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3 LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM (FORMAL)  Designed to increase generic skills and behavior relevant for managerial effectiveness and advancement.  Consisted of many forms -few hours(narrow set of skills) -a year/more(wide range of skills)  Number of training programs are based on application of leadership theories.

4 DESIGNING EFFECTIVE TRAINING Conditions foe successful training Explanation 1.Clear learning objectives Specific 2.Clear, meaningful content Concrete and relevant Easy to remember Summaries or restatements 3.Appropriate sequencing of content  Simple to complex  Complex materials broken into components or modules

5 4.Appropriate mix of training methods According to trainee’s current condition Appropriate with training condition and setting 5.Opportunity for active practice Apply the principles and to varying the situations Adapt accordingly 6.Relevant, timely feedback Trainee receive relevant feedback

6 7.Trainee self confidentEnhance trainee self efficacy and expectations Praise and encouragement 8.Appropriate follow-up activities Follow-up session after the training program Trainee carry out specific projects-skills learned in training

7 1) Behavior Role Modeling  Combination of demonstration & role playing to enhance interpersonal skills  Short videotape show effective behaviors  Trainer modeling demonstration appropriate behaviors & trainees practice learning points  Develop action plans for implementing the behavior guidelines back on job

8  Burke and Day (1986)—meta-analysis to evaluating behavior modeling  Useful for concrete behaviors  Emphasize rigid, arbitrary learning points unlikely to promote flexible & adaptive behavior  Remedy—explain general principles & devise alternative ways

9 2) Case Discussion  To develop management skills  Long-cases—organization’s competitive strategy & financial performance  Detailed description of business situation to determine how to deal with it  Benefit—↑ understanding situation managers encounter  Uses—(a) to show how problem appear different to people

10 (b) to ↑ understanding about effective managerial behaviour Detailed description of manager’s actions to identify appropriate & inappropriate behavior & make recommendations (c) to assess a person’s ability To analyze human relations problems & identify ways of handling interpersonal situations

11 3) Business Games and Simulations Business Games  Emphasize quantitative financial information  Used to practice analytical & decision skills  Used to assess training needs, success of prior training, @ validity of a manager’s mental model Simulations  Analyze complex problems & make decision  Deal with consequences of decisions & receive feedback

12 Large-Scale Simulations  Emphasize interpersonal skills  Involves single hypothetical organization with multiple divisions  Participants: (a)Assigned to different position of organization (b) Carry out managerial responsibilities (c) Provided extensive background information (d) Given copies of recent correspondence (e) Separate work spaces, but allowed communicate by various media

13 1) Amount of Challenge  Unusual problems to solve, difficult obstacles to overcome, & risky decisions making  Seek new behavior, view problems in new ways, build new relationship, & learn new skills  Developmental Challenge Profit  Failure as well as success  Challenge excessive—giving up&withdrawing

14 2) Variety of Tasks or Assignments  Adaptation to new situation & deal with different types of problems and hardships  Early experience require different leadership behavior and skills  Ways to provide–making special developmental assignments, providing assignments in both line & staff positions, making both foreign & domestic assignments

15 3) Relevant Feedback  Operational assignments, get accurate feedback about behavior & consequences  Willingness accept feedback depends on traits related to managerial effectiveness  Defensive & insecure ’s people—avoid information of weaknesses  No have high internal locus of control ’s people—improve skills & future performance

16 Developmental activities Multisource feedback Developmental assessment centers Developmental assignments

17 MULTISOURCE FEEDBACK Purpose Assess strength Developmental needs How ? Receive information Standardize questionnaire

18 Accurate feedback Behavior Meaningful Easy to observe Representative Interact frequently Adequate opportunity respondent Understand survey purpose Know how result will be used Ensure answer confidentiality

19 How it is presented to managers Interpret aloneOne-on-one meetingGroup workshop with facilitator

20 Skill improvement Meet ratersSkill trainingCoaching Many feedback cycle Reward decisions

21 Types of developmental assignments Concurrently with job responsibilities Temporary leave

22 Concurrently with job responsibilities Manage new project Department representative Deal serious operational problem Develop & conduct program

23 Temporary leave Working in assessment center Serve staff member for exceptional leader Serve in temporary liaison positionServe in visiting assignment

24 Ways to improve developmental assignment Match to needs and career aspirations Challenges & benefits should be tracked Related to career counseling & succession planning Reflect on the experience & identify the lessons

25 1. Work in different functional subunits, 6 months to 3 years. 2. Developmental reasons, not promotion decision. 3. Learn:  Cooperative relationship  Technical problems  Interdependencies  Large network of contacts

26 4. Benefits:  ↑managerial, technical, business skills and knowledge. 5. Arguments  Increase skills →facilitate promotion  Highly skilled & promotable →job rotation programs. 6. Costs  Lower productivity  Lower satisfaction for people.

27 Action Learning 1. Combining formal training with learning from experience 2. Two types:  Formal training  Mutual coaching and mentoring 3. Steps:  Important organizational problems  Identifies people who can contribute to problem solving  Group meet to devise solution  Discuss what was learned. 4. Scope of project narrow = learn less skills Project with considerable challenge = learning of leadership skills

28 Mentoring 1. Experienced manager/mentor help less experienced protégé. 2. Psychological function and career-facilitation function. 3. Results more career advancement and success for protégé.  Greater career development when mentor is successful and relationship lasts for long period of time.

29 4. Informal mentoring usually more successful than formal mentoring programs. 5. Success of formal mentoring program probably can increased by:  Making participation voluntary  Providing mentors choice of protégé  Explaining benefits and pitfalls  Clarify expected

30 Provide for high –level executive Advantages external coach - wider experience - greater objectivity - more confidentiality Advantages internal coach - easy availability - more knowledge of culture and politics - better understanding of strategic challenges and core competencies

31 Objective of coaching Provide information about developmental needs To change idea with more expert one Provide executive with the unusual opportunity to discuss Provide advice on how to handle challenges To facilitate learning of relevant skills

32  Advantages of coaching  Formal training courses  Convenience  Improve confidentiality  Flexibility  More personal attention  Disadvantages of coaching  increase the cost in getting the coach  Use of limited time  Limitation of study  Shortage of competent coaches

33 Examples of coaching Developing subordinates Conducting meetings Initiating change Team building Handling conflicts Building relationship Influence people Enhanced listening and communication skills

34 Outdoor Challenge Programs  Physical activities perform by a group of people in an outdoor setting  Requires mutual trust and cooperation among group members  Provide coaching and encouragement  Help participants understands link between their experience and organizational life  Purposes : To build self-growth and team building  To increase self-confidence, self-control, risk taking, willingness to give and receive trust

35 Personal Growth Programs  To improve self-awareness  To overcome inner barriers to psychological growth and development of leadership competencies  To enhance level of emotional and moral development  Assumption:  Many people have lost touch with their inner feelings and values  Inner fears and conflicts limit creativity and risk-taking

36 Provide another approach to enhance leadership skills Used as substitute for formal training program, supplement training and facilitate learning from experience Examples: practitioner books, instructional videotapes or compact disks and interactive computer programs

37 GUIDELINES FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS  Develop a personal vision of career objectives  Seek appropriate mentors  Seek challenging assignments  Improve self-monitoring  seek relevant feedback  Learn from mistakes  Learn to view events from multiple perspectives  Be skeptical of easy answers

38 FACILITATING CONDITIONS FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Provide guidance and praise Encourage them to solve problem independently Support by boss Provide awards for improvement and innovations Establish flexible work schedule Learning climate Make job assignments that provide adequate developmental opportunities Development al criteria for placement decisions

39 SYSTEM PERSPECTI VE ON LEADERSHI P DEVELOPME NT Use appropriate formal training programs, developmental activities, self-help activities Have a developmental facilitator or committee for planning and coordinating Emphasis on leadership development rather than leader development Leadership development must be consistent with organization’s competitive strategy

40 That is all from us….. Thank you for paying attention. Any questions??


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