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American History Chapter 26-2

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1 American History Chapter 26-2
Atomic Anxiety

2 Hydrogen Bomb: Power comes from fusing atoms.
- Super bomb, 100s of times stronger than the A-bomb. THE FIRST HYDROGEN BOMB TEST When detonated: November 1, 1952, Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Islands Amount of energy released: 10.4 megatons, equivalent to 10.4 million tons of TNT Size of fireball: 3 miles in diameter Height of mushroom cloud: more than 25 miles

3 The Super Bomb Debate Discuss the pros and cons of developing the H-bomb following the use of the A-bomb.

4 H-bomb Test Facts 1952 test destoyed one island leaving a 175’ deep crater in the ocean floor. 1954 test in the Bikini Atoll was a thousand times stronger than the Hiroshima bomb. - It destroyed 3 islands and affected almost 300 people with radiation sickness, over 80 miles away. - Harmful radiation was still being detected in the area 20 years later.

5 Cold War Arms Race 1953: Soviets detonate their 1st H-bomb.
U.S. & S.U. stockpile weapons. - Review brinkmanship and massive retaliation. Both countries increased their airforces. - Long-range bombers, B52s, were built. - Planes were spread throughout the world and constantly airbourne. ICBMs were developed in the late 50s. - Intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads capable of hitting targets thousands of miles away.

6 Transporters, silos, and launch.
ICBMs Transporters, silos, and launch.

7 Weapons of Mass Destruction

8 Other Nuclear Advancements:
1954: U.S. launched the 1st nuclear powered sub. - Could travel long distances without refueling. - Later fitted the subs with nuclear missiles. 1957: Nuclear power plants began to provide electrical power to Americans.

9 The Space Age Begins 1957: The Soviets launch Sputnik, the 1st satellite. - Sputnik II carried a dog into orbit. - Americans worried that the Soviets had surpassed us.

10 U.S. Space Program and Civil Defense
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration began in 1958. Congress passed the National Defense Education Act: Pumped millions of $ into education. The Federal Civil Defense Administration provided public education about nuclear attack: - Booklets & videos. - Air-raid sirens installed. - Civil defense drills.

11 Building of Bomb Shelters

12 The Military Industrial Complex
Eisenhower warned of the dangers of creating a vast permanent arms industry. The potential of misplaced or abusive power. May you learn well today!

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