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clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank 2a Check (√) the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. √ √ √ √ √ √

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Presentation on theme: "clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank 2a Check (√) the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. √ √ √ √ √ √"— Presentation transcript:


2 clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank 2a Check (√) the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. √ √ √ √ √ √

3 There is a clothes store near my home. Where is it? It’s next to the bank on Bridge Road.

4 There is a supermarket near my home. Where is it? It’s behind the school on Long Street.

5 enjoy sunshine road climb neighborhood money

6 Read the passages. Match each passage with a map. AnnaLisa John

7 Read the first passage and answer the questions. 1. Where does Anna like to spend time on weekends? ___________________________________ 2. What animal does Anna love to watch? ___________________________________ 3. How does Anna get to the zoo? ___________________________________ She likes to spend time in the zoo. She loves to watch monkeys. Turn right on Bridge Road. Then walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right.

8 Read the second passage and answer the questions below. 1. Where does John live? _______________________________ 2. Where is the big park? ______________________________ 3. Where does John often exercise? ______________________________ 4. How does John get to the park? _______________________________ He lives near a supermarket. It’s across from the supermarket. He often exercises in the park. He has to cross the Center Street.

9 Read the third passage and answer the questions below. 1.Where is the post office? _______________________________ 2. What’s Lisa’s favorite place? ______________________________ 3. Can Lisa get to the library easily? ______________________________ It is between Lisa’s house and a clothes store. The library. Yes, she can.

10 1. neighborhood 意为 “ 附近 ; 附近地区 ; 街坊 ” e.g. 我的街坊们都很友好。 My neighborhoods are friendly. in the neighborhood 在附近 e.g. 在附近有一家中国餐馆。 There is a Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood.

11 2. enjoy 喜欢;享受 ( 近义词 love/like) 后 跟动名词。 e.g. 我妹妹喜欢听音乐。 My sister enjoys listening to music.

12 3. spend 花费(时间、金钱等)。 1) spend + ( 时间、金钱 ) + on sth. e.g. 杰克每天花很多时间做作业。 Jack spends a lot of time on his homework. 2) spend + ( 时间、金钱 ) + doing sth. e.g. 我妹妹每天花很多时间读书。 My sister spends much time reading books. 4. money 是不可数名词, 作单数看 e.g. 钱是重要的,但并不是一切。 Money is important, but it isn’t everything.

13 5. free “ 免费的 ” e.g. 这些书都是免费的。 These books are free. 【拓展】 free 空闲的;(反义词) busy e.g. 格林先生本周不忙。 Mr. Green isn’t busy this week. 或 (Mr. Green is free this week.)

14 6. easily 容易地 ( 副词 )(easy + ly → easily) e.g. 公共汽车站离这里很近,你能很容易 地找到。 The bus stop is not far from here. You can find it easily.

15 7. To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. 这是英语行文的一种方式,在句子开 头用 to do… 短语,并用逗号将其与句子 的主体部分隔开,相当于汉语 “ (若)要 做 …… 的话 ” 。 e.g. To listen to world news, please key in “1”. 若要收听国际新闻,请键入 “1” 。

16 1. I want to buy a pen. Give me some _____, mom? 2. Alice always ______ an hour playing the guitar. 3. It’s sunny today. The _______ is really nice. 4. They found the post office ______. 5. Grace ______ playing computer games very much. 6. Please have some fruit. It’s _____. sunshine money easily spends 选词填空。 enjoy, free, spend, easily, money, sunshine enjoys free

17 1. Recite the three passages. 2. Finish your exercises in Teaching-Text No. 35.


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