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Evidence-Based Management

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1 Evidence-Based Management

2 Health system - Information resources 1 The use of health information lies at the root of evidence-based policy and evidence- based management in health care. Increasingly, information and communication technologies are being utilised to improve health systems in developing countries through: the standardisation of health information; computer-aided diagnosis and treatment monitoring; informing population groups on health and treatment.

3 Jeffrey Pfeffer 1 Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2008Accenture top 50 business intellectuals Pfeffer strives to educate and inspire leaders to seek power through evidence-based management, the knowing-doing gap, high performance culture, and unconventional wisdom.

4 Jeffrey Pfeffer - Work 1 He has done theoretical and empirical research on the subjects of human resource management, power and politics in organizations, evidence-based management, the knowing-doing gap, leadership, stratification and labor markets inside organizations, the sociology of science, how and why theories become self-fulfilling, the psychological relationship between time and money, and economic evaluation.

5 Jeffrey Pfeffer - Writings 1 He is the author of over a dozen books including The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations, The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge Into Action, Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People, Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management, and What Were They Thinking? Unconventional Wisdom About Management

6 Jeffrey Pfeffer - Publications 1 * 2006. Hard Facts, Dangerous Half- Truths, and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management With Robert I. Sutton (Harvard Business School Press, 2006)

7 Robert I. Sutton 1 'Robert I. Sutton' (born 1954 in Chicago) is Professor of Management science at the Stanford Engineering School and researcher in the field of Evidence-based management.

8 Evidence-based management 1 'Evidence-based management' (EBMgt or EBM) is an emerging movement to explicitly use the current, best evidence in management and decision-making. Its roots are in empiricism and well developed in evidence-based medicine and evidence based policy. These are quality movements aimed at applying the scientific method to evaluating practice.

9 Evidence-based management - Overview 1 Evidence-based management entails managerial decisions and organizational practices informed by the best available scientific evidence

10 Evidence-based management - Overview 1 An important part of EBMgt is educating current and future managers in evidence- based practices. The EBMgt website maintained at Stanford University provides a repository of syllabi, cases, and tools that can inform the teaching of evidence- based management.

11 Evidence-based management - Overview 1 Organizations successfully pursuing evidence-based management typically go through cycles of experimentation and redesign of their practices to create an evidence-based culture consistent with their values and mission.

12 Evidence-based management - Overview 1 As an example of the types of initiatives and organizations promoting EBMgt, the EBMgt Collaborative has as its Credo: Evidence-Based Management (EBMgt) enhances the overall quality of organizational decisions and practices through deliberative use of relevant and best available scientific evidence

13 Evidence-based management - Supporting Research 1 Some of the publications in this area are Evidence-Based Management,(Pfeffer Sutton, 2006) Harvard Business Review,(Pfeffer Sutton, 2006) and Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management.(Pfeffer Sutton, 2006) Some of the people conducting research on the effects of evidence-based management are Jeffrey Pfeffer, Robert I

14 Evidence-based management - Supporting Research 1 Evidence-based management is also being applied in specific industries and professions, including software development (.see [ c.jsp?resourcePath=/dl/mags/so/toc=comp/m ags/so/2005/01/s1toc.xmlDOI=10.1109/MS.2 005.6 Evidence-Based Software Engineering for Practitioners] (Dyba et al., 2005) Other areas are crime prevention (Sherman et al. (2002), public management, and manufacturing.(Sloan Boyles 2003)

15 Super-team - Characteristics 1 Given the importance of team-based work in today's economy, much focus has been brought in recent years to use Evidence- based management|evidence-based organizational research to pinpoint more accurately to the defining attributes of high-performance teams

16 Hospital-acquired infection - Prevention 1 The most effective technique for controlling nosocomial infection is to strategically implement Quality Assurance|QA/Quality control|QC measures to the health care sectors, and evidence-based management can be a feasible approach

17 Applied Predictive Technologies - Software 1 APT's software takes a statistics|statistically rigorous test and learn approach to business analytics, in which proposed changes are tried out on a small scale and then analyzed before being implemented everywhere. APT's approach is follows a larger business trend, evidence-based management, in which the scientific method is applied to decision making|business decision making. APT's software automates the cycle described by the Harvard Business Review:

18 Vitality curve - Criticisms 1 Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton have criticized the practice on the grounds that there is limited empirical evidence of its overall usefulness to organizations. citing Pfeffer, J., Sutton, R. I. (2006). Evidence- based management. Harvard Business Review, 84, 62–74.

19 For More Information, Visit: m/the-evidence-based- management-toolkit.html m/the-evidence-based- management-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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