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2 2014 SRP  $23.7m in new SRP funding provided in December 2013:  $7.3m for all schools added to credit portion of the core per student rates  $16.4m for schools eligible for Low SES in 2014  Confirmed SRP will be released on 2 April  Continue to work with key stakeholders, like VASSP, through the SRP Consultative Committee and Expert Principals Advisory Group

3 New SRP System  In response to the introduction of new payroll software, SRP systems had to be changed  Currently, a temporary fix is in place to manage data between payroll and SRP  Permanent solution has been developed  SRP reports will look the same  Experiencing issues with loading data into the new system which has delayed release of reports.  Next steps:  Leave replacement  Salary mischarges  Reconciliation

4 SRP Support  If you are experiencing issues and you would like support there are people and resources available.  There are a number of people who can provide support at various levels:  SRP hotline  Technical Leadership Coaches  School Finance Liaison Officers  Technical programs – circular sent to all schools on Tuesday inviting enrolments:  Dollars and Sense  Talking Finances

5 School Information Portal - Finance  There are two school-focussed sets of finance information available through the School Information Portal (SIP):  School Financial Data (SFD) - tables and graphs linking Student Resource Package & CASES21 Finance data. Information is displayed through a series of tabs in the portal (SIP) and covers areas such as: Financial position, operating position, revenue, expenditure & commitments against bank balances.  School Resource Indicators (SRI) - graphical snapshot of a school’s financial management performance in relation to other similar (type and size). Fiscal balances:- bank account balance, operating position & SRP salaries position Staffing resource shares:- proportions of staff within categories of classroom teacher, leadership and non-teaching budget share Solvency:- workforce bridging Financial management practices:- audit comments  Training program developed in collaboration with VASSP with a view to rolling out in Term 2

6 SIP – Finance SFD example

7 SIP – Finance SRI example

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