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Begin $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 DifferentMoneyCoolidgeQuits It’s a BearReviewChange.

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2 Begin

3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 DifferentMoneyCoolidgeQuits It’s a BearReviewChange

4 C1-$100 Change Change - $100 Who became President in 1921, after Wilson? Warren G. Harding

5 C1-$200 Change Change - $200 Big business began this “old” movement again under Harding? Laissez-faire

6 C1-$300 Change Change - $300 This court case said that since women could vote, they couldn’t have special wage or other protective legislation? Adkins vs Children’s Hospital

7 C1-$400 Change Change - $400 Harding returned the U.S. to isolation with these two exceptions? The Middle East –Oil Building a bigger navy

8 C1-$500 Change Change - $500 What was the purpose of the Washington Naval Conference of 1922? To restrict the size of navies

9 C2-$100 Different Different - $100 What word best symbolizes the Harding Administration? Scandal Tea Pot Dome (example)

10 C2-$200 Different Different - $200 What was different about President Coolidge? Honest, moral, frugal

11 C2-$300 Different Different - $300 Coolidge’s nickname and why? Silent Cal He was dour & serious

12 C2-$400 Different Different - $400 How did Coolidge respond to big business? He let them do as they pleased

13 C2-$500 Different Different - $500 This threatened the family farm? Mechanization

14 C3-$100 Money Money - $100 The 3 Presidential candidates & their parties in 1924? Coolidge _ Rep. Davis – Dem. LaFollette - Prog

15 C3-$200 Money Money - $200 What was Europe’s goal toward the U.S. in the 20’s? Get the U.S. to forgive war debts

16 C3-$300 Money Money - $300 The Allies forced Germany to pay $32 million in these? (The Allies the used the money to repay the U.S. The U.S. then lent the money to Germany to repay the Allies.) reparations

17 C3-$400 Money Money - $400 Did the Allies use the money that Germany paid in reparations to repay the U.S. for war debts? Why or why not? Somewhat

18 C3-$500 Money Money - $500 Ultimately all Europeans, except faithful Finland, did this to U.S. loans? defaulted

19 C4-$100 Coolidge Quits Coolidge Quits - $100 The Dem. Candidate for Pres in 1928? Alfred Smith

20 C3-200 Coolidge Quits Coolidge Quits - $200 The Rep. candidate for Pres in 1928? Herbert Hoover

21 C3-$300 Coolidge Quits Coolidge Quits - $300 This was a new method of campaigning in 1928? Radio

22 C3-$400 Coolidge Quits Coolidge Quits - $400 This bill raised the tariff to nearly 60% and angered Europeans? Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930

23 C3-$500 Coolidge Quits Coolidge Quits - $500 The Hawley-Smoot Tariff played into the hands of this European? Adolph Hitler

24 C4-$100 It’s a Bear It’s a Bear - $100 When did the stock market crash end the golden 20’s? Oct. 29, 1929 Black Tuesday

25 C4-$200 It’s a Bear It’s a Bear - $200 What caused the Great Depression? Overproduction, both farm and factory

26 C4-$300 It’s a Bear It’s a Bear - $300 What was the name given to shanty towns? Hoovervilles

27 C4-$400 It’s a Bear It’s a Bear - $400 Hoover’s opening of federal monies that would lead to FDR’s New Deal? Reconstruction Finance Corporation

28 C4-$500 It’s a Bear It’s a Bear - $500 This overseas menace reared it’s head in 1931? Japanese invasion of Manchuria

29 C4-$100 Review Review - $100 Prior to the Civil War, the So. was controlled by a powerful few. This type of government is called? Oligarchy

30 C4-$200 Review Review - $200 Her book Uncle Tom’s Cabin is about the breakup of slave families by the sale of slaves. This is called the So.’s greatest psychological horror. Harriet Beecher Stowe

31 C4-$300 Review Review - $300 Who said, “We must get rid of slavery or we must get rid of freedom.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

32 C4-$400 Review Review - $400 These whites hated both slaves and slavery? Crackers – Appalacian Whites

33 C4-$500 Review Review - $500 How many slaves did the majority (2/3) of slave owners have? Less than 10

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