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Chapter 9 - Lipids and Membranes Lipids are essential components of all living organisms Lipids are water insoluble organic compounds They are hydrophobic.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 - Lipids and Membranes Lipids are essential components of all living organisms Lipids are water insoluble organic compounds They are hydrophobic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 - Lipids and Membranes Lipids are essential components of all living organisms Lipids are water insoluble organic compounds They are hydrophobic (nonpolar) or amphipathic (containing both nonpolar and polar regions )

2 Structural and Functional Diversity of Lipids Fatty acids - R-COOH (R=hydrocarbon chain) are components of triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids Phospholipids - contain phosphate moieties Glycosphingolipids - contain both sphingosine and carbohydrate groups Isoprenoids - (related to the 5 carbon isoprene) include steroids, lipid vitamins and terpenes

3 Structural relationships of major lipid classes

4 Fatty Acids Fatty acids (FA) differ from one another in: (1) Length of the hydrocarbon tails (2) Degree of unsaturation (double bond) (3) Position of the double bonds in the chain

5 Nomenclature of fatty acids Most fatty acids have 12 to 20 carbons Most chains have an even number of carbons (synthesized from two-carbon units) IUPAC nomenclature: carboxyl carbon is C-1 Common nomenclature:  etc. from C-1 Carbon farthest from carboxyl is 

6 Structure and nomenclature of fatty acids Saturated FA - no C-C double bonds Unsaturated FA - at least one C-C double bond Monounsaturated FA - only one C-C double bond Polyunsaturated FA - two or more C-C double bonds

7 Double bonds in fatty acids Double bonds are generally cis Position of double bonds indicated by  n, where n indicates lower numbered carbon of each pair Shorthand notation example: 20:4  5,8,11,14 ( total # carbons : # double bonds,  double bond positions )

8 Structure and nomenclature of fatty acids

9 Fatty acids are stored as triglycerols (triglycerides)

10 Glycerophospholipids The most abundant lipids in membranes Possess a glycerol backbone A phosphate is esterified to both glycerol and another compound bearing an -OH group Phosphatidates are glycerophospholipids with two fatty acid groups esterified to C-1 and C-2 of glycerol 3-phosphate

11 (a) Glycerol 3-P and (b) phosphatidate

12 Structures of glycerophospholipids (a) Phosphatidyl ethanolamine (b) Phosphatidyl serine (c) Phosphatidylcholine


14 Phospholipases hydrolyze phospholipids

15 Structure of an ethanolamine plasmalogen Plasmalogens - C-1 hydrocarbon substituent attached by a vinyl ether linkage (not ester linkage)

16 Sphingolipids Sphingolipids - sphingosine (trans-4-sphingenine) is the backbone (abundant in central nervous system tissues ) Ceramides - fatty acyl group linked to C-2 of sphingosine by an amide bond Sphingomyelins - phosphocholine attached to C-1 of ceramide

17 Structure of a galactocerebroside

18 Steroids Classified as isoprenoids - related to 5- carbon isoprene (found in membranes of eukaryotes) Steroids contain four fused ring systems: 3- six carbon rings (A,B,C) and a 5-carbon D ring Ring system is nearly planar Substituents point either down (  ) or up (  )

19 Cholesteryl ester

20 Other Biologically Important Lipids Waxes are nonpolar esters of long-chain fatty acids and long chain monohydroxylic alcohols Waxes are very water insoluble and high melting They are widely distributed in nature as protective waterproof coatings on leaves, fruits, animal skin, fur, feathers and exoskeletons

21 Myricyl palmitate, a wax

22 Biological Membranes Are Composed of Lipid Bilayers and Proteins Biological membranes define the external boundaries of cells and separate cellular compartments A biological membrane consists of proteins embedded in or associated with a lipid bilayer

23 Several important functions of membranes Some membranes contain protein pumps for ions or small molecules Some membranes generate proton gradients for ATP production Membrane receptors respond to extracellular signals and communicate them to the cell interior

24 Lipid Bilayers Lipid bilayers are the structural basis for all biological membranes Noncovalent interactions among lipid molecules make them flexible and self-sealing Polar head groups contact aqueous medium Nonpolar tails point toward the interior

25 Membrane lipid and bilayer

26 Fluid Mosaic Model of Biological Membranes Fluid mosaic model - membrane proteins and lipids can rapidly diffuse laterally or rotate within the bilayer (proteins “float” in a lipid-bilayer sea) Membranes: ~25-50% lipid and 50-75% proteins Lipids include phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, cholesterol (in some eukaryotes) Compositions of biological membranes vary considerably among species and cell types

27 Structure of a typical eukaryotic plasma membrane

28 Lipid Bilayers and Membranes Are Dynamic Structures (a)Lateral diffusion is very rapid (b) Transverse diffusion (flip-flop) is very slow

29 Phase transition of a lipid bilayer Fluid properties of bilayers depend upon the flexibility of their fatty acid chains


31 Three Classes of Membrane Proteins (1) Integral membrane proteins (or intrinsic proteins or trans-membrane proteins) (2) Peripheral membrane proteins (3) Lipid-anchored membrane proteins

32 Lipid-anchored membrane proteins

33 Membrane Transport Three types of integral membrane protein transport: (1) Channels and pores (2) Passive transporters (3) Active transporters

34 Table 9.3 Characteristics of membrane transport

35 A. Pores and Channels Pores and channels are transmembrane proteins with a central passage for ions and small molecules Solutes of appropriate size, charge, and molecular structure can diffuse down a concentration gradient Process requires no energy Rate may approach diffusion-controlled limit

36 Membrane transport through a pore or channel Central passage allows molecules and ions of certain size, charge and geometry to transverse the membrane

37 B. Passive Transport Passive transport (facilitated diffusion) does not require an energy source Protein binds solutes and transports them down a concentration gradient

38 Types of passive transport systems Uniport - transporter carries only a single type of solute Some transporters carry out cotransport of two solutes, either in the same direction (symport) or in opposite directions (antiport)

39 Kinetics of passive transport Initial rate of transport increases until a maximum is reached (site is saturated)

40 C. Active Transport Transport requires energy to move a solute up its concentration gradient Transport of charged molecules or ions may result in a charge gradient across the membrane

41 Types of active transport Primary active transport is powered by a direct source of energy as ATP, light or electron transport Secondary active transport is driven by an ion concentration gradient

42 Primary active transport protein function Protein binds specific substrate, conformational change allows molecule or ion to be released on the other side of the membrane

43 Secondary active transport in E. coli Oxidation of S red generates a transmembrane proton gradient Movement of H + down its gradient drives lactose transport (lactose permease)

44 Secondary active transport in animals: Na + -K + ATPase Na + gradient (Na + -K + ATPase) drives glucose transport


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