k)); x1p(k) = trapz(om,Y1k); x1p = x1p./(2*pi); y1p = x1p.*sin(wc.*t); y = y1p+y1; Ym = y.*exp(-j*om(m).*t); Ypm(m) = trapz(t,Ym); plot(t, y1); hold on plot(t,real(y1p),'r'); hold off; figure(2) plot(om/(2*pi),abs(X1m)); hold on; plot(om/(2*pi),abs(X1pm),'y'); plot(om/(2*pi),abs(Y1m),'r'); plot(om/(2*pi),abs(Ypm),'g');

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