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1 ECHO and EDG Status May 9, 2006 Beth Weinstein, Yonsook Enloe,

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1 1 ECHO and EDG Status May 9, 2006 Beth Weinstein, Yonsook Enloe,

2 2 Modeling, Applications, Decision Support Systems Collection & Granule Catalog Browse Images What is ECHO? ECHO is middleware between Data, Service, and Client Partners Data Partners provide information about their Earth science- related data holdings Client Partners develop software (“clients”) to access ECHO’s metadata using ECHO’s open APIs End users search ECHO's metadata using an ECHO client; ECHO is not a user interface ECHO Extended Web Services Data Partner APIs Client Partner APIs Machine – to – Machine Tailored Graphical User Interfaces Client Partners Data Partners End User Other Data Partners NASA DAACs

3 3 ECHO Capability Today User Registration and Login Metadata ingest, validation, and reconciliation Search Parameters Spatial (e.g. point, line, polygon, multipolygon, circle) Temporal (e.g. date range, day/night/both) Keyword (e.g. dataset id, sensor name) Numeric (e.g. cloud cover percentage ) Boolean (e.g. Only data with browse data, Only data that is online) Open interfaces for human-machine or machine-to-machine clients Data Access Direct On-line Access Brokering of Orders Price Quotes Subscriptions Interoperability with other systems (OGC/NSDI Client support) Service Catalog based on web services standards

4 4 ECHO Data Partner Status ECHO’s Current Holdings (May 2006) from 10 Data Partners Collections2,237 Granules56 million Browse14 million All NASA ECS DAACs are actively participating in ECHO (GES, LARC, LP, NSIDC) Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics, Global Precipitation, Ocean Biology, Ocean Dynamics, Solar Irradiance Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols and Tropospheric Chemistry Land Processes Snow and Ice, Cryosphere and Climate V0 DAACs are participating (ASF, GES, JPL, ORNL, SEDAC, PO) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sea Ice, Polar Processes, Geophysics Biogeochemical Dynamics, Ecological Data, Environmental Processes Oceanic Processes, Air-Sea Interactions Population, Sustainability MODIS Data Processing System (MODAPS) and JAXA CEOP are in test mode

5 5 ECHO Client Partner Status Current ECHO Clients General purpose geospatial and temporal searching Customized user interfaces to facilitate specific communities and tasks Back-end harvesting tools to support client- side caching of key information Additional value-added processing by clients (e.g. subset, resample, reproject, reformat) Client Partner: 17 Operational2 In evaluation or test7 Active development3 Planning/requirements3 Proposed 2

6 6 EDG Transition to ECHO’s WIST Client Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST) ECHO client being developed by NASA ESDIS General search and order interface Will offer all EDG functionality Public access to current ECHO operational version WIST is expected to be fully operational for EOS datasets by 2Q 2007 ECHO must meet criteria (e.g. search performance, available, up-to-date metadata) before EDG is turned off U.S. EDG clients and servers will continue to operate until the GSFC EDG is turned off

7 7 ECHO Schedule ECHO 7.0 operational Browse Data Insert, Update, and Deletes Multiple Collections and Groups for Access Control Rules Spatial Query Based on Lat/Lon Point Mar 2006 ECHO 8.0 operational Web Services API Asynchronous Queries 4Q 2006 WIST operational2Q 2007 ECHO 9.0 operational Improved performance More Comprehensive Error Handling Enhanced Security Metrics 2Q 2007 ECHO 10.0 operational EOSDIS Evolution Items 4Q 2007

8 8 Why Use ECHO? Open system provides Earth science data and services to large, diverse pool of users enabling scientific community interaction and collaboration Control in the hands of the data partner Automate mapping between your metadata and ECHO catalog metadata Control visibility and access to your contributed resources Select the best spatial search approach for your data Check the history of orders and provide status on open orders Users search for collection and inventory-level data Search and order data through a customized user interface Directly access online data and/or order data on media ECHO offers high system availability 99% system availability Even if your system is down, ECHO users can still search your metadata

9 9 International Activities of Interest CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period) program Plans to use ECHO and OPeNDAP enabled clients and servers Satellite data used by CEOP will be represented in ECHO JAXA is currently evaluating ECHO through its CEOP activity Israel Space Agency would like to become an ECHO Data Partner Dundee (Scotland) and the IRE RAS (Russia) considering becoming ECHO Data Partners Studying interoperability with ESA and other international partners

10 10 ECHO/OPeNDAP Activities CEOP program will ingest metadata from satellite data of interest into ECHO. The satellite data is from JAXA, NASA, ESA, and Eumetsat WTF-CEOP developing extensions to OPeNDAP based tools to provide access to satellite data to the CEOP science community Direct search and access of ECHO through the web service APIs by OPeNDAP clients – prototype Matlab client will be demoed in July 2006 with operational capability expected when ECHO 8.0 is operational

11 11 ECHO and IDN GCMD and ECHO are working together to share information from its registries and give users a more unified experience when interacting with the two systems GCMD Portal to ECHO data operational in 2Q 2007

12 12 ECHO Project Website Contact information and mailing lists Information on how to get started as an ECHO Data, Client, or Service Partner Reference materials and tools System access information Real-time systems status Operations metrics updated weekly Info on various ECHO community meetings

13 13 ECHO Contact Information ECHO International contact Yonsook Enloe ( Contact ECHO Operations (Ops) +1 301 867-2071 (Weekdays, 08:00–19:00 ET) Visit the ECHO Project Website Join ECHO Mailing List: Schedule bi-lateral telecons to discuss potential collaboration!

14 14 Backup Slides

15 15 ECHO Mission/Vision Statement ECHO Mission ECHO’s mission is to enable a global marketplace of Earth Observation resources that will make Earth Observation data utilization more efficient and will spark innovation. ECHO provides Earth Observation communities with the ability to publish, discover, access and integrate directory and inventory level data and services through community-developed user interfaces. ECHO Vision ECHO will… be highly recognized, trusted and valued by the Earth Observation community be a critical building block in distributed information, modeling, decision support and public access systems have a low cost of participation to encourage broad community involvement

16 16 Technologies and Standards used by ECHO Technologies J2EE- Java 2 Enterprise Edition Provides a scalable (in terms of simultaneous accesses) application server which hosts our business logic Oracle 9i Provides a highly tunable relational database engine with spatial search capabilities XML Provides a cross-platform, cross-language basis for interacting with ECHO A layered, compartmentalized architecture is used to allow for updates with minimal impact to the other components of the system, including replacing the data model Standards Basic Profile Compliant Web Services Provides a cross-platform, cross-language basis for requesting ECHO to perform certain functions on the behalf of a client user, or for ECHO to request functions of a provider OGC Catalog Service Specification ECHO’s current API is based on this spec, and an adapter has been built to offer true standards compliance The layered architecture includes a place for protocol adapters, order adapters and ingest adapters that accommodate the differences among participating systems, minimizing the impact on those existing systems

17 17 ECHO Background – How did we get here? ECHO initiated as an enhancement to EOSDIS in response to: User feedback on complexity and limitations of the “system-wide” view of EOSDIS data provided by EOS Data Gateway (EDG). Belief that the community could and would develop better client capabilities tailored to their needs. Evolving NASA Earth science vision of multiple, distributed, heterogeneous data and service providers. Availability of emerging technologies (e.g. web services). Response was development of ECHO as enabling infrastructure. “Externalized” metadata and made it accessible via APIs that supported development of custom clients. Extensible architecture that allows standard client and provider interfaces to be added. Support for data services. Centralized “clearinghouse” model based on industry feedback. Driven by performance and availability requirements.

18 18 SUPPORTING A COLLABORATIVE EARTH SCIENCE COMMUNITY WITH INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Publishing Resources: Making them available for the Earth Science Community Discovery of Resources: Finding resources that meet science needs Consuming Resources: Accessing and using valuable resources, individually or in combination, to meet science needs

19 19 EOSDIS Context Diagram

20 20 EOS Missions/Instruments

21 21 EOSDIS Today EOSDIS provides A production capability for standard science data products from EOS instruments An “active archive” of Earth science data from EOS and other past and present missions A distributed information framework (data centers, SIPS, networks, interoperability, other system elements) with partners supporting EOS investigators and other users in science, government, industry, education, and policy

22 22 As middleware for a service-oriented enterprise, ECHO offers entrée to its capabilities through a set of publicly available Application Program Interfaces (APIs) (see Figure 1). These ECHO APIs are based on industry standards for performing web-based computing, specifically web services profile. These service interfaces are defined in the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) and are accessible through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Using these standards, clients written in most contemporary programming languages are isolated from the underlying technologies that support the distributed communication and functionality. These clients may call the ECHO web services much like a local function call. Most current developer tools support these standard technologies (e.g. WSDL, SOAP) natively. More information about ECHO, including a user’s guide and the API specification is available at

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