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Bonding Practical Chemistry 2005. How are new substances formed? New substances are formed when two or more atoms CHEMICALLY BOND together. The resulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Bonding Practical Chemistry 2005. How are new substances formed? New substances are formed when two or more atoms CHEMICALLY BOND together. The resulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonding Practical Chemistry 2005

2 How are new substances formed? New substances are formed when two or more atoms CHEMICALLY BOND together. The resulting substance is UNIQUE both chemically & physically.

3 It’s all about the electrons! Remember electrons? –Tiny particles that are located outside of the nucleus of an atom

4 The Periodic Table: your best friend How do you figure out how many electrons an element has?

5 Electron Identification Determine the # of electrons in the following: 1. Ca 2. P 3. N 4. Mg

6 How Electrons are Organized Electrons are arranged in energy levels around the nucleus of an atom 1st energy level = 2 electrons 2nd energy level = 8 electrons 3rd energy level = 8 (or 18) electrons

7 Practice Drawing Atoms Take a few minutes to practice drawing atoms and their electrons ….. HeliumOxygenMagnesiumCarbon

8 Valence Electrons The outermost electrons (Valence electrons) are the ones involved in bonding. Lewis Dot Notation – shows only the valence electrons.

9 “Happy Atom” Theory Atoms want 8 (eight) valence electrons in their outermost orbitals. Once atoms have a filled outer shell, they are STABLE, or “happy” Chemical bonding allows atoms get the electrons that they need

10 An Easier Way…. You can figure out how many electrons are going to be involved in bonding by looking at the periodic table

11 Types of Bonding I IONIC BONDING Na (1 electron) F (7 electrons) NaF Both have 8 electrons because now the second shell of Na is its outermost shell.

12 IONIC BONDING (cont…) Electrons are ripped off one atom by another atom. This creates IONS. Occurs between METALS and NONMETALS Identify the following elements as metals or non-metals…..

13 Types of Bonding II COVALENT BONDING –Electrons are SHARED between two atoms –Occurs between NONMETAL and NONMETAL

14 Identifying Different Bonds Practice identifying the type of bonding in each compound below…… (SEE WORKSHEET)


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