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Therapy History: trephining, exorcism, asylum (Johann Wier) Mesmer, Charcot, Freud 1. Insight therapies: a. Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic)- Freud Free.

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Presentation on theme: "Therapy History: trephining, exorcism, asylum (Johann Wier) Mesmer, Charcot, Freud 1. Insight therapies: a. Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic)- Freud Free."— Presentation transcript:

1 Therapy History: trephining, exorcism, asylum (Johann Wier) Mesmer, Charcot, Freud 1. Insight therapies: a. Psychoanalysis (psychodynamic)- Freud Free association, dream analysis (manifest vs. latent), resistance, transference b. Humanistic (client-centered)- Rogers, Maslow real vs. ideal-self, self-incongruence, unconditional positive regard, authenticity, self-actualization c. Gestalt- “empty-chair” technique

2 2. Behavior Therapies: a. Classical conditioning ( Wolpe, 1958 ) Systematic desensitization, anxiety hierarchy, relaxation Implosion, flooding, aversion therapy b. Operant techniques ( Behavior Modification, Skinner,1934) Token economies, modelling, assertiveness training, extinction technique, punishment technique 3. Cognitive Therapies (goal: cognitive restructuring): a. Rational-emotive (Ellis, 1950) b. Cognitive depression therapy (Beck, 1967) c. Stress inocolation training (Meichenbaum, 1977) 4. Biological (medical) Treatments: a. Drug therapy (pharmacotherapy) -antipsychotics - chlorpromazine, clozapine positive symptoms, dopamine, tardive dyskinesia -antidepressants - norepinephrine, serotonin(5-HT) tricyclics, MAO-inhibitors, 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

3 Fear Hierarchy for Spider Phobia (Thorpe & Olson, 1990) 1. Neighbor tells you she saw a spider in her garage. 6. You see a small, dark spot out of the corner of your eye; you check, it’s not a spider. 12. You see a spider’s web on your stairs. 14. You open a kitchen cabinet and suddenly see a large spider looking at you.

4 -antimanic (bipolar) - Lithium -antianxiety - Benzodiazepines (Valium), GABA; -antipanic – 5-HT b. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): c. Psychosurgery: Prefrontal lobotomy, cingulotomy Video: Jungian Dream Analysis

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