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Blogs, tutors and essays Top news stories Technospheres Nye chapters 1-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogs, tutors and essays Top news stories Technospheres Nye chapters 1-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogs, tutors and essays Top news stories Technospheres Nye chapters 1-3

2 Three 5-page critical essays are required. The choices of topics are your own, but must be course- related, and must be proposed in advance. See the Guide to Research Papers in the syllabus for additional details, and see and your Writing Center tutor for technical support. Scoping and brainstorming9/1710/2211/12 Proposal as blog post9/1910/2411/14 Draft to Writing Center tutor9/2610/3111/28 Final post & presentation10/311/712/5-7

3 Top news stories #1 Bombing of Hiroshima

4 Top news stories #2 Lunar Landing

5 Top news stories #4 Wright Brothers’ airplane

6 NEWSEUM TOP STORIES OF THE 20 th CENTURY (US only) Radio signal spans Atlantic1901 Wrights fly first airplane1903 #4 Einstein conceives relativity1905 U.S. radio broadcasts begin1909 Plastic revolutionizes products1909 “Unsinkable” Titanic sinks1912 Ford creates assembly line1913 Panama Canal opens1914 World War I begins1914 U.S. enters World War I1917 Lindbergh flies Atlantic alone1927 Penicillin discovered1928 Official U.S. debut of TV1939 U.S. drops atomic bomb1945 #1 ENIAC accelerates computing1946 Scientists invent transistor1948 Birth control pill OK'd by FDA1960 Shepard first American in space1961 'Silent Spring' warns of eco-danger1962 Men first walk on the moon1969 #2 New polio vaccine works1953 DNA's structure discovered1953 First computer chip patented1959 Deadly AIDS disease identified1981 Shuttle Challenger explodes1986 World Wide Web invented1989

7 How about top tech stories In ancient history? in the 19 th century? in the 21 st century?

8 What does it mean to be human? Homo sapiens sapiens Primates who think (a lot) Contemplative Homo farber Primates who make things Manipulative Homo ludens Primates who play (a lot) Culture as rule-based and free play

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