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Sorting out statistical dilemmas P value or 95% CI Dr. Jayaprakash Muliyil MD MPH DrPH Professor, Community Health Christian Medical College, Vellore.

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Presentation on theme: "Sorting out statistical dilemmas P value or 95% CI Dr. Jayaprakash Muliyil MD MPH DrPH Professor, Community Health Christian Medical College, Vellore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sorting out statistical dilemmas P value or 95% CI Dr. Jayaprakash Muliyil MD MPH DrPH Professor, Community Health Christian Medical College, Vellore

2 Fact vs theory

3 Inductive logic vs deductive logic

4 David Hume’s contention Karl Popper’s solution

5 Truth Association PresentAbsent Study Association Present  α Absentβ 

6 Disease PresentAbsent Test Positiveab Absentcd Probability of no disease given that the test is positive =1-ppv = 1- a/(a+b)

7 Truth Association PresentAbsent Study Association Present  α Absentβ 

8 Statistical tests of significance Assumes null hypothesis is true Provides p values – Is the probability of the observed difference occurring purely by chance. – P value is a function of sample size

9 D+ D- Exposed 28 Unexposed 19 RR =2, P value >0.05 RR= 2, P value <0.05 D+ D- Exposed 2080 60 Unexposed 1090 615 25650 RR =2, P value <0.001 D+ D- Exposed 200800 Unexposed 100900

10 95% Confidence Interval Estimating the location of population parameter from sample statistic. Frequency Difference in frequency Relative frequency (ratio)

11 Normal curve

12 Frequency 95% of sample values will lie within 2 standard errors of the population parameter Hence, when you create an interval of +- 2 standard errors around sample mean, 95% of the time, the population parameter will be included within it. Higher the precision – narrower the interval

13 Risk difference ( difference in frequency ) Null value = 0 If the risk difference confidence limits include 0 then the difference is not statistically significant

14 Risk ratio Null value =1 If the risk ratio confidence interval includes 1 then the risk estimate is not statistically significant.

15 Consider this MI No MI Smoking+ 10025 125 Smoking - 150300 450 250325 OR =8, 95% CI 2.87 to 21.21 Gastric cancer No gastric ca Smoking+ 70140 210 Smoking - 90280 370 160420 OR =1.56, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.29

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