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System and Terminology

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1 System and Terminology
McEachern Offense System and Terminology


3 I. PHILOSOPHY Our offensive philosophy is based on a few general principles… Most coaches can get they emphasize, but you can’t emphasize everything…prioritize what you emphasize. Progression Teaching- Break it down to simplest terms possible for players, then build on that foundation. Focus teaching on one pre-snap thought and spend most of our time working what happens post snap. Get best players on the field. Get ball to playmakers. Balanced threat of run or pass in any given situation. Control Tempo of the game. Prepared for all situations. Simple schemes for OL’s, practice tech. not assignments. Simple terms for TB, every hits him, don’t need to think. 1.Never move forward until mastered base. Simple Logic can produce great output. 2. This is based on placing our personnel in the best possible position for success. The schemes are flexible to fit multiple groups. 3. Not always 50/50 but the situation will dictate what is balanced. On any given day, we will do what it takes to win. 4. We want to control the speed of the game in all situations. Back to the huddle, calling plays, getting to the LOS, and cadence will all have slow, normal, & quick speeds. Also, we will go no huddle at times. 5. We will practice many contingency plans to be ready for anything that will arise in a game.

Huddle TEMPO!!! 5 YDS LT LG C RG RT QB stands close waiting on play, then says ‘down’ = OL snaps down, at this point its the QB’s show. Y QB B A Z X Z & X go behind huddle to spot Y goes behind OL’s as they go to LOS. B waits as Y goes then goes to spot. A steps back and waits.

5 CADENCE ‘Set, Color #, Color #, Go!’ (on ‘one’).
Example - ‘Set, Green 46, Green 46, Go!’ Non-rhythmic, QB may hold it at any time. On ‘two’ or ‘three’ = add Go as needed. On 1st sound = Go! Generally motions will start on 1st color. No foot, motion man time up where you need to be on snap. All ‘cwm’ on 1. All live color audible changes to 1 if not already on 1.

6 Holes / Gaps Holes - even to Right & odd to the Left
D C B A A B C D Gaps - same on both sides. We will talk about ‘play side’ gap and ‘back side’ gap.

7 Personnel Names Wide Receivers X = SE Z = FL W =3rd V = 4th Backs
A = TB B = FB C = HB Tight Ends Y = TE H = 2nd T = 3rd QB - Gun, Pistol, or Under center? Under center = ‘I’ Pistol = off set & by play Gun = one back & by play

8 IV. Formations Directional call to tell Y (TE)which side to line up. Z is flanker (10-12 yd split) to direction except for Twins & Trips X (SE) goes opposite except for “Over” call and is always on the LOS. Astro = X off the LOS. Bunch = X line up 5 yds from OT. Tight = TE position. Can sub any position with other personnel A & B line up in “I” unless call is tagged to line up elsewhere.. 20 20 10 10 . Y Astro B X Q Slot, doubles & trips A Far A Away A Wing B Tri A Ghost (Ace) B Z B A Light (Weak) B Heavy (Strong) B Blue = away from RT/LT call Red= to RT/LT call Right with tag after - ex. Rt. Tri

9 Formations – Pro Sets Q Right Q Right Tri Q Right Slot Y X Z B X Y Z B
For maximum flexablity with personnel and for ease of learning multiple postions. Y Q X Z B A Right X Y Q Z A W B Right Tri X Y A W Q Z B Right Slot

10 Formations – Twins Sets
20 20 Y Q X Z B A Right Twins 10 10 . X Y Q Z B Right Twins “Flex” A Y Q X Z B A Right Trips

11 Formations – Spread Sets
20 20 X Z Q Y B Right Spread A 10 10 X . Z Q A Y B V W Right Doubles X Z Q A V Y W B Right Trio

12 Formations- Variations
20 20 X Y Z Q Z Y “off” B Right Tight A 10 10 Y Q B A R Bunch X . Z 5 yd “Bunch” 5 yd “R” Y X Q Z B Right Over A

13 Motions Letter of person moving then one of the following…
In = in towards ball. Out = away from ball. Cross = across the formation to other side of ball. Back = in to ball and back out. Right = to right & Left = to left Orbit = deep to TB spot If said after formation then motion from spot Ex- Rt. Hvy Z-in If said before the formation then shift to spot and reset. Ex- Y cross (to a) Rt. Lite

14 Motions examples 20 20 10 10 Q Right Spread Y Cross Q
Z Q Y B Right Spread Y Cross A 10 10 Y Q X Z B A Z Cross (to a) Right . X Z Q A V Y W Right Trio A Back B

15 Personnel Groups

16 Pride Drill 1 0 G 1st Huddle 2nd Huddle OC OL check vert. splits
WR check WR align. 1 0 1st huddle always goes left 2nd huddle always goes left G TE check thru line & go around pylon RB -check thru line & around pylon

17 MASTER PLAY LIST Pass Protection
=qk game-5step 1/260 = base-5 step 1/270 = base ‘hot’ 1/280 = Sprint Out ….90 =qk game 3step 300’s = p/a boot 400’s = p/a naked 500’s =p/a Spr. Draw Screens- Miami, Hurricane, Bubble, Dot, Drop, Read, Throwback. Pass Patterns Country, Change Flood, State Hitch, Out, Slant, Fade Hank, Stretch, Seam, Streak, Scat, Drive, Shallow, Spot Smash, Out, Stutter Run Game 04/05 = Ins Zone /07 =Mid Zone 08/09 =Out Zone 10/11 =Wedge 12/13 = Veer 18/19=Zone Opt 20/21 = Trap 26/27 = Counter 34/35 = Iso /37= Power 1/260 = Draw

18 One Play Calls – Tempo Setters
Stampede = formation & play sequence (will change for Game plan), usually 4 plays. Money = Red Zone / 3rd med pass ex. Rt Hvy 427 Flood. Paydirt = GL / Sht yd run ex. Z cross to a Lt Hvy 09 toss. Petey = Repeat exact same play. Mary = LT trips 260 Hail Mary. Virgin = LT trips 260 Dig/Ladder/Screen Fire = RT Spread Strong 50 Hook & latter. Big Ben = Fast FG, time running out.

19 HURRY, HURRY! (2 min. off) If Right handed QB, flip everything if Left handed Always Rt Spread 260 (QB yells RT, RT,RT!) Unless QB yells – left, left, left! (when ball outside right upright) Then changes to Lt Spr 160. #1 receivers never change sides and always on the ball. Y is to the call. A to call, B opposite. Snap always on “Set Go!” Kill, Kill! Means, spike ball to stop clock – slashing motion through neck. (all receiver just line up on LOS where ever). QB under center!

20 HURRY, HURRY! (2 min. off) Will signal route… Hank = hooked finger.
Smash = fist to hand. Out = thumb signaling out. Flood = hand to ankle – high water pants. Seam = slashing hand Others depending on QB style, etc.

21 HURRY, HURRY! (2 min. off) Other calls…
Read Screen Rt = hand screening face (always to Rt unless left, left call). Counter = flat hand rubbing counter top (always Rt unless left, left call). 90’s = call 90 to OL’s, signal 0,1,2,or 9 for route.

22 HURRY, HURRY! (2 min. off) Objectives Get 1st down!
Or get out of bounds. Or throw ball away. Never take sack! Be careful scrambling! Get into FG range or hail mary range. FG team be ready – BIG BEN! Huddle on dead ball. Change receivers. Will do in middle of game as well, be ready.

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