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CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 Development Planning and Project Management Presented by Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque MBA(IBA), PGD-GFM (UK), Masters of Economics ( Japan)

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Presentation on theme: "CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 Development Planning and Project Management Presented by Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque MBA(IBA), PGD-GFM (UK), Masters of Economics ( Japan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 Development Planning and Project Management Presented by Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque MBA(IBA), PGD-GFM (UK), Masters of Economics ( Japan) Deputy Secretary (Finance & Service) BPSC & Project Director – Strengthening BPSC’s …….. An IDA assisted project. 112/1/2015

2 Y = C + I + G + X Where, Y = GDP C = Consumption I = Investment G= Government Expenditure X= Net Export CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction2

3 1Five Year Plans 2Three Years’ Rolling Investment Plan 3MDGs, PRSP,PRS 4 Unlocking the Potentials: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction ( NSAPR-1) 2005-2008 5Steps Towards Change: NSAPR-22008-2011 6Perspective Plan (2011-2021)In action 7Sixth Five Year PlanIn action 8Annual Development ProgramDevelopment Budget CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction3

4 Constitutional Provision Articles 81-92 of the constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Budget 1.Non-Development Budget 2.Development Budget: Annual Development Program ( Development Projects) Budgetary SystemMedium Term Budget Framework  Estimate for next year  Projection for four years after next CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction4

5 Revenue Receipts1,18,385 Grant4,938 Total Revenue and Grant1,23,323 Non-Development Expenditure1,02,903 ADP46,000 Other Expenditure14,686 Total Expenditure1,63,589 Financing40,266 CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction5

6 AmountPercentage Domestic Resources 24,79454% External Resources 21,20546% Total ADP 46,000100.00% CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction6

7 Revenue Receipts1,18,385 Grant4,938 Total Revenue and Grant1,23,323 Non-Development Expenditure1,02,903 ADP46,000 Other Expenditure14,686 Total Expenditure1,63,586 Financing40,263 Foreign aid ( Project Aid + Other Support)23,623 GDP8,99,670 GDP in USD128 billion USD CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction7

8 Agencies Roles Executing AgencyInitiation Sponsoring MinistryExamine/ Ownership Finance Ministry1.Finance Division 2.ERD 1.Project personnel/ Budget/Fund release 2.Foreign Aid/ Donor Planning Ministry1.Concerned Sector 2.Programming Division 3.IMED 4.Planning Division 1.Appraisal/Evaluation 2.Allocation in the ADP 3.Cost Rationalization/ Monitoring and Evaluation 4.Approval Bangladesh BankForeign exchange/ Special Accounts Development PartnersForeign Aid ( Grant + Loan) Law MinistryVetting on Contract CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction8

9 The annual investment program of the Government which details the different projects being undertaken by the Government, together with costs, cumulative expenditure, projected expenditure during the period, sources of financing etc. CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction9

10 1. In FY 2010-11, government spent 96% of the RADP allocation. What were the potential causes for not achieving 100% in your consideration? 2. Please discuss the ways to bring greater efficiency in the implementation of ADP in future. CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction10

11 3. What are the major challenges of implementation of development projects in Bangladesh? 4. Elaborate any two of them you think are most significant. CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction11

12 5. How do the government finance for the development project? 6. Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having foreign aid for the development project in the government sector. CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction12

13 7. What is the size of ADP for the FY 2011-12? Do you think it too ambitious against the backdrop of the previous year’s experience? Please justify with argument. CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction13

14 8. How does investment related to GDP of an economy? 9. One of the targets of the Perspective Plan is to make Bangladesh a middle income country by 2021. Please comment. 10. What are the key agencies concerned to Project Development and Implementation in GOB sector/Private sector? CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction14

15 11. What are the strategic policies behind undertaking project in GOB sector? 12. How do the project in private sector can help macro- economic development? CSC-PDM-2011-Introduction15

16 Procedure of development project preparation, processing, approval and revision in GOB sector Planning Division Ministry of Planning Government of Bangladesh May 2008 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201016

17 CSC-PDM- GOB-201017 Development Projects 1. Investment Projects 2. Projects Implemented by the Organization’s Own Fund 3. Study/Survey Project 4. Technical Assistance Project  Government Sector Technical Assistance Project  Regional Technical Assistance project  Private Sector Technical Assistance Project 12/1/2015

18 1. Ground to undertake the project ( NSAPR, Vision Paper etc) 2. Position in the priority list 3. Rationale in context of overall economic condition 4. Lessons from other similar project 5. Avoid duplication to any other projects/program implementing from non-development budget 6. Institutionalization and sustainability 7. Project risk and addressing strategy 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201018

19 7. Land acquisition plan 8. Determining land requirements- avoid cultivable land 9. Contribution to achieving Short / Mid / Long term plans 10. Rationality of components and costs 11. Rationalization of cost of consultant, seminar, study tour etc. 12. Transport, office accommodation etc 13. Financial and economic analysis 14. Impact on environment, employment, women development, productivity 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201019

20 15. Necessity of rehabilitation 16. Priority to reduce regional disparity 17. Impact of poverty reduction 18. Accuracy of the information 19. Emphasis on outsourcing 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201020

21 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010BIAM-Executive Course-PM21 Concerned Wing of PC  Appraise the project on the basis of: 1.Short/mid/long term policies/program 2.Sectoral allocation 3.Availability of resources 4.Assurance of foreign assistance 5.Item wise Expenditure 6.Time schedule 7.FD’s recommendation 12/1/2015

22 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010BIAM-Executive Course-PM22 Concerned Wing of PC  Appraise the project on the basis of: 1.Coordination among different sectors 2.Capacity of the implementing agency 3.Impact on non-development budget 4.Consider price contingency and physical contingency 5.Project duration 12/1/2015

23 CSC-PDM- GOB-201023 Project Preparation Executing Agency Sponsoring Ministry ISC: Examines & Recommends Identify Project Prepare DPP/TPP/PDPP Recast DPP Finance Division: Post, category & no of personnel required Planning Commission OKNot OK Recommendation 7 days/ 20 sets 12/1/2015

24 CSC-PDM- GOB-201024 Executing Agency  PCP and PP are not in use  Project identification  Development Project Proposal/Proforma (Preparation of DPP/TPP/PDPP)  Head of the executing agency is responsible for the accuracy of data and information 12/1/2015

25 CSC-PDM- GOB-201025 Sponsoring Ministry  Internal Standing Committee Examines  Targets/Objectives/Goals etc  Short/ long/mid term policies/programs  Item wise expenditure  If revision not needed, send the DPP to PC, 20 sets.  DPP to send to the Post, Category, and Number of Personnel Committee of FD  FD to recommend to sponsoring ministry and PC. 12/1/2015

26 CSC-PDM- GOB-201026 Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) 1. Headed by the concerned member, 2. PEC examines and if necessary,  Sends back to Administrative Ministry  RDPP-PC-PEC 3. PEC meeting 4. IMED for expenditure justification 5. Recommend to approve 12/1/2015

27 CSC-PDM- GOB-201027 Project Approval  Summary in prescribed format  Up to TK 250 million  Planning Minister  More than TK 250 million  Coordination wing of NEC to place before ECNEC  ECNEC approve the project 12/1/2015

28 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010BIAM-Executive Course-PM28 Preliminary Development Project Proforma (PDPP): For aided project 1. Sponsoring Ministry to PC copy to ERD 2. PC to send to ERD with approval from Planning Minister 3. ERD initiates discussion with development partners 12/1/2015

29 CSC-PDM- GOB-201029 Preliminary Development Project Proforma (PDPP): For aided project 4. Positive response lead to prepare final DPP for the foreign aided project. 5. Follow the process discussed in investment project. 12/1/2015

30 CSC-PDM- GOB-201030 Revision of Investment Project  Modification not recommended  If necessary, maximum twice  Up to 10% change, Administrative Ministry  Up to 20% change but <TK 250 million, Planning Minister  More than 20% or >TK 250 million, PEC- ECNEC 12/1/2015

31 CSC-PDM- GOB-201031 Projects by Own Fund  Fund release by Monitoring Cell of FD  Prepare DPP as usual  Follow macro-economic policy  Rules and regulations  Comments from PC, IMED,FD, ERD, Women, Environment and concerned dept.  Recommendation of Committee headed by Concerned secretary  Approval from the minister 12/1/2015

32 CSC-PDM- GOB-201032 Study/Survey Project  Prescribed format  Up to TK 20 million,  Recommendation of DPEC  Approval by the Concerned Minister  More than TK 20 million,  Recommendation of PC and PEC  Planning minister will approve 12/1/2015

33 CSC-PDM- GOB-201033 Technical Assistance Project Proforma/Proposal(TPP)  Prescribed format  Assurance from the Development partner  Consultant, counterpart personnel etc.  Up to TK 70 million  Recommendation from DSPEC  Minister will approve 12/1/2015

34 CSC-PDM- GOB-201034 Technical Assistance Project Proforma/Proposal(TPP)  More than TK 70 million  Pre-feasibility by PC  Recommendation from SPEC  Planning Minister will approve 12/1/2015

35 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010  Part A: Executive Summary: 1-16  Part B: Project Details: 17-23 TPP: Format 3512/1/2015

36 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 1Project ID 2Project Title 3Project Period Date of Commencement Date of completion 4Name of the concerned sector & subsector 5Name of the Ministry/ Agency responsible Sponsoring Execution 6Name of the Project Director/ national PD 7Name of the Officials responsible for preparation of TPP 8Name of Development Partner contact PART-A: Executive Summary 3612/1/2015

37 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 Source of financing In kindIn cashTotalMode of Financing LocalFE GoB Development partners a) b) Other 10. Grand total Exchange rate 9. Source of financing with cost 3712/1/2015

38 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 FY Total cost FE cost Taka cost GOB cost(FE) Project AidCD/VAT RPADPA Yr-1 Yr-2 Yr-3 Total 11. Year-wise Breakdown of cost 3812/1/2015

39 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 12 Attach economic code and sub code wise description of component and year wise breakdown of cost 13Linkage to other project/program/organization 14Provision in the current years ADP 15 Financing after completion of the Technical Assistance Project a.Required amount b.Source of financing c.Mode of financing 16Actions expected after completion of the project TPP format 3912/1/2015

40 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010 17Situation Analysis 18 Objectives a.Overall b.Specific 19Strategy 20Implementation Arrangements 21Expected output 22Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting 23Legal context Part-B: Project Details 4012/1/2015

41 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010  Economic Code and Sub code wise description  Terms of Reference  Qualification, Experience and responsibilities of consultants  Implementation/Work Schedule  Total Procurement Plan for Technical Assistance Project-Goods Annexure 4112/1/2015

42 CSC-PDM- GOB-2010  Tasks and qualifications of counterpart personnel to be attached with the consultants  Tasks and qualifications of support staff to be recruited  Project Implementation Unit  Development Grant Agreement Annexure 4212/1/2015

43 CSC-PDM- GOB-201043 Revision of Technical Assistance Project Proforma(RTPP)  Not recommended  No more than twice  Up to 25% increase  Recommendation from DSPEC  Concerned Minister will approve  More than 25%  Recommendation from SPEC  Planning Minister will approve 12/1/2015

44 CSC-PDM- GOB-201044 Technical Assistance Project of Private sector If fund come through GOB channel follow the procedure mentioned for TPP 12/1/2015

45 CSC-PDM- GOB-201045 Important Terminologies  Project Management Setup:  Organogram/  Job description etc  Log Frame:  Goal/purpose/output/input  Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI), MOV  Budget Head:  Revenue Head  Capital Head 12/1/2015

46 CSC-PDM- GOB-201046 Important Terminologies  Procurement Plan:  Goods: Unit/quantity/method/approval of contract/ source of fund etc  Services:  Financial & Physical target plan  Qty/Unit cost/TC/Weight/Year wise achievement/ Percentage etc. 12/1/2015

47 CSC-PDM- GOB-201047 Approving Authority DPP  <=TK 250 Million: Planning Minister  >TK 250 million: ECNEC RDPP  <=10%, Sponsoring Ministry  Up to 20%, Planning Minister  >20% or TK 250 million: ECNEC 12/1/2015

48 CSC-PDM- GOB-201048 Approving Authority  Study/Survey Project:  <=TK 20 million: Concerned Minister  > TK 20 million: Planning Minister  TPP  <=TK 70 million: Concerned Minister  >TK 70 million: Planning Minister  RTPP  <=25%: Concerned minister  >25%: Planning Minister 12/1/2015

49  What do we mean by development project in government sector?  Why do the Government implement development project?  Please mention different types of development project in government sector?  How do the GOB finance for the development project? 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201049

50  Who initiates development projects?  Who approves development projects?  How can a project in education sector of cost TK 50 crore of which TK40 crore as foreign aid get approved?  What is ADP/RADP? 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201050

51  Key agencies related to development project  Please name ten stakeholders of Bangabandhu Bridge.  Who finance development projects  Fund release for the development project  Implementation of the development project 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201051

52  Please appraise the ADP of 2011-12.  In FY 2010-11 government implemented 96% of the RADP. What were the possible hindrances of not being implemented 100% in your consideration. How do government bring efficiency in the implementation of ADP? CSC-PDM- GOB-20105212/1/2015

53  Please discuss the role of development partners in implementation of development project?  Do you think that we are in a position, right now, to implement development project without development partners’ assistance? Please justify.  Discuss the key challenges of implementation of development project in GOB/private sector? CSC-PDM- GOB-20105312/1/2015

54  For approval of an investment project what are the issues Planning Commission considers? CSC-PDM- GOB-20105412/1/2015

55 Price contingencyPhysical contingency Special AccountsDevelopment partners Foreign AidRADP Feasibility study projectFeasibility study StakeholdersIMED Impact AnalysisFund release Overall economic growthGDP Project revisionProject recast InstallmentProgram spending NSAPRFive Year Plan Annual Work PlanProcurement Plan Counterpart personnelTechnical Assistance Project CSC-PDM- GOB-20105512/1/2015

56 Price contingencyPhysical contingency OutsourcingPhysical work PRSRecast MDGIMED Project componentECNEC FIRRAmortization schedule EIRRPDPP DBPERD SectorRDPP Priority listTPP DPECTOR EECGOB CSC-PDM- GOB-20105612/1/2015

57 Price contingencyPhysical contingency FERPA PADPA Budget headEconomic code Revenue componentCapital component OVIMOV IALog frame CSC-PDM- GOB-20105712/1/2015

58 1. Investment Projects: Example………. 2. Projects Implemented by the Organization’s Own Fund: Examples………….. 3. Study/Survey Project: Examples……….. 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201058

59 4.Technical Assistance Project  Government Sector Technical Assistance Project  Regional Technical Assistance project  Private Sector Technical Assistance Project 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201059

60 12/1/2015CSC-PDM- GOB-201060 Executing Agency Sponsoring Ministry ISC: Examines & Recommends Identify Project Prepare DPP Recast DPP Finance Division: Post, category & no of personnel required Planning Commission OKNot OK Recommendation 7 days/ 20 sets

61 CSC-PDM- GOB-201061 Thank You 12/1/2015

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