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Among the Hidden Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Among the Hidden Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Among the Hidden Vocabulary

2 Chapters 19-21: Idioms/Expressions
Fertility rate – Industrialized countries – Hydroponics – Rationing – Anglo – Germination – Cultivation – Cease and desist – Domesticity – Settled in for the long haul -

3 Chapters 19-21: Vocabulary
Adjudication Annihilation Astronomical Betray Compromise Daunting Droughts Earnestness Famines Genocide germination

4 19-21 Vocabulary cont.. Grimace Industrialized Malnourished Notion
Offended Ominous Pangs Preponderance Preserved Propaganda Render Resolutely revelations

5 19-21 Vocab. Cont.. Scam Seized Cultivation domesticity

6 Idioms and Expressions
Chapters 1-4: Pursed her lips – Umpteenth - Chiseled faces – Hog boots – Sissified – Double-cross – Combines – Bush hog – Gravity wagons – Mudroom – You’re a trooper – Chapter 5-7 Offal – Reciprocity – Bread and butter – Feeder pigs – Geegaws -

7 Idioms/ Expressions cont..
Chapters 16-18 On an awfully short leash -

8 Chapter 16-18 Botching (71) Bribe (87) Clout (80) Congealed (73)
Conscious (80) Flippantly (78) Incompetent (81) Infiltrator (71) Priorities (77) Sarcastic (85)

9 Chapters 12-15 Awe (57) Bribery (64) Competent (62) Harboring (61)
Pristine (57) Sanctuary (55) Sporadically (51) Taboos (60) Telepathy (55) Theoretically (52)

10 Chapters 8-11 Apparatus (37) Chaos (36) Countered (37) Guffawed (47)
Incredulously (46) Scoffed (39) Taunted (47) Teetering (38) Tentatively (37) Zeal (39)

11 Chapters 8-11 Apparatus – “Two teenaged boys lived there, and their deck overflowed with soccer balls, baseball bats, tennis rackets, basketballs, hockey sticks, and apparatus from games Luke could only guess at.” (37) -

12 apparatus I think apparatus means….

13 What’s behind the yellow box?
On this one, the students may not have been exactly certain what was behind the yellow box, but they should have a pretty good idea that it’s some kind of equipment for a leisure activity like the other pictures shown. Make the point: Even knowing a little bit about the mystery word is better than not knowing anything about it at all.

14 Chapters 1-4 Beckoned (11) Beseechingly (20) Careened (13)
Combines (17) Harrumphed (2) Hulking (10) Lofty (3) Resolutely (22) Savored (1) Shrugged (14) Skittish (5)

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