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ISPP: Option Three Information Context: People, Organizations, and Society Option (a/k/a Public Policy)

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Presentation on theme: "ISPP: Option Three Information Context: People, Organizations, and Society Option (a/k/a Public Policy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISPP: Option Three Information Context: People, Organizations, and Society Option (a/k/a Public Policy)

2 What is ISPP? rs/page2.cfm?pageID=62 rs/page2.cfm?pageID=62 how information technology affects social change and the delivery of information to the consumer human dimension of information technology skills and knowledge to understand how people influence the design, development, diffusion, use, and management of information technology affects of these social changes for individuals, communities, organizations, nations, and global environments Public policy increasingly forms IT’s boundary conditions But policy also creates major IT opportunities

3 ISPP Components human-machine interface; organization and retrieval of information; digital libraries; information and telecommunications services; information and media industry structures; software services and intermediaries; telecommunications and information law and policy; sociological aspects of technology change; and art, design, multimedia and aesthetics

4 ISPP Coursework IST Core – strong common coursework collection IST 331 Assessing the special information needs of particular groups of users IST 431 Understanding users, organizations & society, their influence on the development & use of IT; IT professionalism & future certification IST 432 economic, cultural, legal, ethical, and social issues Analyze laws, regulations & public policies on: privacy, intellectual property, eCommerce, eGovernment, eDemocracy, security

5 ISPP Impact on Careers IT strategic planning Human-computer interface design Systems analyst Information policy analyst Consulting IT, technology industries, to govt. agencies Security & privacy service providers Govt Agencies, eGovt IT adaptation Graduate School (e.g., IST, Engr, CSE), Professional School (Law, Bus.) & Domains in need of IT expertise (e.g., Healthcare, Security)

6 ISPP Impact on Contemporary Hot Issues Content & IP ownership, control & use Architectures: P2P, DRM, Ripping, Digital copying & Distribution, pre-loaded iPods dB protect, video, music, books, reference emerging business models: PPV, ad referrals S-H/W issues: open source, grid, licensing Emerging communications & entertainment technologies: Email, VIOP/Skype, IM, TM, cell photos, pod-casting, Internet radio/TV, B’Berry, RSS, BLogs, FaceBook, MySpace Artificial Intelligence (e.g., application to law, regulation)

7 ISPP Impact on Contemporary Hot Issues eCommerce business model design Entrepreneurship Design, mkt niche ID, development of business plans & product/services, organization development, VC & financing, IP protection Business Method Patents SCO v. IBM, RIM v. NTP Standards Development Strategic IT Planning: bus 7 govt Security & CyberCrime enforcement, counter- terrorism, CyberSecurity

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