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BEFORE CLASS You may wish to review the material we have covered in unit 2 of ENC1930 There will not (in the regular definition) be a quiz today.

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Presentation on theme: "BEFORE CLASS You may wish to review the material we have covered in unit 2 of ENC1930 There will not (in the regular definition) be a quiz today."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEFORE CLASS You may wish to review the material we have covered in unit 2 of ENC1930 There will not (in the regular definition) be a quiz today

2 TODAY’S GOALS Review unit 2 material Discuss expectations of historical marker visual presentation

3 HISTORICAL MARKER VISUAL PRESENTATION GUIDE Presentations should be 2-5 minutes Must include the text of your marker presented in the format of an actual historical marker Full text of the historical marker must be read out for the class May include several images from the location as well to inform readers May include additional background information beyond just the historical marker Suggested format: PowerPoint

4 HISTORICAL MARKER VISUAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC 20% Speaking Was the speaker articulate and calm? Did the speaker convey the most important information about their location/event? Did the speaker keep their audience engaged in the presentation? 20% Preparation Is the presentation cohesive and finished? Does the presentation begin without technological difficulties or setbacks? 20% Time management Did the speaker fully utilize their presentation time? Did the presentation time fit within the limits given? 40% Visuals Does the historical marker look authentic? Do any additional visuals aid readers in understanding/visualizing the space?

5 HISTORICAL MARKER EXTRA CREDIT Throughout the presentations, you will be asked to vote/rate the presentations in several categories These scores will be added together for a composite score The student with the highest score in each class will receive +15 points of extra credit on their major essay

6 CLASS ACTIVITY- UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT Divide into your unit 2 groups (make sure each has 3-4 students) Remove all notes, phones, computers, and textbooks from your desks You may keep a clean sheet of paper and a writing instrument Questions will be asked about the unit 2 material Raise your hand to provide an answer (otherwise your answers will be ignored) The first group to get the COMPLETE right answer will be given a point Final number of points will determine the order for registering for presentations

7 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are 2 of the informative writing skills we discussed in class? 5 skills discussed 2 groups can get points

8 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are 2 of the close & active reading skills we discussed in class? 8 possible answers 3-4 groups can get points

9 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are the three possible ways we can integrate sources into our essays? Must name all three Only one group can get credit

10 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are the three types of citations we discussed? Points for naming 2/3

11 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are compound sentences? What are complex sentences?

12 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are non-restrictive elements and how do we show them in writing?

13 UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT What are 3 of the formal writing strategies we discussed in class? 10 possible 3 groups can get points

14 UNIT 2 REVIEW Informative Writing Skills Verify your facts and data Use specific facts, details, and examples Make the information interesting Organize information appropriately Oldest to newest General to specific Be concise; do not include unnecessary information Close & Active Reading Skills Know the context Determine the author’s thesis or controlling idea Look up words or terminology you are not familiar with Annotate the text as you read (or take notes elsewhere) Read multiple times Once for enjoyment and twice for analysis Once as a believer and once as a doubter Make connections Ask questions!

15 UNIT 2 REVIEW Using sources Quoting Paraphrasing Summarizing similarity scores MLA Formatting In-text citations Attributive tags Works Cited Page citations Plagiarism to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use another production without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source (even one that you created)

16 UNIT 2 REVIEW General formal writing strategies Make your writing clear, structured, and detailed Avoid 1 st and 2 nd person Use titles where appropriate Use complex and discipline specific language Avoid figurative language and idioms Edit thoroughly Use passive voice for maximum objectivity (particularly in research writing) Avoid absolutes/use qualifiers Avoid contractions (in very formal writing) Follow prescriptive grammar rules (covered in ENC1101) Level of formality Formality is gradable To determine formality, consider rhetorical context Sentence structure Compound sentence Complex sentence Non-restrictive elements

17 BLOG 7 Focus: Reflect on unit 2 Take a few minutes to think back on your experiences with unit 2 and our second major essay: Write to Inform. You may wish to consider: How has our second month of ENC1930 met or diverged from your expectations? What did you find particularly easy or difficult in unit 2? Why? What theories or writing skills from unit 2 will prove most useful to you? How has the WTI essay compared to your previous writing experiences? If you could restart unit 2 (or your WTR essay) again, what would you do differently?

18 HOMEWORK Upload Blog Entry 7 By Friday 10-16 WTI – Historical Marker – Visual Presentation Starting Thursday 10-15

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