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Warm up 1.12 Round to the nearest hundred: 2,168 Round to the nearest thousand 17, 917; 34, 680; 93, 219 Round to the nearest ten-thousand: 848, 700; 540,999,

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 1.12 Round to the nearest hundred: 2,168 Round to the nearest thousand 17, 917; 34, 680; 93, 219 Round to the nearest ten-thousand: 848, 700; 540,999,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 1.12 Round to the nearest hundred: 2,168 Round to the nearest thousand 17, 917; 34, 680; 93, 219 Round to the nearest ten-thousand: 848, 700; 540,999, 839,906

2 Math Message Make a design or geometric shape on your geoboards You will be constructing 2 dimensional shape and discussing the similarities and differences you find between the shapes. Next make an angle with your rubber band. The point they meet at is the vertex of the angle.

3 Math Message Make a right angle. Right angle is an angle whose sides form a square corner. Line segments or lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular lines or line segments. Draw right angle HRM on your white board.

4 Obtuse and Acute Angles Make an acute angle on your geoboards, then draw and label it on your whiteboard with letters G,E,O Make an obtuse angle on your geoboards, then draw and label it on your whiteboard with letters IDK

5 Triangles Make a shape on your geoboards that has three sides(triangle) Make a triangle with a right angle on your geoboards Draw that triangle on your whiteboard and label it X,Y,Z with XY perpendicular to YZ

6 Quadrilaterals Construct a shape on your geoboards with four sides. (Quadrilateral) Create a 4 sided shape in which all sides are same size and angles are right angles. (square) Pull the rubber band so the opposite corners of the square are outward. Are all angles till right angles? Same length? (rhombus) Pull the rubber band so that the quadrilateral has pairs of opposite sides the same length and with four right angles. (rectangle) Pull opposites sides of rectangle in opposite directions. Are they still right angles? Are pairs of opposite sides still same length? (parallelogram) Make a trapezoid.

7 Trapezoid and Kite Can you make a quadrilateral with exactly three right angles? Yes/no


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