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THE POPULISTS The farmers fight for their rights! Raise more hell and less corn! - Mary Elizabeth Lease.

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Presentation on theme: "THE POPULISTS The farmers fight for their rights! Raise more hell and less corn! - Mary Elizabeth Lease."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE POPULISTS The farmers fight for their rights! Raise more hell and less corn! - Mary Elizabeth Lease

2 ORIGINS OF THE POPULISTS  The Grange – 1865 Regulation of RR rates Easy credit Formation of cooperatives  Knights of Labor – 1869 8-hour workday Improved working conditions

3 ORIGINS OF THE POPULISTS  Greenback Party – 1874 Inflated currency Greater supply of money  Farmers’ Alliances (1870-1880’s) Regulation of RR rates Easy Credit Greater supply of money Subtreasury based on crops Graduated income tax Secret ballot Direct election of senators

4 THE POPULIST PLATFORM  1892 Unlimited silver (16:1) Graduated Income Tax (Amend 16) Government ownership of RR, telephone and telegraph lines Direct election of Senators (Amend 17) Lower tariff rates Secret Ballot (Australian ballot) 8 hour workday and better conditions Subtreasury Immigration restrictions Initiative, Referendum, Recall

5 THE VOICE OF THE POPULISTS “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” – Williams Jennings Bryan

6 BIMETALLISM  Demonetization Act of 1873 (Crime of ’73) – eliminated silver as currency  Bland Allison Act (1878) – Government would buy silver on market and issue paper based on silver.  Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890) – decreased amount of silver purchased by government


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