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Development Day Tuesday 4 th January 2011. Time:Content:Room:Delivered by: 8:30amCoffeeThe Toast 9:00am ILPs, PDPs and Tutorial – Target Setting Debbie,

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Presentation on theme: "Development Day Tuesday 4 th January 2011. Time:Content:Room:Delivered by: 8:30amCoffeeThe Toast 9:00am ILPs, PDPs and Tutorial – Target Setting Debbie,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Day Tuesday 4 th January 2011

2 Time:Content:Room:Delivered by: 8:30amCoffeeThe Toast 9:00am ILPs, PDPs and Tutorial – Target Setting Debbie, Joan and Judy visual PDPs C41 Beckie Dunsby Fiona Morey 10:30amCoffeeThe Toast 11:00am Functional Skills (FS), Progress Monitoring/Tracking – input from Lucy re: FS ILP/PDP targets and monitoring C41 Anne-Haig Smith Lucy Greer 12:30pmLunchThe Toast 13:30pm PA Improvement Plan: Work on ILP/PDP targets in course teamsC41 Tutors Programme for Day

3 Brief from Jim Evans The morning session is for you to focus on tutorial, target setting, ILPs/PDPs and functional skills. Fiona Morey and Anne Haig Smith have sent briefing notes. These are designed to guide your discussions and focus your efforts. The e-learning advisors will be available during the morning to offer guidance and support on the use of PDPs and other e-learning technologies. The afternoon session is for your Programme Area to update Improvement and Teaching for Learning Plans. Course Teams should ensure that their own action plans are clearly integrated into the overall PA plan. Please ensure that certain key initiatives are embedded e.g. ILP/PDPs, target setting, tutorial and functional skills.

4 Brief from Jim Evans Programme Areas will be working on the three main campuses and Teresa, Mike, Di and Miranda will be visiting areas throughout the day. Dennis Carey, Jenny Craig and Caroline Craft will be visiting Programme Areas at some time during the afternoon to promote employer engagement. I do hope that you have an enjoyable and productive day and that you are able to make good use of this opportunity. Finally, please ensure that you forward updated plans to Jill Dewe so that she can place them on the shared area.

5 ILP/PDP Targets SMART Targets: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time related

6 ILP/PDP Targets Long term target: progression pathway route: I. Supported Living II. (Supported) Employment III. Further study Medium term target: this year at College Core targets: half termly/termly targets to support medium and long term goals Communication, maths and IT targets and subject specific targets e.g. cookery, hortic

7 Recording ILP/PDP targets N:\ILPs\Core ILP.docx N:\ILPs\ILP recording sheet-core 2 xtargets.doc N:\ILPs\ILP recording sheet-core 2 xtargets.doc N:\ILPs\ILP termly review.docx

8 How and when are you using PDPs? Step 3 TW and Step 4 groups using to record targets but not manage targets Step 4, Witney to record 1:1 tutorials

9 Problems with PDPs? Access to IT Responsibility for students to manage Recording on a daily basis Unreliable information from learners Not used by Step 1, 2 and TI : No images available Language too complex

10 Solutions… Use daily paper based PDP for recording targets. Use electronic PDP for half-term/termly reviews Beckie to upload SLDD termly review sheet on PDP Beckie to enrol LSA’s on to their courses

11 Maximising Employer Links We are looking to maximise the benefit to college students and to curriculum areas of the Taking the Plunge events scheduled for March 2011. We hope to exploit the events to maximise employer links with the college. Each Taking the Plunge event usually involves 16-20 employers. We have agreed with James from Working Knowledge that he should try to recruit from companies that we specify. Even though not all Programme Areas are involved in Taking the Plunge it provides an opportunity for all programme areas to specify employers that they would like to work with in the future. If we get those employers involved in Taking the Plunge, we have a greater chance of getting them involved in the wider curriculum. You will already have existing employer contacts, this is primarily an opportunity for us to initiate contact with new employers on your behalf. If there are existing employer contacts that you would like to be invited to take part in Taking the Plunge that is OK too.

12 Maximising Employer Links Employer involvement could include: Delivering presentations to students Providing real life projects/assignments Providing work placements Providing job interview role play Providing employment Advising on course content – making it more relevant to the industry Advising on current practices in the industry – what’s hot! Advising on future course development Providing industrial placements for staff Providing apprenticeship openings... and much more. On College Development Day on 4 January 2011 Jenny Craig, Caroline Craft or I, will endeavour to visit you and/or your staff in the afternoon to capture your requests. Maximising Employer Links through Taking the Plunge Dec 10.docxMaximising Employer Links through Taking the Plunge Dec 10.docx

13 In groups please discuss the following questions: 1. How can ILP/PDP targets be used to support student success in the classroom? 2. How can ILP/PDP targets be used positively to support student success in one to one Progress Review meetings tutorials? 3. How can we make ILPs/PDPs accessible for SLDD learners? Target SettingCDD.docx

14 Setting an ethos for success – Six key elements for a student Clear Purpose – I am clear about what I am expected to achieve High Expectations – The institution sets high standards for students and staff that challenge us Recognition – my achievements are recognised and praised regularly Empowerment – I am expected to take responsibility for my own learning and teaching Support & Challenge – I am set challenging targets and my progress is closely monitored Co-operation – student and staff are collectively a mutually co-operative and supportive unit Questions: How would your students feel about each of the statements above in relation to their experience at college? What strategies do you have in place to meet these student needs?

15 Functional Skills Embedding Functional Skills Project Abingdon and Witney College Embedding Functional Skills Project Abingdon and Witney College Task: 14 questions to generate discussion about current progress in functional skills within your area. For most questions there is a comments box in which you can add extra information generated by the discussions. Functional Skills Survey January 2011

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