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The Dualities of Ethics Juan Fernando Sellés. “Ethics is dual, for it deals with norms and goods. Moral norms themselves also offer a duality: the first.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dualities of Ethics Juan Fernando Sellés. “Ethics is dual, for it deals with norms and goods. Moral norms themselves also offer a duality: the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dualities of Ethics Juan Fernando Sellés

2 “Ethics is dual, for it deals with norms and goods. Moral norms themselves also offer a duality: the first moral principle (enclosed in syntheresis, an innate habit… that is also dual) and directly prevailing laws, which are in their turn positive or negative. In turn, goods are internal (virtues) and intended, or external, according to the duality of means and ends” POLO, L., Antropología Trascendental I. La persona humana, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1999, p. 165

3 Extrinsic Dualities of Ethics Transcendental Order Transcendental Anthropology Metaphysics Categorial Order Human Knowledges Experimental Sciences

4 Dualities of Human Knowledges Below Ethics Family Sciences - Education Sciences Psicology – Sociology Theory of Will – Theory of Knowledge Theory of Language – Theory of Body Law - Communication Sciences Government and Magement Theory – Theory of Culture (Economics and Fine Arts) History

5 Human Dualities Personal Act of being Transcendental Anthropology Human Essence Essential Anthropology - Ethics Apex (Synderesis, “I”) Slopes (Will and Intelligence) Body - Human Nature Anthropological study of the Body

6 Intrinsic Dualities of Ethics Methodical (cognitive) Synderesis (innate habit) Practical reason Thematic (goods) Internal Goods External Goods

7 Synderesis Willing-I Will - Practical Reason Seeing-I Theoretical Reason

8 Practical Reason Acquired Habits Conceptual Habit Eubulia Synesis – gnome Prudence Immanent Acts Concept Deliberation Practical Judgement Command - Imperium

9 Internal Goods Virtues Temperance Fortitute Justice Friendship Acts In order to end Simple willing Tending Enjoying In order to means Consent Election or decision Use

10 External Goods Ultimate goal Goods that are also means

11 As a result… If Ethics are intrinsically and extrinsically dual, then the methods commonly used nowadays are reductive, such as: analytic, phenomenological, hermeneutics or pragmatism, etc. The systemic method is the most appropriate for Ethics

12 Finally… Humanistic and Experimental knowledges lack of fundation (basis) without Ethics. Ethics lacks of fundation (basis) without Transcendental Anthropology.

13 Some Advices Ethics: It is impossible to know Human Nature (Natural Law) without synderesis. Interdisciplinariety in University: It is impossible to unify or establish hierarquical order in sciences without synderesis and an accurate Theory of Knowledge. Methaphisics: If Methaphisics are inferior to Transcendental Anthropology and superior to Ethics, Methaphisics must be dual towards Transcendental Anthropology and must dualice Ethics. Theology: If Transcendental Anthropology is te summit between Human Sciences, it is very convenient to Theology to know and acquire the new polian discoveries about these matter.

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