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Environment and Migration Introduction. Why a class on environment and migration?  Environmental migrants often appear as the human faces of climate.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment and Migration Introduction. Why a class on environment and migration?  Environmental migrants often appear as the human faces of climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment and Migration Introduction

2 Why a class on environment and migration?  Environmental migrants often appear as the human faces of climate change  Yet very little is known about the way people react to environmental changes  Thus misconceptions and false assumptions tend to predominate  Policy options will need to be developed in the near future, and are already under way.

3 Outline  Session 1 – Jan 20 th Presentation of the seminar  Session 2 – Jan 27 th Presentation of the State of Environmental Migration 2014 Historical context  Part IEmpirical realities  Session 3 – Feb 3 rd Migration and brutal disasters, from the Great Fire of London (1666) to the Fukushima accident (2011)  Session 4 – Feb 10 th Migration and slow-onset events: sea-level rise, desertification, and deforestation.  Session 5 – Feb 17 th Displaced by the state: the case of resettlement.  Part IITools and Methods  Session 6 – March 3 rd Conceptualising the environment-migration nexus: methodological issues  Session 7 – March 10 th Counting and mapping the migrants: quantitative issues.

4  Part IIIPolicy responses  Session 8 – March 17 th Migration and adaptation to climate change.  Session 9 – March 24 th Legal protection: migrants without status.  No session on March 31 st  Session 10 – April 7 th Discourses and representations Case-study is due  No session on April 14 th  Session 11 – Date TBC Working session on the case-study reports  Session 12 – Date TBC Conclusion: A specific category of migrants? Politicisation of an empirical reality.

5 Practical organisation  Specific readings and slides will be posted on  Your active participation is very important  If you need to reach me:  06 50 51 69 99 

6 Evaluation  Active participation: 25%  Case-study: 75%  You need to describe ongoing migration dynamics associated with environmental degradation in a specific region  Interview scholars and policy-makers  Use as much empirical data as you can  Formulate policy recommendations

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