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Poster and Podium Presentations. Poster Completion: Week 1: incorporation of faculty review recommendations Week 2: Poster figures, graphs, and text Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster and Podium Presentations. Poster Completion: Week 1: incorporation of faculty review recommendations Week 2: Poster figures, graphs, and text Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster and Podium Presentations

2 Poster Completion: Week 1: incorporation of faculty review recommendations Week 2: Poster figures, graphs, and text Final Poster version  upload to the portal

3 Poster Presentations We’ll have your posters printed March 5 th please review your printed posters stored in the PD Lab EBM Event March 8 th evening Mount and display posters Initiate discussion and Field questions


5 Podium Presentation: 15-20 minutes split between 2 speakers Slides References then questions

6 Schedule of assignments Week 3: same or new partner? upload to the portal page one of rubric: self evaluation with PICO and partner at the bottom Week 4: look up references Week 5: upload to the portal page two of rubric: self evaluation of some of your references, with references listed at the bottom Week 6: keep working on presentation, consider page three of the grading rubric Week 7: upload draft presentation to portal (faculty review thereof determines EBM event speakers) Week 8: practice speaking... ***Due Sunday March 4 th Final version of podium presentation, uploaded.***

7 Graded by faculty/preceptors using: EBM Project Evaluation Rubric Self assessments using page 1 due week 3 ~ Topic evaluation Page 3 due week 5 ~ Reference evaluation

8 EBM Project Evaluation Rubric Relevance to Preceptorship 4 The topic is of interest to the medical community, relevant to the preceptorship and the student will have the opportunity to see patients who exhibit the condition. 3 The topic is of interest to the medical community, relevant to the preceptorship but the student my not have the opportunity to see patients who exhibit the condition. 2 The topic is of interest to the medical community but does not have direct relevance to the preceptorship. 1 The topic is not of general interest to the medical community, is outdated and does not have relevance to preceptorship.

9 EBM Project Evaluation Rubric Patient(s) / Condition 4 The patient(s) population represents a well defined set of those who have the condition. 3 The patient(s) population represents some of those who have the condition. 2 The patient(s) population is broadly defined but not specific to the condition. 1 The patient(s) population is not clearly defined.

10 EBM Project Evaluation Rubric Intervention / Comparison 4 The intervention /comparison is a new and promising treatment of the condition. 3 The intervention / comparison is a needed review of current practice for the treatment of the condition. 2 The intervention /comparison is a new drug or treatment not showing significant promise over existing practice(s). 1 The intervention / comparison is outdated and is not relevant to existing practice.

11 EBM Project Evaluation Rubric Outcome 4 The outcome for the patient is clearly defined and measurable with a clearly defined prognosis. 3 The outcome for the patient is defined but not measurable. 2 The outcome for the patient is incompletely defined, thus making it difficult to measure. 1 The outcome for the patient is not defined.

12 Reference Self Evaluation Week 5 Quality of the references Methodology Outcomes

13 ***Due Sunday March 4 th Final version of podium presentation, uploaded.*** Summatives Week- EBM Podium Presentation talks throughout the week, schedule TBD.

14 EBM Event: Thursday March 8 th 6:30pm-9pm at Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center Invitations to all of LHU! Guests encouraged Professional attire Schedule: 6:30-7: poster reception 7-8:15: Three podium talks 8:15-9: Poster Session Light catering

15 EBM 3 Grade: SemesterParticipationPosterPodium TalkProfessionalism Spring20%10%60%10%

16 Other things to consider Press Release to hometowns Copy of presentations to keep

17 Good Luck and Have Fun!

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