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High mass X-ray binaries and recent star formation in the host galaxy P.Shtykovskiy, M.Gilfanov IKI, Moscow; MPA, Garching.

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Presentation on theme: "High mass X-ray binaries and recent star formation in the host galaxy P.Shtykovskiy, M.Gilfanov IKI, Moscow; MPA, Garching."— Presentation transcript:

1 High mass X-ray binaries and recent star formation in the host galaxy P.Shtykovskiy, M.Gilfanov IKI, Moscow; MPA, Garching

2 High mass X-ray binaries and recent star formation HMXB XLF HMXB XLF Observations: Grimm, Gilfanov & Sunyaev, 2003 Scaled to one SFR

3 M 1, t 1, N HMXB 1 M 2, t 2, N HMXB 2 M 3, t 3, N HMXB 3 N HMXB =Σ N HMXB i =Σ M i η(t i ) M - Mass t - Age N HMXB – number of HMXBs of the stellar population

4 SNII rate First B.H. Last N.S. Evolution of HMXBs population

5 Evolution of HMXBs population: observational constraints Observed HMXBs: Small Magellanic Cloud in the IR(100µm) + HMXBs (XMM, Shtykovskiy & Gilfanov 2005 ) inverse problem for X

6 Star formation history in the Small Magellanic Cloud CMD of the SMC ( MCPS catalogue, Zaritsky et al., 2002 ) + Padua isochrones ( Girardi et al., 2002 ) MSSupergiants 10 Myr 40 Myr

7 Metallicity Extinction, distance IMF, binary fraction, binary mass ratio An adequacy of stellar evolution models Completeness Photometric errors Foreground stars Model stellar population MS + Sg Super giants Model stellar populations:

8 Star formation history in the SMC SMC in the IR(100µm) + HMXB (XMM)

9 Evolution of HMXBs population: observational constraints Maximum abundance of HMXBs 20-50 Myr after the SF event Paucity of young HMXBs N HMXB (t)

10 Black hole XRB Evolution of HMXBs population: observational constraints Maximum abundance of HMXBs 20-50 Myr after the SF event Paucity of young HMXBs

11 Popov et al. (1998) (Z=0.02, log(Lmin)=33) Maximum abundance of HMXBs 20-50 Myr after the SF event Paucity of young HMXBs Evolution of HMXBs population: observational constraints

12 Evolution of HMXBs population: observational constraints SMC: Log(Lmin)=34 Distant galaxies: Log(Lmin)=38-39 Bright HMXBs (expected) Bright HMXBs: young Weak HMXBs: older on average

13 Spiral structure and HMXBs Density wave М 51 HST image Stars and gas Bright HII regions -Current star formation HMXB -Star formation 10-50 Myr ago

14 HMXBs in M51 M51 in H α + Chandra HMXB (Terashima et al., 2004) Distance to the closest spiral arm Bright HII regions HMXB

15 HMXBs in the Galaxy HMXB peaks shifted Lutovinov et al. (2005) - Shift in the HMXB density has been observed with INTEGRAL 40 Myr Young objects

16 Conclusions Simple linear relation N(HMXB)=A*SFR may break down in some cases. Maximum number of HMXBs is reached after 20-50 Myr after the star formation burst. Spiral structure in the HMXBs distribution may be shifted relative to the spiral structure in the distribution of young objects.

17 HMXBs in Magellanic Clouds XLF of HMXBs in the Small Magellanic Cloud XMM-Newton ASCA

18 HMXBs in Magellanic Clouds Standart SFR indicators: FIR H α UV X-ray luminosity - Independent SFR indicator

19 X-ray binaries ● HMXB M opt >5-10 M ☼ t~5-100 Myr N ~ SFR ● LMXB M opt ~ M ☼ t~ few Gyr N ~Stellar mass

20 HMXB in the LMC Supergiant shell LMC4: Numerous HMXBs, Weak SF, t~10-30 Myr 30 Dor: No HMXBs, Intensive SF, t<10 Myr LMC4 30 Dor LMC in Н α HMXB (Liu, 2005)

21 Magellanic Clouds ● High SFR/M * N HMXB >N LMXB ● D=50-60 kpc Sensitivity(XMM) L Xmin ~10 33 erg/s ● Low metallicity 30 pointings XMM-Newton SMC (IRAS, 100 µm) LMC (IRAS, 100 µm)

22 Outline: HMXBs and recent star formation history in Magellanic Clouds HMXBs and the spiral structure of the host galaxy

23 High mass X-ray binaries and the spiral structure of the host galaxy

24 Spiral structure Bright HII regions - Current SF HMXB -Star formation 10-50 Myr ago Age gradient d = Расстояние до ближайшей ветви d corotation Young objects 40 Myr 0 Myr Black hole systems – on spiral arms Neutron star low luminosity systems - shifted

25 HMXBs in Galaxy Peaks in density are shifted Lutovinov et al. (2005) - peaks in HMXB density observed by INTEGRAL are shifted 40 Myr objects Young objects

26 HMXBs in the M51 M51 in H α + Chandra HMXB (Terashima et al.., 2004) Nature of X-ray souces: HMXB ~ SFR LMXB ~ Stellar mass AGN Uniform distribution

27 HMXBs in the M51 Evolution of HMXBs population HMXBs shift - AGE Galactic dynamics Corotation radius etc.

28 Спиральная структура в распределении HMXB Ω(волна плотности)< Ω(звезд) М 51 HST image Вращение звезд Внутри радиуса коротации: Яркие области HII -текущее звездообразование HMXB -звездообразование 10-50 млн. лет назад возраст 0 млн. лет 40 млн. лет Волна плотности

29 HMXBs as a star formation indicator X-ray luminosity functions SFR~0.15-7 M ☼ /yr Grimm, Gilfanov & Sunyaev, 2003

30 HMXBs as a star formation indicator X-ray luminosity functions, scaled to one SFR Grimm, Gilfanov & Sunyaev, 2003 HMXBs – SFR indicator


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