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Sociological Perspectives

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1 Sociological Perspectives
The “Big Five”

2 Auguste Comte Considered to be the founder of sociology and coined the term Focused on social order and social change Social statics – Processes that hold society together (Family, religion, etc.) Social dynamics – Processes that change society Believed they could be uncovered through science

3 Herbert Spencer Believed society was made up of parts Social Darwinism
Best aspects of society will survive No steps are needed to correct society’s problems Over time, the best societies survive (“Survival of the Fittest”)

4 Emile Durkheim Created first university sociology course
Concerned with social order (like Comte) and believed society was made up of parts (like Spencer) Each part has a function – The consequence that an element of society profuces for the maintenance of the social system However, he believed you should only study features of society that are measurable (ex. Suicide)

5 Karl Marx Structure of society is influenced by how its economy is organized. 2 classes in capitalist societies bourgeoisie - owners of the means of production proletariat – workers Believed this caused inevitable conflict that would result in a proletarian revolution which would produce a classless society

6 Max Weber Interested in groups within society, not society as a whole
Verstehen – attempt to understand the meaning of individual actions (see situations through others’ eyes) Ideal type – The essential characteristics of a feature of society that are found by examining different examples of the feature (ex. Schools)

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