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Outcome 3 Appraisal © COLEG. What is Appraisal? Appraisal of staff is the means of working with staff to identify their strengths within the work role.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcome 3 Appraisal © COLEG. What is Appraisal? Appraisal of staff is the means of working with staff to identify their strengths within the work role."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcome 3 Appraisal © COLEG

2 What is Appraisal? Appraisal of staff is the means of working with staff to identify their strengths within the work role. Appraisals are used to assess, discuss and plan, thus improving performance. There may be criticisms as well as praise.

3 Purpose of Appraisal To promote good working practices To ensure staff skills and experiences are used effectively To identify staff development needs To offer a place for discussion of individual staff performance To enable work standards to be discussed in a relaxed, non-threatening manner

4 Purpose cont. To review salary, conditions of service and other rewards To monitor policies and procedures and their effectiveness

5 Appraisal Technique Within the establishment there should be: Respect for each other’s professional role Knowledge of each other’s role Openness among staff Security

6 Tasks of Appraiser Review past performance Assess levels of effort, strengths and weaknesses Focus on what the employee has actually done Build on strengths and identify training needs Be specific

7 Tasks cont. Maintain confidentiality Be fair Show empathy when required Resolve conflict Be professional Use open questions rather than closed Accurately record any decisions reached

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