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F OUNDERS OF S UCCESS, BNI April 12, 2012. A GILE S EARCH M ARKETING M ISSION & T EAM Utilizing proven methods, top quality tools and ethical business.

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Presentation on theme: "F OUNDERS OF S UCCESS, BNI April 12, 2012. A GILE S EARCH M ARKETING M ISSION & T EAM Utilizing proven methods, top quality tools and ethical business."— Presentation transcript:

1 F OUNDERS OF S UCCESS, BNI April 12, 2012

2 A GILE S EARCH M ARKETING M ISSION & T EAM Utilizing proven methods, top quality tools and ethical business practices, provide industry-best SEO services to companies of all sizes throughout the U.S. by employing best practices that lead to: Inquiries Qualified Leads Sales

3 A GILE S EARCH M ARKETING M ISSION & T EAM Alan Koenigsberg, MBA, Founder West Coast U.S. Dmitriy Gamarnik, SEO Specialist East Coast U.S. T.B.D., SEO Specialist West Coast U.S.

4 A GILE S EARCH M ARKETING S ERVICES Starter & Complete SEO Packages for small and medium businesses Subcontracted SEO projects from Web Developers & Consultants Pay Per Click Advertising for Selective Keywords Speaking Engagements

5 C OMMON M YTH #1 A BOUT SEO Once a website is completed, it will appear accordingly on major search engines. Wrong. In some cases, web developers do not follow SEO best practices – search engine results can look like the following: Home - Realty Guild www. Network of independent brokers and offices. Also includes links to community information.

6 C OMMON M YTH #1 A BOUT SEO ( CONT.) Instead, it could be optimized and appear as follows (keyword search term is “broker association”): Association for Real Estate Broker s, Independent Agents | Realty Guild, San Francisco Network of independent brokers and offices. Also includes links to community information. Note: For Google search results, TITLE tag is limited to 70 characters with spaces.

7 W HY I S THE T ITLE T AG I MPORTANT / F REQUENTLY O VERLOOKED ? A title tag is the main text that describes an online document. It is the single most important on-page SEO element (behind overall content) and appears in three key places: 1) browser; 2) search engine results; 3) external websites (especially social media sites) will use the title of a web page as its link anchor text.

8 W HY I S THE T ITLE T AG I MPORTANT / F REQUENTLY O VERLOOKED ? The title tag is a new visitor's first interaction with your brand when they find it in a search result and should convey the most positive impression.

9 W HY I S THE T ITLE T AG I MPORTANT / F REQUENTLY O VERLOOKED ? Using keywords in title tags means that search engines will "bold" (or highlight) those terms in the search results when a user has performed a query with those terms. This helps garner a greater visibility and a higher click-through- rate (i.e., clicks / impressions). Association for Real Estate Broker s, Independent Agents | Realty Guild www. Network of independent brokers and offices. Also includes links to community information. Note: search term = “broker association”

10 D O Y OU K NOW A B USINESS T HAT … Has a website and has tried doing SEO on their own and stopped out of frustration or lack of outside support? Has an old / outdated website and is not providing qualified leads?

11 Q UESTIONS Is SEO optional for businesses with a website? Is SEO an easy, DIY project? 1. No. SEO is an essential tool for including keywords and keyword phrases in tags and in the body of pages so those using a major search engine can find your home page or any relevant page on your site, depending on the type of information or service needed at the time. 2. No. SEO requires the skill and experience of a specialist in the field – ASM SEO specialists have strengths in website design, website analytics, HTML or hyper text markup language and marketing consulting.

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