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 General housekeeping issues  Kronos  History form  Vacation picks  Journal club  Testicular Doppler orders  Team Leader introductions  QA review.

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Presentation on theme: " General housekeeping issues  Kronos  History form  Vacation picks  Journal club  Testicular Doppler orders  Team Leader introductions  QA review."— Presentation transcript:


2  General housekeeping issues  Kronos  History form  Vacation picks  Journal club  Testicular Doppler orders  Team Leader introductions  QA review and philosophy

3  Use location code for in punches only.  If you change locations during the day; stay punched in during travel time and re-punch with new location when you arrive.  Any missed punches or errors can be corrected by any Team Leader that you are working with that day. Otherwise, just E-mail your Team Leader with missed punch information.  Approve your time card at the end of your shift on the Friday or the last day you work at the end of the pay period.



6  Double check exam title  Change history to reflect proper indications  Correct spelling and grammar in history  Include a sonographers impression and any unusual circumstances.

7 History Form


9 Vacation request form…..

10  Makes choices in order of importance. Choices are weighted against each other.  Please take at least one continuous week. Not just 10 Fridays.  Please give a brief description so we can help everyone get the critical time that they need.  Forms come out after Thanksgiving every year and are due in mid January.

11  Please try to attend  Articles are sent out before the meeting  We meet at HF and SC at 7 AM  Various days of the week depending on Radiologists schedule  Contact a team leader if you want to attend but are scheduled to work and we can get rooms closed.  Need volunteers to review articles  Worth 1 CME each meeting

12 Testicular Doppler If we do Doppler, we need an order. Please check even if it has been scheduled with Doppler. Make notes of what you do in the comments on online form.

13 Meeting Requests…  Please accept, deny or check tentative when you receive meeting requests  Simply gives me an estimated head count for food  You are expected to attend, but are not mandatory

14 TEAM LEADER TRIVIA Will be more likely to say “Mahalo” instead of thank you. God, I love Sydney Crosby. Yumm. I think I’m a Team Leader but I'm not. I constantly bonk my head on things. Malibu is a boat, not a Rum. Well, maybe both. I think I've been here before ? You want a vacation day? Good luck!

15 ULTRASOUND MANAGEMENT Lynnette Becker VP/VC John Crowley-Manager Rosemary Ermitano Breast US Marian Wilkonski VC/Schedules Kaelene Scoville SC Julie Bronson HF Bill Berry SHMC




19 IMAGE QUALITY BASICS…THE THREE F’S AND ONE B Frequency Field of View/Depth Focal Balance


21 What is wrong with this image?

22 Should be zoomed!! Higher frequency. Need an additional lateral view for the septum. The grey map should be changed to add contrast. This image is not as sharp as one taken with harmonics.

23 An image of the entire thorax with a four chamber heart allows the assessment of cardiac size and axis, and demonstrates the area behind the heart as well.

24 What is wrong with this image?

25 Improper field of view and focal zone placement– good transducer frequency, but sector width needs to be narrowed and depth reduced. Focal zone should be adjusted to the level of the nose/lips.

26 Nose/lips are outlined by fluid. Highest frequency possible used. Zoomed in properly. Upper lip is completely demonstrated.

27 Recent QA Feedback

28 What’s Wrong ?


30 Cortical Thickness ?

31 Cortical Thickness


33 Post void image needed if Hydro is suspected

34 Missed RCC

35 Gallstones without the Gallbladder

36 Prior CT

37 Why did the Radiologist just have a heart attack ?


39 Nice work !


41 Nice work! Endometrial CA

42 Thank You !

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