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PHOTOGRAPHY AND ACTIVISM. INTRODUCTION  outcome from this session:  how to create a photography project  how to reach-out the public, by using photography.

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Presentation on theme: "PHOTOGRAPHY AND ACTIVISM. INTRODUCTION  outcome from this session:  how to create a photography project  how to reach-out the public, by using photography."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION  outcome from this session:  how to create a photography project  how to reach-out the public, by using photography as a tools of activism.  understanding the importance of visual communication in activism

3 PHOTOGRAPHY  What is photography?  Do we need a f**king expensive gear to start photography?  Responsibility & Honesty

4 PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT  Individual  Collectives

5  INDIVIDUAL know your direction and themes do some write-up shooting editing product

6 COLLECTIVES understanding on the campaign write-up setting-up the basement/structure mobilizing (social media, friends, family, collegues, ngo) editing (expectation check on the project, whether it within its directon or not) product examples

7 REACHING THE AUDIENCE photography exhibition slideshow screening books/newsprint/zine social media


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