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PKI: News from the Front and views from the Back Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative Chief Technologist, University of.

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Presentation on theme: "PKI: News from the Front and views from the Back Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative Chief Technologist, University of."— Presentation transcript:


2 PKI: News from the Front and views from the Back Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative Chief Technologist, University of Colorado at Boulder

3 PKI Pieces  X.509 v3 certs  Certificate Revocation Lists  Cert management  Directories  Trust models  Cert-enabled apps  Who’s doing what and what’s next

4 X.509 certs  purpose - bind a public key to a subject  standard fields  extended fields  profiles  client and server cert distinctions

5 Standard fields in certs  cert serial number  the subject, as x.500 DN or …  the subject’s public key  the validity field  the issuer, as id and common name  signing algorithm  signature info for the cert, in the issuers public key

6 Extension fields  Examples - auth/subject subcodes, key usage, LDAP URL, CRL distribution points, etc  Key usage is very important - for digsig, non-rep, key or data encipherment, etc.  Certain extensions can be marked critical - if an app can’t understand it, then don’t use the cert  Requires profiles to document, and great care...

7 Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)  Purpose - to post revoked certs by serial number  Reasons for revocation include major (disaffiliation, key compromise, etc.) and minor (name change, attribute change)  Path construction - to build the chain of trust from the issuer CA to a CA trusted by the relying party  Certificate validation - uses path to determine if cert is valid  Application and user responses - what to do if revoked? What to do if unknown? Does the app or the user decide?

8 Cert Management  Certificate Management Protocol - for the creation and management of certs  OSCP - on-line CRL plus….  Storage - where (device, directory, private cache, etc.) and how - format  escrow and archive - when, how, and what else needs to be kept  Cert Authority Software  Authority and policies

9 CA Software  SUN/Netscape  IBM  W2K Server  SSLEAY (Open SSL and Open CA) ( (  vandyke and Cygnacom in the public domain for path math

10 Directories  to store certs  to store CRL  to store private keys, for the time being  to store attributes  implement with border directories, or acls within the enterprise directory, or proprietary directories

11 Trust model components  Certificate Policy Statements - uses of particular certs, assurance levels for I/A, audit and archival requirements  Certificate Practices - the nitty gritty operational issues  Hierarchies vs Bridges a philosopy and an implementation issue the concerns are transitivity and delegation hierarchies assert a common trust model bridges pairwise agree on trust models and policy mappings

12 Cert-enabled applications  Browsers  S/MIME email  IPsec and VPN  Globus

13 PKI Activities  DLF: UCOP, Columbia, soon Minnesota  FPKI (  PKI for NGI  CREN CA  In-sources - MIT  Out-sources - Pittsburgh, Texas  PKIforum  W2K

14 PKI Gaps  Trust models  Certificate server software  Local authority  Directories  Ineroperability  Profile Repository  Policies and Policy Mappings

15 Will it fly?  Well, it has to…  Scalability  Performance  OBE  “With enough thrust, anything can fly”

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