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Presidents Important People Progressive Era Imperialism and WWI.

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3 Presidents

4 Important People

5 Progressive Era

6 Imperialism and WWI

7 Boom to Bust (20s and 30s)

8 World War II

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Presidents Important People Progressive Era Imperialism and WWI 20s and 30s WWII

10 Requested Gulf of Tonkin Resolution from Congress; Combat troops in Vietnam

11 Johnson

12 Made the decision to drop the atomic bombs; Took over after FDR

13 Truman

14 President during 50s; Allied commander in WWII

15 Eisenhower

16 Led U.S. through WWI

17 Woodrow Wilson

18 Conservative president of the 80s; increased military spending

19 Reagan

20 Led the Red Scare of the 1950s

21 Joseph McCarthy

22 Model T; Assembly line

23 Henry Ford

24 Executed for giving atomic secrets to the Soviets

25 Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

26 Commander in the Pacific during WWII; Commander during the Korean War; Fired for wanting to drop atomic weapons on China

27 Douglas McArthur

28 Wrote The Feminine Mystique, which brought to light the unhappy state of 50s housewives

29 Betty Freidan

30 What were muckrakers?

31 Journalists who exposed the problems of the time

32 What group of people did settlements houses help?

33 Urban poor (Hull House – Jane Addams)

34 What was Teddy Roosevelt’s progressive reform agenda called?

35 Square Deal

36 What problems spurred the Progressive Era?

37 Working conditions; living conditions; political corruption; inequality

38 What system was created during this time that regulated the money supply? (Part of Wilson’s New Freedom)

39 Federal Reserve System

40 What lands were gained during the Spanish American War?

41 Philippines; Guam; Puerto Rico

42 Why did the U.S. get involved in Panama during this era?

43 To build a canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

44 List the causes for the outbreak of WWI in Europe

45 Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism Assasination

46 What part of the Treaty of Versailles did Americans not like?

47 League of Nations; Wanted to go back to isolationism

48 Why did the Palmer Raids and First Red Scare happen after WWI?

49 Bolshevik (communist) takeover in Russia

50 What was the Harlem Renaissance?

51 African American cultural movement

52 What issue was highlighted by the Scopes trial?

53 Science v. Religion

54 What was buying on margin?

55 Buying stock on credit

56 What was the quota system?

57 System put in place to keep immigrants and radicals out of U.S. (limited the number of immigrants that could come to the U.S. from certain countries – reflected the nativist feelings of the time)

58 What were the three purposes of New Deal programs?

59 1. Pump priming (creating jobs) 2. Creating scarcity (lower production in hopes of raising prices) 3. Institutional reform (changing existing conditions)

60 Communism or Fascism: -Extreme nationalism -Inequality -Nation over individual

61 Fascism

62 Tactic used by Hitler; stuck his opponents with lightening quickness

63 Blitzkrieg

64 Where did D-Day occur?

65 Normandy (Northern France )

66 What was the Manhattan Project?

67 Program to build the atomic bomb

68 What were the Lend- Lease/Cash-Carry acts?

69 Laws passed before the U.S. joined WWII that helped the Allies (provided them with supplies and weapons)

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