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Return to Title 4 Banner Processes Banner Processes Soraya Welden Meridian Community College.

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2 Return to Title 4 Banner Processes Banner Processes Soraya Welden Meridian Community College

3 Return to Title 4 Step 1: Set up withdrawal codes  STVWDRL Set up break rules/dates  SOATBRK

4 Return to Title 4 Step 2: Determine withdrawn students  Process: RPRTIVR or  Oracle reports menu

5 Return to Title 4 Step 3: Determine withdrawal code and withdrawal date  Print schedules  Determine withdrawal date and type from drop forms  Use LDA in Banner: SFAREGF

6 Return to Title 4 Step 4: Enter withdrawal date & withdrawal code  SFAWDRL

7 Return to Title 4 Step 5: Calculate the Title 4 amount to be returned  Batch Process: RPRTIVC  Individually: RPATIVC  Always in “Simulation Mode” first!!

8 Return to Title 4 Step 6: View calculations & adjust Pell award for less than full time  View/print results from RPRTIVC @ Jobsub  RPAAWRD, page 2, reduce pell for term based on actual hours

9 Return to Title 4 Step 7: Calculate the Title 4 amount to be returned – check accuracy  Batch Process: RPRTIVC  Individually: RPATIVC  In “Simulation Mode” again!!

10 Return to Title 4 Step 8: Calculate the Title 4 amount to be returned  Batch Process: RPRTIVC  Individually: RPATIVC  In “Calc/Save Mode”  Print RPRTIVC report

11 Return to Title 4 Step 9:  Oracle report – A/R recalc  Enter adjusted award in RPAAWRD, page 2 – lock term  Run disbursement to pay

12 Return to Title 4 Step 10:  Send letters to students with credits to accept or decline  Increase awards when credit is accepted

13 Return to Title 4 Questions ???

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