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TRAINING MATERIALS 20 10 FALL. 2 Training Materials Link These training materials are available online at: Support tab.

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2 2 Training Materials Link These training materials are available online at: Support tab

3 3 Fall 2010 FCAT Administration Schedule Test Administration Schedule Date TestTesting Time October 11–15, 2010ReadingUntimed MathematicsUntimed Reading and Mathematics Make-Up Testing Untimed Test Administration Schedule DateTestTesting Time October 18–22, 2010ReadingUntimed MathematicsUntimed Reading and Mathematics Make-Up Testing Untimed OR

4 4 What’s New for the Fall 2010 FCAT Retake Pre-populated Administration Record/Security Checklist is available for school assessment coordinators on PearsonAccess. Mathematics Reference Sheet is no longer a perforated page in the front of the Mathematics Retake Test and Answer Book. Packaged as a stand-alone page and shipped with test materials. Students should be given reference sheets on the day of the test. Race/Ethnicity For each race category, grid Y for yes and N for no; a student may belong to more than one category. Grid Y for yes and N for no beside Hispanic/Latino in the ethnicity section. Bill of Lading will be presented to the district assessment coordinator by delivery drivers when arriving for pickup of test materials.

5 5 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT Students may not have any electronic or recording devices at their desks, clipped to their belts, in their pockets, or anywhere they can reach them during testing, even if the devices are turned off or the students do not use them. If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic device(s) during testing, his or her test must be invalidated in order to successfully enforce this policy. Inappropriate actions by school or district personnel before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. Please carefully read the Test Security Policies and Procedures to ensure that you are following the correct procedures. District assessment coordinators must require that school administrators, school assessment coordinators, test administrators, and proctors sign an FCAT Administration and Security Agreement.

6 6 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) Test Administration Manual Due to changes in policy and administration processes, you are responsible for reading all information in the test administration manual Provide itinerant teachers with manuals in time to prepare adequately for the test FCAT Administration and Security Agreement All school administrators, school assessment coordinators, test administrators, and proctors must sign and return an agreement Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page (OIPP) Contractor staff transcribes large print and braille documents School/District personnel transcribe OIPP Student PreID Labels Four categories must be correct on the labels: Student Name, Student ID Number, District Number, and School Number One set of PreID labels for Reading Retake and another set for Mathematics Retake No subject designations on labels Be sure to affix the student label to the subject test that the student is scheduled to take

7 7 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page Students using large print materials must record their responses in the large print test and answer book.  Test administrators should record verbal or signed responses in the large print documents provided for these students. Students using braille materials must record their responses on braille paper.  Test administrators should record verbal or signed responses in the regular print test and answer book provided for these students. Students using one-item-per-page materials must record their responses in the one-item-per-page test and answer book.  Test administrators should record verbal or signed responses in the regular print test and answer book provided for these students.

8 8 Reminders for the 2010 FCAT (continued) Forms located at under the Support Comment Forms Ensure that the online comment forms are reviewed before testing and completed after testing.  Test Administrator  School Coordinator  District Coordinator Security Log Materials Return List Administration Record/Security Checklist (blank) Missing Materials Test Irregularities and Security Breaches Braille Script

9 9 Students to be Tested Reading and Mathematics RETAKE Grades 11–Adult students who have NOT passed the Grade 10 FCAT in Reading and/or Mathematics Retained Grade 10 students with ANY Grade 10 FCAT Reading and/or Mathematics score on file* Certificate of Completion students Students in the Second or Third year of the Three-Year Graduation Program Students confined to custodial or residential institutions *See TAM for guidelines for testing Retained Grade 10 students

10 10 Preidentified Student Labels 1.Verify that the student is still enrolled and will be tested. 2.Verify the information on the PreID Roster against the school’s student information database. Because the complete Social Security Number is not printed on the label, the PreID Roster must be used to verify student information. It is not necessary to verify both the labels and the roster because the same data file was used to create both. 3.If the student name, ID number, district number, OR school number is INCORRECT, do NOT use the label. 4.Do NOT use PreID labels from previous administrations. 5.Grid any missing information. Incorrect information on the label CANNOT be corrected in this manner, except for grade level.

11 11 Sample of Student PreID Label IN ORDER FOR A DOCUMENT TO BE PROPERLY SCANNED, carefully place the label in the lower left corner of the student grid sheet in the box that reads PLACE STUDENT LABEL HERE. Do not remove labels once they have been affixed. Do not place a label over another label.

12 12 Student Grid Sheet Student Information (must be completed by the student) Student PreID Label Area Student Demographic Information School Use Only DNS and UNDO bubbles

13 13 Sample DO NOT SCORE (DNS) & UNDO Bubbles There is one DNS bubble and one UNDO bubble for each test and answer book. Reading Retake Mathematics Retake

14 14 Test Security Policies and Procedures Prohibited Activities Examples of prohibited activities: Reading the passages or test items Revealing the passages or test items Copying the passages or test items Explaining or reading passages or test items for students Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items Copying or reading student responses Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported

15 15 Proctors Personnel Needed Based on Student Participation: 1–30 studentsTest Administrator* 31–60 studentsTest Administrator and 1 Proctor 61–90 studentsTest Administrator and 2 Proctors *It is recommended that a proctor be assigned to rooms with 30 or fewer students whenever possible. Proctor Duties and Responsibilities:  School personnel Prepare, distribute, and collect materials Complete student grid sheets  Non-school personnel Assist in monitoring test administration. May NOT participate in any of the test administration procedures (e.g., preparing, distributing, and collecting secure test materials, completing student grid sheets)

16 16 Security Log Personnel (test administrator, proctors) assigned to monitor a testing room for ANY length of time must complete this log when entering and exiting the room.

17 17 Security Numbers Security Number consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit. Administration Record/Security Checklist is pre-populated with the range of security numbers for all secure test and answer books assigned to each school. District and School Assessment Coordinators can log on to www.PearsonAccess/fl to download the checklist. www.PearsonAccess/fl  Click on the Test Setup tab  Click Order Additional Materials/Tracking  Click on the Reports drop-down menu  Click on Security Checklist Detail  Click Export to Excel (open or save to your computer)

18 18 Required Administration Information Schools are required to maintain the following information: Students assigned to your room Attendance information Test Group Code (unique four-digit group code) Unique security number of the test and answer book assigned to each student Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator Dates for when documents are returned Schools may use the pre-populated or blank Administration Record/Security Checklist OR a form of their own

19 19 Sample of a Pre-populated Administration Record/Security Checklist

20 20 Sample of a Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist Blank version of the form (located in Appendix C of the manual)

21 21 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures District assessment coordinators should advise schools of the appropriate action if invalidation is being considered. Purpose of test invalidation is to identify when the validity of test results has been compromised. Return a student’s invalidated test with the DNS bubble gridded with all other TO BE SCORED (red-labeled) materials.  This will ensure that the student’s record is on the electronic file, but the student will not receive a score. A test MUST be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur: A student has an electronic device during testing. A student is cheating during testing. A student is disruptive during testing. Situations involving possession of electronic devices, possible cheating, or disruptive behavior should be investigated and discussed with the school assessment coordinator and site administrator before a final invalidation decision is made.

22 22 Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures (continued) A test MAY be invalidated if any of the following circumstances occur: 1.A student becomes ill and is unable to finish, OR a student is not allowed the correct amount of time. 2.A student was given an accommodation not allowed on the FCAT. 3.A student was given an accommodation not on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or ELL plan. 4.A student was not given an allowable accommodation listed on the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan, or ELL plan. 5.An error occurs in test administration or procedures that could compromise the validity of the test results (e.g., students had access to an unauthorized visual aid that gave an unfair advantage).

23 23 Defective Test and Answer Books If a defective test and answer book is identified before testing begins, give the student a replacement book. Return the defective book with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials. The DNS bubble MUST be gridded if any of the following circumstances occur: 1.The document is defective and USED. 2.A student’s name, ID number, district number, OR school number is INCORRECT on a label affixed to a USED document. 3.A student label has been placed over another student label on a USED document. If a student discovers any of the above issues during testing, give the student a replacement book. When the student completes the test, he/she must, under the supervision of the test administrator, transfer the exact responses from the defective document to the replacement document. Grid the DNS bubble on the defective USED document and return it with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials.

24 24 Defective Test and Answer Book (continued) Under the following circumstances, it is NOT necessary to grid the DNS bubble if the document has been packaged properly for return with all other NOT TO BE SCORED materials. 1.The preidentified document belongs to a student who has withdrawn before testing begins. 2.The preidentified document belongs to a student who was absent during the entire testing window. 3.The document is defective and UNUSED. 4.The preidentified information is incorrect and the document is UNUSED.

25 25 Retake Test Materials School Boxes School Cover Memo Packing List PreID Rosters PreID Labels School Assessment Coordinator Kit – clear plastic bag Retake Document Count Forms Paper Bands Red Labels (TO BE SCORED Materials) Yellow Labels (NOT TO BE SCORED Materials) White Labels (Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page Materials), if applicable Reading Retake Test and Answer Books Mathematics Retake Test and Answer Books Mathematics Reference Sheets

26 26 Retake Test Materials School Special Document Boxes Special Document Kits (if applicable) Special Document Cover Memo Retake Document Count Forms Special Document Return Envelope(s) Test Materials Save the original boxes for returning large print, braille, and one-item-per-page materials.

27 27 Prepare the Room for Testing Test Administrator Test should be administered in a room that is free of distractions and has Comfortable seating Good lighting Sufficient workspace Adequate ventilation Make sure that: students are seated at least three feet apart to prevent cheating. students are not facing each other when seated at tables. students are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily view other students’ answers. Check for and remove unauthorized visual aids posted in classrooms or affixed to student desks. Post a sign that reads TESTING – Please Do Not Disturb (provided in Appendix C of the manual).

28 28 Responsibilities During Testing Test Administrator Distribute test materials Read Scripts Read the appropriate administration script(s) VERBATIM to students Keep Time Retake tests are untimed; however, testing for a single Retake may not exceed the length of a school day (except for students who have an extended time accommodation that allows them to test over more than one day). Maintain test security at all times and report violations or concerns to the school assessment coordinator immediately Supervise Test Administration

29 29 Important Script Information Test Administrator How to break the tab on the test and answer book: Hold the test and answer book in one hand. With the other hand, gently hold the top of the pull tab. Pull OUT and DOWN. Do not try to remove any remaining pieces of the tab. Reminders for students prior to testing: If a student changes an answer, be sure he/she erases completely. If a student draws a line or an X through an answer, the line must NOT extend into a bubble or the stray mark could be scanned as the answer. If a student marks in two or more bubbles, the response will be recorded as a WRONG answer. If a student circles an answer instead of gridding the bubble, the answer will NOT be scored. Students must complete fill-in boxes and grid the corresponding bubbles for gridded-response items.

30 30 Supervise Test Administration Test Administrator Do not use classroom or cell phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. Move around the room and ensure that students: clear their desks of all materials except the appropriate test materials use only No. 2 pencils do not have books, notes, scratch paper, or electronic devices of any kind during testing, except FCAT calculators for Mathematics, even if they do not use them do not talk or make any disturbance work independently record their answers in the appropriate area Do NOT: talk with students about test items help students answer any test item read through test and answer books return books to students after they have been collected discuss test items or answers with students even after all test materials have been returned and testing has been completed

31 31 Steps for Returning Test Materials to School Assessment Coordinator Test Administrator Verify that you have collected all required administration information. Verify that your Security Log has been completed correctly. Remove any stray reference sheets from the test and answer books. Check student grid sheets to ensure the following: No stray marks are on the preidentified/security number area or the registration marks. No stray marks or writing appear outside designated areas. Student has completed the required information (student name, school name, and district name) in the upper LEFT corner. DNS and UNDO bubbles are accurate. Group materials using the cover sheets in Appendix C of the manual. Return all materials to the school assessment coordinator. Go to and click the Support tab to complete the Test Administrator Comment

32 32 Prepare Test Materials for Return to District Assessment Coordinator School Assessment Coordinator Verify the return of all secure materials from test administrators. Check for and remove any stray reference sheets from the Mathematics test and answer books. Reference sheets left in books interfere with the scanning process. Make copies of and file the following: records of required administration information collected by test administrators all Security Logs Separate TO BE SCORED test materials by document type. Fall Reading Sunshine State Standards RETAKE Test and Answer Books Fall Mathematics Sunshine State Standards RETAKE Test and Answer Books Separate NOT TO BE SCORED test materials. Includes unused test and answer books, and non-preidentified and preidentified defective documents MISPACKAGED MATERIALS WILL DELAY REPORTING OF STUDENT RESULTS!

33 33 Prepare Test Materials for Return to District Assessment Coordinator School Assessment Coordinator Complete a separate Retake Document Count Form for each document type. Verify that you have included all documents from make-up sessions before you complete each form. Do not combine documents for more than one document type. Do not copy blank document count forms. If you need additional forms, contact your district assessment coordinator. Place each completed Retake Document Count Form on top of the first stack of corresponding TO BE SCORED answer documents. Ensure that the count listed on the form is accurate. Complete and secure Paper Bands. Do not use staples, paper clips, or tape to seal the bands.

34 34 Sample Retake Document Count Form

35 35 Sample Paper Band

36 36 Fall 2010 Retake Return Label Reference Chart MATERIALS INCLUDEDLABEL COLOR TO BE SCORED Test and Answer Books RED NOT TO BE SCORED Materials YELLOW Large Print, Braille, and One-Item-Per-Page Materials (TO BE SCORED, NOT TO BE SCORED, and UNUSED test documents and braille notes) WHITE Non-secure Materials (manuals, unused paper bands, unused Retake Document Count Forms, unused braille paper, etc.) Administration Materials (Original Required Administration Information and Security Logs) NO RETURN LABEL— Mark Boxes District Coordinator ONLY

37 37 Packaging Diagram

38 38 Package Test Materials TO BE SCORED Test and Answer Books – Red-labeled boxes TO BE SCORED LP, Braille, OIPP Test Documents – White-labeled boxes NOT TO BE SCORED Materials – Yellow-labeled boxes Prepare the following types of boxes for return to the district assessment coordinator:

39 39 Package Test Materials (continued) Test administration manuals and unused non-secure materials Original records of required administration information Original Security Logs You may be asked by your district assessment coordinator to hold the box for return at a later date. He or she may ask you to recycle or destroy these materials, except for the records of required administration information and Security Logs, after scores for this administration have been reported. Package District Assessment Coordinator ONLY Boxes

40 40 Large Print (LP), Braille (BR), and One-Item-Per-Page (OIPP) Instructions for Completing Student Grid Sheets IMPORTANT DISTINCTION: For LP users, the student grid sheet on the front cover of the large print answer document must be completed. For BR and OIPP users, the student grid sheet of the regular print answer document must be completed and included in each student's return envelope. Complete each student’s grid sheet in one of the following ways: Affix the student’s verified PreID label in the lower left corner of the grid sheet in the box that reads PLACE STUDENT LABEL HERE. If the student does not have a label, grid the student information with a No. 2 pencil.

41 41 LP, BR, and OIPP Record Student Responses Students using large print materials will record their responses directly in the large print test and answer book. If a student provides verbal or signed responses, the test administrator MUST record the student’s responses directly in the large print book. Do not use a regular print document. Students who use braille materials will record their responses on braille paper. Contractor will transcribe the student’s responses from the braille paper into the regular print test and answer book. If a student provides verbal or signed responses, the test administrator MUST record the student’s responses in the regular print document. Students who use OIPP materials will record their responses in the OIPP test and answer book. School/district staff MUST transcribe the student’s responses from the OIPP book into the regular print test and answer book. If a student is using multiple learning media (e.g., a student uses braille materials and records his or her responses in a large print test and answer book), make sure that ALL of the student’s responses are in ONE document type.

42 42 Steps for Returning LP, BR, and OIPP to the District Assessment Coordinator School Assessment Coordinator Verify the return of all secure materials. Make copies of and file the following: the records of required administration information collected by test administrators all Security Logs Open each Special Document Return Envelope and verify that each envelope contains documents for one student only. Verify that each student grid sheet has been completed correctly or has a PreID label affixed. Verify DNS and UNDO bubbles. For each student, complete a Retake Document Count Form for each document type. Verify the completed information on the outside of each student envelope and seal the envelope. Place all TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED materials into the boxes in which they arrived.

43 43 LP, BR, and OIPP Packaging Diagram

44 44 Questions?

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