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Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Fast Timing studies at Fermilab : Test beam plans notes from meeting April 15 th 2009 MTest May Wed 27 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Fast Timing studies at Fermilab : Test beam plans notes from meeting April 15 th 2009 MTest May Wed 27 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Fast Timing studies at Fermilab : Test beam plans notes from meeting April 15 th 2009 MTest May Wed 27 th – Tue June 2 nd, 12 hours/day, probably 10pm – 10am, Priority is to test Cerenkov detectors, using custom fast electronics. Keep it simple! Want to test several devices, in order of priority or task: 2 Photek tubes in line in beam with 0,2,4,6 mm extra quartz radiator Q-bar with 2 Photek tubes, one each end. Perpendicular to beam (and x, θ scans) Q-blocks with SiPMs in line (Anatoly) GASTOFs 2 in-line, sent by Louvain. (Same DAQ, just exchange cables) 2 Photonis 48 x 48mm tubes with ganged together channels, in line (+ extra Q if wanted) Iff the latter shows good resolution, would like to install them in QUARTZTOF(cones). =============================== The above is our plan. Additional tests with QUARTIC (8-bar design) and different electronics (A.Brandt) only if they are fully independent, on back table, and understand we are prime user. I will discuss this next week at UTA (Mike)

2 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow MTest May 27-June 2 All 120 GeV/c protons, intensity ~ 10K-20K per 4 sec spill, 1/minute. Small trigger scint counter ~ 2mm x 2mm 2PMTs in Dark Box. [AR] Scan to find beam center. 2 nd large trigger counter ~ 4cm x 4cm in line, in COINC for trigger Halo-veto counter with round hole diam ~ 5mm to reject showers. [AR] “Standard” reference fast detector, in beam & always read out PHOTEK 240 (40mm diam) These on front table, see plan later. Scanning table: x,y,θ … mount in moveable base, program it Trigger logic & DAQ shown on next slide [ER] Very fast digital scope Set-up & waveform recording (if wanted)

3 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow 3 Electronic Measurement MCP/PMT’s Anode signals Scintillator Trigger Constant Fraction Discriminators (CFD) - ortec 9327 Time to Analog Convertors (TAC) - Ortec 567 START STOP 14 bit CAMAC ADC’s - Ortec AD114 NIM signals 10 bit CAMAC ADC’s – LeCroy 2249 Analog Output Add to this: 2 nd small 2x2 trigger in AND Veto counter with hole in VETO

4 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Notes on detectors: 1 large (40mm diam, 2 MCPs) PHOTEK in beam center, maybe add Q. Keep fixed as Ref. 2 Photek tubes in line without & with Q-disks on window (grease? removal?) Dark Box [ER] Q-bar: Fused silica bar 6mm x 6mm x 90mm, Photek 3μm pore 10mm Φ each end. (Beam ┴ to bar, scan along, rotate…) [being made, Lindenmeyer] Light tight, but in dark box for RF and convenience of cables etc. [MA] Q-blocks + SiPMs in line [AR] GASTOF: 2 devices with (1-channel) Photek PMTs [exist, from Louvain] Mounted in line on plate, too big for dark box, mount on 2 nd table (assuming no QUARTICs there) maybe Pair of Photonis 64-pad 48x48mm2 tubes in line (+Q plate?) to test integrated readout. < QUARTZTOF (Cones) IFF Integrated Photonis test looks good, be prepared to put on Cone radiators (2 nd separate dark box). > maybe.

5 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Heavy duty tables DARK BOX Q-bar 40x40mm trig scint 2x2 mm trig scint 40x40mm veto scint GASTOFs (1/2 shift) BEAM Very schematic placement of detectors

6 Fast Timing Mtg April 15 th 2009 Mike Albrow Jobs: Pre-beam: laser tests Anatoly+Mike Friday for PHOTEKs, check all PMTs, Prepare electronics/DAQ/computer Trigger and veto counters, trigger logic, cables. Prepare detectors: See previous slide. Run control software, on-line histograms etc. Prepare stands and motion control, programmed. Make time plan/schedule/shifts & people People (? partial list?) Mike Albrow, Erik Ramberg, Anatoly Ronzhin, Sasha Pronko, Hans Wenzel, + others may be, let us know.

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