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By Bob Burmester, Liz Kiebel, Matt Thronson, and Jake Halloran.

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Presentation on theme: "By Bob Burmester, Liz Kiebel, Matt Thronson, and Jake Halloran."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Bob Burmester, Liz Kiebel, Matt Thronson, and Jake Halloran

2 Content Overview:  Background information  Introduction: The employees of Wabasha County  Summary of Findings from Need Assessment  Goals and Objectives of the Program  Activities (past and future)  Flyer examples

3 Overview continued  Expected outcomes  Budget  Summary/Conclusion

4 Background Info  This was the first health fair for Wabasha County employees, and the first assessment done on them also  The health fair was planned by our group, with the help of a number of the members of the Wellness Committee in Wabasha.

5 Background Continued The Employees in Wabasha County  61% of employees took our survey (92/150): 74.7% female 25.3% male  Ages ranged from 21-65?  Jobs varied considerably

6 Background, Continued: The Employees in Wabasha County

7 Summary of findings of the Survey:  General health Most self- rated health as good or very good

8 Tobacco Use  Smokers and Types: Most never use tobacco, 10% regular smokers All tobacco types used

9 Binge Drinking  85% of employees drink alcohol

10 Illegal Drug Use  One person uses drugs, apparently  3.4% think family members are worried about their drug/alcohol use

11 Exercise  55.6% do not get enough exercise  46.6 % don’t do enough vigorous/moderate exercise  67% have no gym membership  60.5% would use gym 3+ times per week

12 Diet

13  31% eat red meat 2 times per day or more  Fast Food: 25% eat at fast food restaurants at least once per week 70% once a month

14 Diet  Fruits and Vegetables: 55% not eating 2 servings vegetables 48% not eating 2 servings fruit 85.1% not eating 5 or more per day of both  Multivitamins: 57% don’t take them!

15 Caffeine

16 Stress  32% stressed every day  Home stress: average rating:3.87 2.1% rated 8-10 29.3% rated 5-7  Work stress: average rating: 5.2 22.8% rated 8-10 41.3%rated 5-7

17 Desired Knowledge  Many want to know: 1. Weight loss 2. nutrition 3. stress management 4. exercise and fitness programs 5. women’s health  No interest: 17%

18 Goal and Objectives  Goal: To improve the health of the Wabasha county employees.  Objectives: To present information to the County Commissioners To increase the number of Wabasha County employees who eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day To increase moderate exercising To decrease the stress levels

19 What we’ve done to market the fair:  We created two GREAT fliers! One for the October news letter on the 1st One for a week before the fair The Wellness Committee also sent out e-mail reminders and info about the assessment.

20 Time Table  Lisa McNally, Terry Smith, and the committee took charge of setting the time table  We added in the details

21 Time Table DateActivityGoals 8/29/08Meeting 1Make Flyer for 10/1 newsletter Call Vendors/Find Vendors 9/17/08Meeting 2Make Flyer #2 Call Vendors Write Assessment 10/1/08Meeting 3Organize supply list for H.F. Discussed vendors and set-up needs IRB form completion 10/8/08Meeting 4Make our Booth Final vendor list Hand in Assessment Draft 10/15/08Health FairAnalyze assessment data Plan for Commissioner Presentation

22 List of Expected Outcomes  To assess the health of the employees  To test the receptiveness of the Wabasha Government employees: do they like health fairs?  To help the Wabasha County Wellness Committee to create goals for their employees’ health  To give direction to the Wellness Committee to aid them in achieving those goals

23 Plan for Evaluation  Survey on employee satisfaction  Survey on Wellness Committee member satisfaction

24 Budget  Debbie Koenig: in charge of budget No set value: Paid for our expenses Bought door prizes

25 Conclusion  The Health Fair went as planned, and exceeded expectations of all parties!  The assessment had good participant turnout!  Much was learned by the Wellness Committee and the students about how to plan, organize, and create a great health fair!


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