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Thunderstorm Structure and Evolution Eric A. Pani The University of Louisiana at Monroe.

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Presentation on theme: "Thunderstorm Structure and Evolution Eric A. Pani The University of Louisiana at Monroe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thunderstorm Structure and Evolution Eric A. Pani The University of Louisiana at Monroe

2 Background Thunderstorm Project (1949) Building block: Cell Cell identified by  visual observation of cumuliform turrets during early stages of development before precip formed  radar observations once precip formed Thunderstorms consist of more than one cell Each cell has distinct life cycle

3 Visual appearance of cell Source: Cell 1Cell 2

4 Radar appearance of cell Source: Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5

5 Life Cycle of Thunderstorm Three stages  (Towering) Cumulus  Mature  Dissipating Entire life cycle ~ 30-60 minutes but thunderstorms composed of many cells so storm life is longer Form where convergence exists and air conditionally unstable

6 Towering Cumulus Stage (~15 minutes) Updraft strong enough so identifiable from ordinary convection Dominated by updrafts but may have downdrafts at cloud edge Air converges into cell from miles around, perhaps not uniformly w max ~ 10 ms -1 @ ~ 5 km with convergence ~ 2 x 10 -3 s -1 (10 -6 s -1 synoptic scale) May have adiabatic ascent in updraft core Precip begins in latter part of this stage with first radar echo detected around melting level Source:

7 Towering Cumulus Stage (Source:

8 Mature Stage (~10 minutes) Often defined when precip reaches ground; presence of updraft/downdraft couplet may be better Downdraft results from precip drag initially, then evaporative cooling Downdraft air from middle troposphere -1°C buoyancy over 5 km produces downdraft of 15-20 ms -1 Gust front produced when downdraft reaches ground Downdraft dissipates cloud by evaporating droplets (d~20 μm) (Source:

9 Mature Stage

10 Dissipating Stage (~10 minutes) Downdraft formation signals death of storm in non-severe cases Spreading downdraft below storm cuts off supply of high θ e air Precip aloft no longer supported by updraft, descends, and scavenges cloud drops Dissipates lower portion of cloud Source:

11 Dissipating Stage (Source:

12 Classes of thunderstorms Single cell  Non-severe: air mass thunderstorm  Severe: supercell Multicell (all non-severe, all severe, or mixture)  Individual: thunderstorm  Cluster: MCC, tropical cloud cluster  Line: squall line

13 Single Cell Thunderstorms (Source: (Source: Air Mass Thunderstorm Supercell Thunderstorm

14 Multicell Thunderstorms (Source: (Source: Thunderstorm Squall Line

15 Multicell Thunderstorms (Source: (Source: Mesoscale Convective Complex Tropical Cloud Cluster

16 Propagation of Multicell Storms Cell motion Storm motion

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